GeneID 151651
Symbol EFHB
Synonyms CFAP21
Description EF-hand domain family member B
Reference HGNC:HGNC:26330|Ensembl:ENSG00000163576|HPRD:08054|Vega:OTTHUMG00000150505
Gene type protein-coding
Map location 3p24.3
Pascal p-value 0.014
eGene Anterior cingulate cortex BA24
Caudate basal ganglia
Cerebellar Hemisphere
Frontal Cortex BA9
Nucleus accumbens basal ganglia
Putamen basal ganglia
Myers' cis & trans

Gene in Data Sources
Gene set name Method of gene set Description Info
CV:PGCnp Genome-wide Association Study GWAS
GSMA_I Genome scan meta-analysis Psr: 0.006

Section I. Genetics and epigenetics annotation

@eQTL annotation

SNP ID Chromosome Position eGene Gene Entrez ID pvalue qvalue TSS distance eQTL type
rs4103004 chr3 20042833 EFHB 151651 0.03 cis
rs1578978 chr8 118196802 EFHB 151651 0.07 trans
rs6798420 3 19983360 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.194E-7 0 5157 gtex_brain_ba24
rs71316239 3 19983631 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.198E-7 0 4886 gtex_brain_ba24
rs7434271 3 19985778 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.992E-7 0 2739 gtex_brain_ba24
rs4610240 3 19985955 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.282E-7 0 2562 gtex_brain_ba24
rs13097697 3 19986489 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.282E-7 0 2028 gtex_brain_ba24
rs1133328 3 19987539 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.812E-14 0 978 gtex_brain_ba24
rs11128927 3 19988437 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.266E-12 0 80 gtex_brain_ba24
rs11128928 3 19990813 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.036E-7 0 -2296 gtex_brain_ba24
rs17181400 3 19992137 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.35E-7 0 -3620 gtex_brain_ba24
rs59608170 3 19993083 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.308E-7 0 -4566 gtex_brain_ba24
rs13098388 3 19995799 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.353E-7 0 -7282 gtex_brain_ba24
rs11128929 3 19996373 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.036E-7 0 -7856 gtex_brain_ba24
rs68018818 3 20000934 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.036E-7 0 -12417 gtex_brain_ba24
rs34305656 3 20001837 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.35E-7 0 -13320 gtex_brain_ba24
rs13070135 3 20003188 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.59E-6 0 -14671 gtex_brain_ba24
rs13070536 3 20003189 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.59E-6 0 -14672 gtex_brain_ba24
rs7618928 3 20003809 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.761E-7 0 -15292 gtex_brain_ba24
rs17796115 3 20004260 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.35E-7 0 -15743 gtex_brain_ba24
rs13076973 3 20004455 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.35E-7 0 -15938 gtex_brain_ba24
rs12629485 3 20005281 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.032E-7 0 -16764 gtex_brain_ba24
rs35713165 3 20006346 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.036E-7 0 -17829 gtex_brain_ba24
rs13089853 3 20006903 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.036E-7 0 -18386 gtex_brain_ba24
rs7646128 3 20008994 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.35E-7 0 -20477 gtex_brain_ba24
rs7634934 3 20009231 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.35E-7 0 -20714 gtex_brain_ba24
rs7615145 3 20010037 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.35E-7 0 -21520 gtex_brain_ba24
rs6796425 3 20016593 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.299E-7 0 -28076 gtex_brain_ba24
rs13086159 3 20018135 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.626E-7 0 -29618 gtex_brain_ba24
rs17181862 3 20019470 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.35E-7 0 -30953 gtex_brain_ba24
rs1143451 3 20020154 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.35E-7 0 -31637 gtex_brain_ba24
rs35175665 3 20020861 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.036E-7 0 -32344 gtex_brain_ba24
rs11128930 3 20022050 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.036E-7 0 -33533 gtex_brain_ba24
rs34343204 3 20022595 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 8.036E-7 0 -34078 gtex_brain_ba24
rs77001658 3 20024269 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.081E-7 0 -35752 gtex_brain_ba24
rs11128931 3 20027708 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.801E-7 0 -39191 gtex_brain_ba24
rs34150278 3 20028612 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.039E-6 0 -40095 gtex_brain_ba24
rs34417128 3 20029081 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.075 e-6 0 -40564 gtex_brain_ba24
rs13078505 3 20029447 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.47E-7 0 -40930 gtex_brain_ba24
rs4103004 3 20042834 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.808E-9 0 -54317 gtex_brain_ba24
rs62279142 3 19965171 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.899E-6 0 23346 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs111345314 3 19965877 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.443E-6 0 22640 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62279143 3 19966199 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.465E-6 0 22318 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62279146 3 19967348 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.869E-6 0 21169 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs114995982 3 19969453 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.032E-6 0 19064 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs17180735 3 19973830 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.848E-6 0 14687 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs6798420 3 19983360 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.521E-7 0 5157 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62280069 3 19983452 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.561E-6 0 5065 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs71316239 3 19983631 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.514E-7 0 4886 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241269 3 19984160 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.56E-6 0 4357 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs17181086 3 19985618 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.554E-6 0 2899 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs7434271 3 19985778 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 6.527E-7 0 2739 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs4610240 3 19985955 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.496E-7 0 2562 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs13097697 3 19986489 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.496E-7 0 2028 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs1133328 3 19987539 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.729E-19 0 978 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs11128927 3 19988437 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 5.272E-19 0 80 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs56070425 3 19991487 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 7.784E-7 0 -2970 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs17181400 3 19992137 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.09E-6 0 -3620 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs11717172 3 19992312 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 7.428E-7 0 -3795 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs10510496 3 19992588 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 7.317E-7 0 -4071 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs59608170 3 19993083 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.09E-6 0 -4566 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241282 3 19993382 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 7.011E-7 0 -4865 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs80185919 3 19993673 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 6.905E-7 0 -5156 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241284 3 19995446 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -6929 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs145524739 3 19995516 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.378E-7 0 -6999 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs13098388 3 19995799 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.089E-6 0 -7282 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs17181547 3 19999504 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.371E-6 0 -10987 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241287 3 19999780 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -11263 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241288 3 20000228 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -11711 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs34305656 3 20001837 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.09E-6 0 -13320 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs77093173 3 20002147 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -13630 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs11715597 3 20003109 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -14592 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs7618928 3 20003809 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.743E-6 0 -15292 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs17796115 3 20004260 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.09E-6 0 -15743 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs13076973 3 20004455 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.09E-6 0 -15938 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs142063274 3 20006424 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 6.624E-7 0 -17907 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241291 3 20006761 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -18244 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241292 3 20007355 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -18838 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs7646128 3 20008994 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.09E-6 0 -20477 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs17796169 3 20009177 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -20660 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs7634934 3 20009231 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.09E-6 0 -20714 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241293 3 20009689 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -21172 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs7615145 3 20010037 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.09E-6 0 -21520 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs202101955 3 20010522 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 5.116E-7 0 -22005 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241297 3 20012343 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.924E-7 0 -23826 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs200346355 3 20012703 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 6.647E-7 0 -24186 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs17796242 3 20013946 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.929E-7 0 -25429 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241298 3 20014238 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.929E-7 0 -25721 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241299 3 20014512 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.929E-7 0 -25995 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241315 3 20015486 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 5.376E-7 0 -26969 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs6796425 3 20016593 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.064E-6 0 -28076 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs13086159 3 20018135 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.535E-6 0 -29618 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs17181862 3 20019470 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.438E-6 0 -30953 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs1143451 3 20020154 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.09E-6 0 -31637 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs77001658 3 20024269 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.714E-6 0 -35752 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs11128931 3 20027708 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.198E-6 0 -39191 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241318 3 20028246 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 5.352E-7 0 -39729 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs34417128 3 20029081 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.422E-6 0 -40564 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs77731814 3 20029624 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 5.718E-7 0 -41107 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241319 3 20031729 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 6.48E-7 0 -43212 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241320 3 20032147 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 6.677E-7 0 -43630 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241323 3 20033186 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 7.3E-7 0 -44669 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs62241325 3 20036360 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.039E-6 0 -47843 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs12497083 3 20037117 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.14E-6 0 -48600 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs34914456 3 20041924 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.086E-6 0 -53407 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs4103004 3 20042834 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.067E-13 0 -54317 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs2948102 3 20045701 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 2.028E-13 0 -57184 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs35662929 3 20046636 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 4.04E-13 0 -58119 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs201933186 3 20046645 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 9.781E-7 0 -58128 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs6802632 3 20053676 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.866E-6 0 -65159 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs187314512 3 20054307 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.866E-6 0 -65790 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs2929409 3 20055990 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.692E-8 0 -67473 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs56232690 3 20058022 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.825E-6 0 -69505 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs138694025 3 20062183 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.787E-6 0 -73666 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs200174099 3 20062353 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.792E-6 0 -73836 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs11720698 3 20063620 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.772 e-6 0 -75103 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs6767657 3 20063773 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 1.494E-9 0 -75256 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs74406340 3 20064599 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.884E-6 0 -76082 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs17626752 3 20064998 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.866E-6 0 -76481 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs55941927 3 20065978 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 3.629E-6 0 -77461 gtex_brain_putamen_basal
rs11709453 3 20067661 EFHB ENSG00000163576.13 6.646E-7 0 -79144 gtex_brain_putamen_basal

Section II. Transcriptome annotation

General gene expression (GTEx)

Not available

Gene expression of temporal and spatial changes (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
ST1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes the lower 25% and upper 25% of the expression distribution.

No co-expressed genes in brain regions

Section III. Gene Ontology annotation

Molecular function GO term Evidence Neuro keywords PubMed ID
GO:0005509 calcium ion binding IEA -


Pathway name Pathway size # SZGR 2.0 genes in pathway Info
SENGUPTA NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA DN 349 157 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
DODD NASOPHARYNGEAL CARCINOMA UP 1821 933 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
LIU SMARCA4 TARGETS 64 39 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
CREIGHTON ENDOCRINE THERAPY RESISTANCE 2 473 224 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN ES ICP WITH H3K4ME3 718 401 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
RAO BOUND BY SALL4 ISOFORM B 517 302 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway