GeneID 348654
Symbol GEN1
Synonyms Gen
Description GEN1, Holliday junction 5' flap endonuclease
Reference MIM:612449|HGNC:HGNC:26881|Ensembl:ENSG00000178295|HPRD:08813|Vega:OTTHUMG00000121173
Gene type protein-coding
Map location 2p24.2
Pascal p-value 3.818E-4
eGene Caudate basal ganglia

Gene in Data Sources
Gene set name Method of gene set Description Info
CV:PGCnp Genome-wide Association Study GWAS

Section I. Genetics and epigenetics annotation

Section II. Transcriptome annotation

General gene expression (GTEx)

Not available

Gene expression of temporal and spatial changes (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
ST1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes the lower 25% and upper 25% of the expression distribution.

No co-expressed genes in brain regions

Section V. Pathway annotation

Pathway name Pathway size # SZGR 2.0 genes in pathway Info
PYEON HPV POSITIVE TUMORS UP 98 47 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
KINSEY TARGETS OF EWSR1 FLII FUSION UP 1278 748 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
LASTOWSKA神经母细胞瘤拷贝数 181 108 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
NUYTTEN EZH2 TARGETS DN 1024 594 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
WEI MYCN TARGETS WITH E BOX 795 478 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
GEORGES TARGETS OF MIR192 AND MIR215 893 528 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
TCGA GLIOBLASTOMA COPY NUMBER UP 75 36 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MARSON BOUND BY FOXP3 UNSTIMULATED 1229 713 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MARSON BOUND BY E2F4 UNSTIMULATED 728 415 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
IWANAGA CARCINOGENESIS BY KRAS PTEN DN 353 226 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
TOYOTA TARGETS OF MIR34B AND MIR34C 463 262 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
PYEON CANCER HEAD AND NECK VS CERVICAL UP 193 95 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
PEDERSEN METASTASIS BY ERBB2 ISOFORM 7 403 240 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway