GeneID 65258
Symbol MPPE1
Synonyms PGAP5
Description metallophosphoesterase 1
Reference MIM:611900|HGNC:HGNC:15988|Ensembl:ENSG00000154889|HPRD:14734|Vega:OTTHUMG00000131661
Gene type protein-coding
Map location 18p11.21
Pascal p-value 0.066
Sherlock p-value 0.579
Fetal beta -0.812
DMG 1 (# studies)
eGene Cerebellar Hemisphere
Frontal Cortex BA9

Gene in Data Sources
Gene set name Method of gene set Description Info
CV:PGCnp Genome-wide Association Study GWAS
DMG:Nishioka_2013 Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis The authors investigated the methylation profiles of DNA in peripheral blood cells from 18 patients with first-episode schizophrenia (FESZ) and from 15 normal controls. 1

Section I. Genetics and epigenetics annotation

@Differentially methylated gene

Probe Chromosome Position Nearest gene P (dis) Beta (dis) FDR (dis) Study
cg02159896 18 11908181 MPPE1 -0.017 0.61 DMG:Nishioka_2013

Section II. Transcriptome annotation

General gene expression (GTEx)

Not available

Gene expression during devlopment (BrainCloud)

A total of 269 time points ploted, with n=38 fetal samples (x=1:38). Each triangle represents one time point.

Gene expression of temporal and spatial changes (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
圣1: fetal (13 - 26 postconception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes the lower 25% and upper 25% of the expression distribution.

No co-expressed genes in brain regions

Section V. Pathway annotation

Pathway name Pathway size # SZGR 2.0 genes in pathway Info
LIU SOX4 TARGETS UP 137 94 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MULLIGHAN MLL SIGNATURE 1 UP 380 236 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MULLIGHAN MLL SIGNATURE 2 UP 418 263 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
ABDULRAHMAN KIDNEY CANCER VHL DN 14 9 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
SCHLOSSER SERUM RESPONSE DN 712 443 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BUYTAERT PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY STRESS DN 637 377 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
YAGI AML FAB MARKERS 191 131 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
YAGI AML WITH T 8 21 TRANSLOCATION 368 247 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
YAGI AML WITH 11Q23 REARRANGED 351 238 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
PILON KLF1 TARGETS DN 1972 1213 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway