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An interesting AI hackathon on cancer data. It is free plus prize and cash! Try to join (注册链接andflyer).

Our latest publication, entitled "使用批处理三胞胎神经网络整合数百万转录组,,,,“is published in Nature Machine Intelligence! Nature Machine Intelligence is a new high-impact journal in machine learning and artificial intelligence. We developed INSCT, a novel deep learning algorithm to integrate millions of single-cell transcriptomes in a batch-aware manner. (06-21-2021)

Our latest COVID-19 research work, entitled " Association of CXCR6 with COVID-19 severity: Delineating the host genetic factors in transcriptomic regulation," has been published in Human Genetics! In this work, for the first time,we pinpointed the host genetic factor on C-X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 6 (CXCR6) expression in immune cells is associated with the severity of COVID-19 symptoms。这一发现也由医学媒体并由其他一些研究提到,包括 -,,,,

Zhao博士是2021年Facebase Scientific会议(虚拟)的演讲者。他的谈话标题:“一种用于研究颅面发育过程中转录因子和microRNA的动态共同调节的发展阶段的网络方法”。(06-15-2021)


Dr. Zhao has received a new R01 grant from NIH/NICDR entitled "Deep learning for decoding genetic regulation and cellular maps in craniofacial development." (04-01-2021)

博士学位候选人阿斯特里德·曼努埃尔(Astrid Manuel)再次被授予她的NIH/NLM奖学金!出色的工作,做得很好!恭喜阿斯特丽德!(04-06-2021)


PhD候选人方芬Yan在SBMI获得了Doris Ross奖学金。恭喜,方芬!(01-26-2021)

博士。Zhao and Pei’s abstract, “Gene expression imputation in human brain with spatiotemporal precision and cell-type specificity and its implications for 13 brain-associated disorders or traits,” was selected as the oral presentation in 2020 World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG 2020) (10-20-2020)

欢迎Hyun-Hwan Jeong博士加入Zhao博士的实验室和CPH,担任研究助理教授!beplay苹果手机能用吗(09-01-2020)


Dr. Zhao has received an R01 grant from NIH/NICDR entitled "Role of cellular metabolism in palate morphogenesis." (multiple PIs Dr. Junich Iwata and Dr. Zhao) (07-01-2020)

恭喜,阿斯特丽德!Astrid已被Uthealth Biomedical Informatics奖学金委员会选中,以获得享有声望的SBMI Dean卓越奖学金。Uthealth生物医学信息学学院(SBMI)院长的卓越基金授予具有强大信息能力的SBMI学生,并被视为信息学领域的潜在领导者。(05-14-2020)

恭喜,阿斯特丽德!As a PhD student at SBMI, Astrid was recently named a fellow in the National Library of Medicine (NLM) Training Program in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science. The timeline for her fellowship is July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021 and her project title is “Innovating Drug Repositioning Strategies for Drug Targets Linked Between Multiple Sclerosis and Blood Cancers.” Professor Zhongming Zhao, PhD and Assistant Professor Assaf Gottlieb, PhD serve as her fellowship mentors. (04-17-2020)

Congratulations, Astrid ! As a graduate student in the first year, Astrid has already had one first author manuscript accepted, and presented in the Schull Institute Symposium as an oral presentation last month. And now, she received the Schull Institute Summer Program scholarship. (04-03-2019).

Welcome Dr. Lukas Simon to join Dr. Zhao’s lab and CPH as a Research Assistant Professor. Lukas received his PhD in Structural and Computational Biology and Molecular Biophysics from Baylor College of Medicine in 2016 and then joined德国计算生物学研究所作为博士后。Lukas is an expert in single cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq). He has published three Nature Communications papers in the last four months, including one for scRNA-seq method and other for an atlas of the aging lung. (04-01-2019)

Our article "VirusFinder: Software for Efficient and Accurate Detection of Viruses and Their Integration Sites in Host Genomes through Next Generation Sequencing Data" is among the top 10% most cited PLOS ONE articles with 12,682 viewed and 40 citations. (06-30-2017)

The supplement of “Selected articles from the International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM) 2015: systems biology” has been published in BMC Genomics and BMC Systems Biology. The full content of the supplement can be found at ( (08-26-2016)

Our SZGR has been moved to the following address: our lab moved to the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. The database has been updated. Users please contact us if you have any questions. (03.15.2016)

Feixiong Cheng博士被誉为2014/2015年度范德比尔特年度大奖赛奖的决赛入围者之一。恭喜!(04-23-2015)

我们的论文题为“Functional consequences of somatic mutations in cancer using protein pocket-based prioritization approach" appeared in Genome Medicine was Editors' pick(10-17-2014).

Media report: "Bradfords' strong support bolsters melanoma research“出现在VUMC记者(09-25-2014)中

Media report: "VU study reveals shared pathways in psychiatric disorders“appeared in the VUMC reporter (09-18-2014)

我们的论文题为“ Varwalker:下一代测序数据的假定癌症基因的个性化突变网络分析”,建议通过Drug discovery clues in network map“出现在VUMC记者(08-01-2014)中

由卢森堡国际/移动性前卫支持的访问的博士后,萨布丽娜·弗里塔(Sabrina Fritah)博士到达了我们的实验室。欢迎!(2014年7月28日)。


We welcome two new persons: Dr. Francisco Azuaje as a visiting scientist from Luxembourg, and Christen Parzych as our new Program Coordinator. Welcome!(05-01-2014).

我们的论文题为“Network-assisted prediction of potential drugs for addiction“是在审视AMIA TBI转化生物信息学(04-09-2014)中选择的约30篇论文之一。

Media report: "网络工具速度肺动脉高压发现“ VUMC记者(03-05-2014)


Our recent paper entitled "An evidence-based knowledgebase of pulmonary arterial hypertension to identify genes and pathways relevant to pathogenesis" in分子生物系统was recommended byVanderbilt School of Medicine moves into top 10 in NIH funding(01-23-2014)

Dr. Wei Jiang joined our lab as a postdoc fellow. Welcome! (01-16-2014)

Zhao博士在IEEE BIBM 2013会议上发表了一场邀请的演讲。谈话标题:“一种个性化突变网络方法,用于从下一代测序数据中检测推定的癌症基因”(12-20-2013)

PLOS计算生物学接受了Jia博士的手稿,标题为“ Varwalker:来自下一代测序数据的假定癌症基因的个性化突变网络分析”。恭喜!(2013年12月17日)

“卵巢癌中的分子电路” - 我们的卵巢癌调节网络纸突显了

我们发表在基因组研究中的工作被强调为beplay苹果手机能用吗9月号的封面故事and in


International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM 2013), was successfully held on August 11-13, 2013, Nashville, TN, USA. Thanks for all the participants and volunteers. (08-13-13)

Dr. Zhao will present in upcoming Cold Spring Harbor Asia Conference on Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, The Second International Conference on Translational Biomedical Informatics (ICTBI 2013), etc. (08-09-2013)



Dr. Zhao was an invited lecturer in Network Medicine Nanocourse, The Harvard Clinical & Translational Science Center, Harvard University (06-04-2013)


蒂姆·奥布莱恩(Tim O'Brien)先生获得了HGEN培训计划的NIH Predoc奖学金。恭喜!(05-12-2013)

两名博士生蒂姆·奥布莱恩(Tim O'Brien)和摩根·哈雷尔(Morgan Harrell)加入了我们的实验室。欢迎!(05-02-2013)

Junfeng Xia博士在我们的实验室工作了2。5年后,开始了他的教师职位。恭喜!(04-15-2013)


Dr. Feixing Cheng joined our lab as a postdoc. Welcome! (04-01-2013)

Dr. Carlos Lopez, an assistant professor of systems biology, visited our lab and delivered his talk in cancer systems biology. (03-26-2013)

博士。Zhongming Zhao,Peilin Jia,Huy Vuoung和Qingguo Wang在研讨会“下一代测序的工具和应用程序”中介绍,2013年UT-ERNL-KRBRIN生物信息信息峰会。下载研讨会计划,并在此处查看会议网站。另外,我们还有其他三个海报演示。(03-25-2013)

Dr. Tony Capra, an assistant professor in CHGR, visited our lab and delivered his talk "Integrating Genome-scale Data to Predict the Effect of Human-specific Noncoding Mutations" (03-20-2013)

“Tools and Applications for Next-Generation Sequencing" workshop by Drs. Zhongming Zhao, Peilin Jia, Huy Vuong, and Qingguo Wang was held in Vanderbilt Medical Center (03-20-2013)

约翰·霍普金斯大学(Johns Hopkins University)的生物信息学副教授江·齐安(Jiang Qian)博士访问了我们,并发表了他的演讲“基因调节和信号网络的全球分析”(03-13-2013)

华盛顿大学医学院基因组科学副教授Jay Shendure博士在范德比尔特(03-12-2013)发表了他的演讲“下一代人类遗传学”

Zhao博士是NSF EPSCOR生物信息学研讨会的受邀发言人(03-05-2013)

Xingyi Guo博士加入我们的实验室,担任研究助理教授。beplay苹果手机能用吗欢迎!(03-01-2013)

克里斯塔尔·托西(Krystal Tsosie)女士加入了我们的实验室进行旋转项目。欢迎!(02-28-2013)

国际智能生物学与医学会议(ICIBM 2013)将于2013年8月11日至13日在美国纳什维尔举行。单击此处查看论文(01-03-13)


Zhao博士是第一届国际转化生物医学信息学会议(ICTBI 2012)(12-10-12)的全体发言人(12-10-12)

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker in Department of Biostatistics Seminar Series, Virginia Commonwealth University (11-30-12)

Dr. Zhao was a platform speaker in The 62th Annual Meeting of The American Society of Human Genetics (11-08-12)

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker in Bradley Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Virginia Tech (10-26-12)

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker in Center for Health Informatics and Bioinformatics, New York University Langone Medical Center (10-25-12)

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker in School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University, Bloomington (10-16-12)


Dr. Zhao was a keynote speaker in Workshop on Data-Mining of Next Generation Sequencing, IEEE BIBM'12 (10-04-12)

Mr. Timothy O'Brien joined our lab as a NIH Predoctoral Fellow for his rotation project. Welcome! (10-2012)

Soochow University的Junfeng Jiang先生加入了我们的实验室,成为一名访问博士生。欢迎!(09-01-2012)

Dr. Huy Vuong from University of Michigan joined our lab as a NLH/NLM Postdoctoral Fellow. Welcome! (09-01-2012)

达尔文·富(Darwin Fu)先生加入了我们的实验室,担任NIH的旋转项目。欢迎!(2012年9月9日)

来自斯坦福大学的Ramkrishna Mitra博士加入了我们的实验室博士后研究员。欢迎!(08-16-2012)

Zhao博士是约翰·霍普金斯大学(John Hopkins University)的利伯大脑发展研究所(08-14-12)的邀请发言人

Network approach yields glioblastoma clues“ - 我们最近出版的作品PLoS Computational Biologywas included inMNT (Medical News Today),,,,MedicalXpress,,,,EurekAlert AAAS Cancer Research News,,,,VUMC记者,,,,F1000 recommendation,,,,among others.

我们最近基于基因组测序的论文,标题为“黑色素瘤中的BRAF L597突变与对MEK抑制剂的敏感性有关”。期刊封面页,,,,诊所的基因组学。((7-2-12)




Bing Wang博士在中国接受了教授职位。恭喜!(04-30-12)

The International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (2012) was successfully held on April 22-24, 2012 at Vanderbilt. Here is the link.


我们最近发表在J Med Genetics(MedLinx site(2011年12月12日)

我们的旋转学生丹尼尔Putman先生赢得了美国证券交易委员会(Sec)ond Prize in the Best Student Paper Award Competition, based on his rotation work in our lab, in the AMIA 2011 Annual Symposium, October 22-26, 2011. Congratulations! (10-23-2011)


Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker in University of Nebraska Medical Center (10-19-2011)

Zhao博士是2011年Informatics Day的全体发言人,2011年10月17日,密苏里州哥伦比亚大学

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker in the XIXth World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics (WCPG). (9-12-2011).

根据我们的前轮换学生丹·普特曼(Dan Putman)先生的工作,该论文被选为Amia学生最佳纸质比赛的决赛入围者之一。DBMI培训计划主任辛迪·加德(Cindy Gadd)博士补充说:“您的第一个研究旋转项目成为Amia学生纸决赛入围者 - 这是第一个!恭喜!”(beplay苹果手机能用吗9-8-2011)。

亚历克斯·菲什(Alex Fish)女士以范德比尔特(Vanderbilt)的IGP轮换学生加入了我们的实验室。欢迎!(9-7-2011)

Considering that our major research shifts to systems and translational medicine, we renamed our laboratory to Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine Laboratory (BSML). (9-2-2011).

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker in the Department of Biomedical Informatics, Ohio State University. (8-30-2011).


Dr. Bing Wang from University of Louisville joined our lab as a Postdoc Fellow. Welcome! (8-1-2011)

Zhao博士是国际癌症系统生物学研讨会的邀请发言人(ICSB 2011)。(7-3-2011)。

由我们的轮换学生丹·普特曼(Dan Putman)先生准备的手稿被阿米亚(Amia)接受。恭喜!(6-20-2011)。

Dr. Zhao was a speaker in the Fourth Summit on Systems Biology, Richmond, VA (6-17-2011).

Mr. Paul Hart joined our lab as an NIH/NLM Summer Intern Fellow. Welcome! (6-15-2011)

Jingchun Sun博士被提升为DBMI的研究讲师。beplay苹果手机能用吗恭喜!庆祝聚会将于6月23日(2011年5月16日)举行

Dr. Qingguo Wang from University of Missouri joined our lab as a Postdoc Fellow. Welcome! (5-16-2011)

Dr. Peilin Jia is one of the finalists for the 2010/2011 Vanderbilt Postdoc of the Year Award. Congratulations! (4-26-2011)

Siyuan Zheng博士在第10届年度UT-ERNL-KBRIN生物信息学峰会(4/2/2011)中对HCC数据的网络分析进行了口头介绍。

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker in the Greehey Children's Cancer Research Institute, The University of Texas at San Antonio (3-7-2011).

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker in the Biostatistics Branch at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (2-15-2011).

我们2010年的暑期实习生Jian Tian先生是IJCBDD最近发表的一篇论文的合着者。恭喜!(1-20-2011)。

博士后研究员Peilin Jia博士在我们的实验室中获得了2011年Narsad年轻调查员奖的获得者!(12-30-2010)。

Dr. Jingchun Sun, postdoctoral fellow, in our lab was the recipient of the 2011 NARSAD Young Investigator Award Congratulations! (12-30-2010).


我们最近出版的合作工作Cancer Cell在VUMC记者(12-10-2010)中进行了记录。

Zhao博士加入了编辑委员会PLOS ONE(12-03-2010)

Our recent paper appeared in Bioinformatics was selected and evaluated by the Faculty of 1000 (F1000) who placed our work in their library of the top 2% of published articles in biology and medicine.请参阅此处的链接。(2010年11月26日)

Congratulations to Ketaki, Bioinformatics intern at BRC for getting a job in Bioinformatics core at University of Illinois, Chicago. Her farewell was held on Wednesday (11-16-2010).

Professor John Quackenbush from Harvard University visited VICC and presented his work entitled "Network and state space models: Science and science fiction approaches to cell fate predictions" (11-12-2010).

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker by the Wilmer Eye Institute and the Visual Neuroscience Training Program (VNTP) at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (11-02-2010).

Dr. Zhao was chosen to receive the Nick Norgan Award 2010, as lead author of the best paper published in Annals of Human Biology during 2009 (10-14-2010).

Dr. Zhao was an invited speaker at the Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University (10-22-2010).

癌症2.0- 利用癌症研究与护理的计算能力(06-17-2010)beplay苹果手机能用吗


• Positions available now:

Bioinformatics Engineer I in BSBL (closed)





我们欢迎四位新成员(Chunling Wan - Postdoc Fellow; Jian Tian - NIH/NLM Summer Intern Fellow; Satishkumar Ganakammal - Bioinformatics Engineer I; and Ketaki Bhide - Bioinformatics Engineer Intern). A welcome lunch meeting will be held on June 11, 2010 in the BRC room (6/8/2010)

Jingchun Sun博士被提名为年度范德比尔特博士后。恭喜!(2010年4月20日)

两名成员(Peilin Jia和Zhongming Zhao)在UT-ERNL-KBRIN生物信息学峰会(3/20/2010)介绍了他们的作品

Our collaborator's Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C) grant was funded to support the next generation of cancer researchers VUMC Reporter (12/18/2009)

“Getting gene priorities in order". Our work appeared in Bioinformatics (Sun et al. 2009) was highlighted in the VUMC Reporter -Aliquots (11/20/09)

“如果老鼠可以说话”。自然记者Erika Check Hayden于2009年10月22日强调了我们的合作者的作品,出现在Nature Blog中

Ms. Dedeepya Vaka joined the Bioinformatics Group in VMSR. Welcome! (11/1/09)

Anyuan Guo博士接受了华Zhong科学技术大学的完整教授职位。恭喜!(10/1/09)

上海生物科学学院的Siyuan Zheng博士,中国科学院加入了我们的实验室博士后研究员。欢迎!(9/25/09)


• The following databases are available now:
- Ethanol Related Gene Resource: ERGR
- Schizophrenia Gene Resource: SZGR
- Recent publications:
Sun J,Wan C,Jia P,Fanous AH,Kendler KS,Riley BP,Zhao Z(2010)Systems Biology方法的应用确定并验证GRB2在爱尔兰精神分裂症(ICCSS)样本的爱尔兰案例控制研究中作为精神分裂症的风险基因
