GeneID 79962
Symbol DNAJC22
Synonyms wus
Description DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C22
Reference HGNC:HGNC:25802|Ensembl:ENSG00000178401|HPRD:08580|Vega:OTTHUMG00000169487
Gene type protein-coding
Map location 12q13.12
Pascal p-value 0.047

Gene in Data Sources
Gene set name Method of gene set Description Info
CV:PGCnp Genome-wide Association Study GWAS

Section I. Genetics and epigenetics annotation

Section II. Transcriptome annotation

General gene expression (GTEx)

Not available

Gene expression of temporal and spatial changes (BrainSpan)

SC: sub-cortical regions; SM: sensory-motor regions; FC: frontal cortex; and TP: temporal-parietal cortex
死神:胎儿(13 - 26conception weeks), ST2: early infancy to late childhood (4 months to 11 years), and ST3: adolescence to adulthood (13 - 23 years)
The bar shown representes the lower 25% and upper 25% of the expression distribution.

No co-expressed genes in brain regions

Section V. Pathway annotation

Pathway name Pathway size # SZGR 2.0 genes in pathway Info
LUCAS HNF4A TARGETS UP 58 36 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
NUYTTEN EZH2 TARGETS DN 1024 594 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BENPORATH SUZ12 TARGETS 1038 678 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BENPORATH EED TARGETS 1062 725 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BENPORATH ES WITH H3K27ME3 1118 744 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BENPORATH PRC2 TARGETS 652 441 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
ROZANOV MMP14 TARGETS UP 266 171 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
KONDO PROSTATE CANCER HCP WITH H3K27ME3 97 72 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MILI PSEUDOPODIA HAPTOTAXIS DN 668 419 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
MIKKELSEN MEF HCP WITH H3K27ME3 590 403 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
DUTERTRE ESTRADIOL RESPONSE 24HR DN 505 328 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
PILON KLF1 TARGETS UP 504 321 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
BRUINS UVC RESPONSE VIA TP53 GROUP B 549 316 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
PEDERSEN METASTASIS BY ERBB2 ISOFORM 7 403 240 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway
DELACROIX RAR BOUND ES 462 273 All SZGR 2.0 genes in this pathway