
Summary of current version (05/01/2016):

1. SZ-associated SNPs: 3036 in total
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2. The SZ-associated SNPs mapped to 817 genes (exonic, intronic, and UTR3/5)
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3. The SZ-associated SNPs mapped to a total of 42 eSNPs in brain

  • As of 12/20/2015, annotation from RegulomeDB, RoadMap, ENCODE, and FANTOM5 were included.
  • In August 2015, we included PheWAS data.
  • In 07/21/2015, schizophrenia related SNPs from GWAS Catalog were included. Additional annotation such as enhancer, promoter, and gene expression is now available.
  • In 06/18/2015, we added spatiotemporal brain expression data from BRAINSPAN. We now allow users to search for gene expression. We also integrated visualization tools for gene co-expression distribution.
  • 在我们注释PGC2 03/20/2015SNPs using enhancer and promoter from RoadMap brain samples. We combined the following samples for brain tissues:
    • E071 Brain Hippocampus
    • E074 Brain Substantia Nigra
    • E068 Brain Anterior Caudate
    • E069 Brain Cingulate Gyrus
    • E072 Brain Inferior Temporal Lobe
    • E067 Brain Angular Gyrus
    • E073 Brain_Dorsolateral_Prefrontal_Cortex
    • E082 Fetal Brain Female
    • E081 Fetal Brain Male
  • In December 28, 2014, PGC2 significant SNPs were included in SZGR.

SZGR Version 1.0 Release (7855 genes in total)

Monday, May 25, 2009

The SZGR database contains 7855 genes in the current version 1.0 updated to 05/25/2009. New genes will be added in curation updates on a monthly basis. Please let us know if we have missed or incorrectly reported genes, or you have new genes related to schizophrenia by sending an e-mail tozhongming.zhao@uth.tmc.eduorpeilin.jia@uth.tmc.edu.

Copyright ©Bioinformatics and Systems Medicine LaboratoryAll Rights Reserved since 2009.