*支持数据的摘要文件1。1099511 s1。txt总结所有联系的最终网络(FinalNet)。有14列代表对数似然得分从每一个不同的数据集或集成的步骤,最后一列代表最后综合得分(更高的分数更有信心)。坳1 - ORF 1 col 2 - ORF 2坳3 -对数似然得分从mRNA co-expression证据坳4 -对数似然得分从co-citation证据坳5 -似然得分从卡扎菲Gavin et al .(2002)中6 -对数似然得分从et al。(2002)坳7 -对数似然得分从Ito et al .(2000)坳8 -对数似然得分从系统发育分析证据坳9 -日志似然得分从基因融合证据坳10 -日志似然得分从浸小规模实验坳11 -日志似然得分从通et al .(2001)坳12 -日志似然得分从通et al .(2002)坳13 -对数似然得分会继续光顾et al。(2000)坳14 -对数似然得分从IntNet(初始综合网络)坳15 -日志似然得分从ContextNet(联系上下文)坳16 -日志似然得分从FinalNet(最终网络)与重要的日志235222联系可能性评分(> = ln(1.5) ~ 0.4)在最后提出了网络。自信的文章所讨论的交互集(ConfidentNet)由最高排名34000的交互。所有小于ln对数似然得分(1.5)以NA表示。2。1099511 s2.txt;五十五集群代表酵母在层次结构的顶层功能模块。 Each cluster is annotated by its dominant MIPS protein functional category (chosen from the 12 top level MIPS categories) with its associated code number: 01 Metabolism 02 Energy 03 Cell cycle & DNA processing 04 Transcription/RNA processing/RNA transport 05 Protein synthesis 06 Protein fate 08 Cellular transport 10 Cell communication/Signal transduction 11 Cell rescue/defense 13 Regulation/integration with environment 14 Cell fate 00 Not clear Each gene is also annotated by its associated Gene Ontology (GO) biological process and cellular component annotation. 3. 1099511s3.txt Same as above but 627 clusters chosen at the level of the hierarchy with the best modularity (See explanation in supplemental methods). 4. 1099511s4.wrl Three dimensional network layout of the 18 major gene clusters (representing functional modules) out of the 54 top level clusters. This file is viewable by any VRML viewer (see below to get one of them). Here we present only the 50 strongest inter-module linkages to minimize complexity. Node size is proportional to the number of genes in the corresponding cluster and the length of an edge indicates the relative connection strength between the linked clusters (details in supplemental methods). Representative functions are presented as different node colors and shapes (see Figure 4 in the text for the legend). The numbers on nodes correspond to cluster identification numbers in yeast_54clusters.txt. 5. 1099511s5.wrl Same as above but with the 564 major clusters from the 627 cluster set. Here we also reduce complexity by presenting only the strongest 950 inter-module linkages. The numbers on nodes correspond to cluster identification numbers in yeast_627clusters.txt. * Instructions for viewing 3D network layout files (.wrl files) The files should be viewable with any VRML viewer. For example, a free Web browser plug-in 3D viewer can be downloaded from the following URL: http://www.parallelgraphics.com/products/cortona/ After installation of Cortona VRML client, simply double click wrl file. Other viewers are available from: http://www.web3d.org