GeneID 3645
Symbol INSRR
Synonyms IRR
Description insulin receptor-related receptor
Reference MIM:147671|HGNC:HGNC:6093|Ensembl:ENSG00000027644|HPRD:00976|Vega:OTTHUMG00000041291
Gene type protein-coding
Map location 1q21-q23
TADA p-value 0.024
Fetal beta -0.767
eGene Myers' cis & trans
Support CompositeSet

Gene in Data Sources
Gene set name Method of gene set Description Info
CV:PGCnp Genome-wide Association Study GWAS
DNM:Fromer_2014 Whole Exome Sequencing analysis This study reported a WES study of 623 schizophrenia trios, reporting DNMs using genomic DNA.
GSMA_I Genome scan meta-analysis Psr: 0.0235
GSMA_IIA Genome scan meta-analysis (All samples) Psr: 0.00814
GO_Annotation Mapping neuro-related keywords to Gene Ontology annotations Hits with neuro-related keywords: 1

Section I. Genetics and epigenetics annotation

@DNM table

Gene Chromosome Position Ref Alt Transcript AA change Mutation type Sift CG46 Trait Study
INSRR chr1 156824075 G A NM_001007792
Schizophrenia DNM:Fromer_2014

@eQTL annotation

SNP ID Chromosome Position eGene Gene Entrez ID pvalue qvalue TSS distance eQTL type
rs17799628 chr9 106442995 INSRR 3645 0.14 trans
rs10994209 chr10 61877705 INSRR 3645 0.09 trans

Section II. Transcriptome annotation

General gene expression (GTEx)

Not available

Gene expression during devlopment (BrainCloud)

A total of 269 time points ploted, with n=38 fetal samples (x=1:38). Each triangle represents one time point.

Gene expression of temporal and spatial changes (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
ST1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes the lower 25% and upper 25% of the expression distribution.

No co-expressed genes in brain regions

Section III. Gene Ontology annotation

Molecular function GO term Evidence Neuro keywords PubMed ID
GO:0004714 transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity NAS neurite (GO term level: 8) 10226785
GO:0000166 nucleotide binding IEA -
GO:0004872 receptor activity IEA -
GO:0005524 ATP binding IEA -
GO:0016740 transferase activity IEA -
Biological process GO term Evidence Neuro keywords PubMed ID
GO:0007169 跨膜受体蛋白酪氨酸激酶团体naling pathway NAS 10226785
GO:0006468 protein amino acid phosphorylation IEA -
Cellular component GO term Evidence Neuro keywords PubMed ID
GO:0016020 membrane IEA -
GO:0005887 integral to plasma membrane NAS 10226785

Section V. Pathway annotation

Pathway name Pathway size # SZGR 2.0 genes in pathway Info
KEGG REGULATION OF ACTIN CYTOSKELETON 216 144 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
KEGG PROSTATE CANCER 89 75 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
HATADA METHYLATED IN LUNG CANCER UP 390 236 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BENPORATH SUZ12 TARGETS 1038 678 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BENPORATH EED TARGETS 1062 725 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BENPORATH ES WITH H3K27ME3 1118 744 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BENPORATH PRC2 TARGETS 652 441 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
YOSHIMURA MAPK8 TARGETS UP 1305 895 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MEISSNER NPC HCP WITH H3 UNMETHYLATED 536 296 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MEISSNER BRAIN HCP WITH H3K27ME3 269 159 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
DING LUNG CANCER BY MUTATION RATE 20 18 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN MCV6 HCP WITH H3K27ME3 435 318 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN IPS WITH HCP H3K27ME3 102 76 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN ES HCP WITH H3K27ME3 41 30 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway