GeneID 11068
Symbol CYB561D2
Synonyms 101F6|TSP10|XXcos-LUCA11.4
Description cytochrome b561 family member D2
Reference MIM:607068|HGNC:HGNC:30253|Ensembl:ENSG00000114395|Ensembl:ENSG00000271858|HPRD:06143|Vega:OTTHUMG00000156813
Gene type protein-coding
Map location 3p21.3
Pascal p-value 0.15
Sherlock p-value 0.449
Fetal beta -0.76
DMG 2 (# studies)

Gene in Data Sources
Gene set name Method of gene set Description Info
DMG:Jaffe_2016 Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis This dataset includes 2,104 probes/CpGs associated with SZ patients (n=108) compared to 136 controls at Bonferroni-adjusted P < 0.05. 2
DMG:vanEijk_2014 Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis This dataset includes 432 differentially methylated CpG sites corresponding to 391 unique transcripts between schizophrenia patients (n=260) and unaffected controls (n=250). 2

Section I. Genetics and epigenetics annotation

@Differentially methylated gene

Probe Chromosome Position Nearest gene P (dis) Beta (dis) FDR (dis) Study
cg16470957 3 50388565 CYB561D2 6.56E-10 -0.016 9.57E-7 DMG:Jaffe_2016
cg14358502 3 50337045 CYB561D2 9.96E-5 2.62 DMG:vanEijk_2014

Section II. Transcriptome annotation

General gene expression (GTEx)

Not available

Gene expression during devlopment (BrainCloud)

A total of 269 time points ploted, with n=38 fetal samples (x=1:38). Each triangle represents one time point.

Gene expression of temporal and spatial changes (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
某fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes the lower 25% and upper 25% of the expression distribution.

Top co-expressed genes in brain regions

Top 10 positively co-expressed genes
Gene Pearson's Correlation Spearman's Correlation
IL6ST 0.84 0.86
KIAA0494 0.83 0.85
ADAM9 0.82 0.84
MPP5 0.82 0.85
UTRN 0.81 0.85
ITGAV 0.81 0.82
ACAP2 0.80 0.77
ARHGAP5 0.80 0.79
ERMP1 0.80 0.85
RNF141 0.79 0.75
Top 10 negatively co-expressed genes
Gene Pearson's Correlation Spearman's Correlation
RPL36 -0.45 -0.57
RPL35 -0.44 -0.54
RPL27 -0.43 -0.54
RPS21 -0.43 -0.57
SSR4 -0.43 -0.50
RPLP1 -0.43 -0.53
SNHG12 -0.43 -0.53
NR2C2AP -0.43 -0.40
RPS10 -0.42 -0.50
RPLP2 -0.42 -0.53

Section V. Pathway annotation

Pathway name Pathway size # SZGR 2.0 genes in pathway Info
DODD NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA UP 1821 933 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
PEREZ TP53 TARGETS 1174 695 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
HESSON TUMOR SUPPRESSOR CLUSTER 3P21 3 7 5 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BENPORATH MYC MAX TARGETS 775 494 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
PENG LEUCINE DEPRIVATION UP 142 93 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
RADAEVA RESPONSE TO IFNA1 UP 52 40 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MUNSHI MULTIPLE MYELOMA UP 81 52 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
KAAB HEART ATRIUM VS VENTRICLE UP 249 170 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
ACEVEDO肝癌了 973 570 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MILI PSEUDOPODIA HAPTOTAXIS DN 668 419 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
DANG BOUND BY MYC 1103 714 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MARTENS TRETINOIN RESPONSE DN 841 431 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
LU EZH2 TARGETS UP 295 155 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway