1 Am J Psychiatry 2002 11月159日:1921-6
PMID 12411229
Title Applications of errorless learning for improving work performance in persons with schizophrenia.
抽象的 Until recently, few training methods used in the psychosocial rehabilitation of persons with精神分裂症have taken into account the neurocognitive deficits common to this illness. The present study tested a training method called errorless learning (which theoretically compensates for neurocognitive impairments) for efficacy at teaching entry-level job tasks to persons with serious and persistent mental illness.
Sixty-five unemployed, clinically stable outpatients with精神分裂症或精神分裂症障碍随机分配给两项入门级职位任务的无误学习或常规教学(索引卡归档和厕所)TANK集会)。在模拟的研讨会中,在四个受试者的小组中进行了90-120分钟的培训。疗效 - 按照准确性,速度和整体生产率衡量,在训练后立即评估并进行3个月的随访评估。
无误的学习似乎是一种有用的培训方法精神分裂症。Future studies may wish to test its long-term durability by embedding it within supported employment programs.
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症,精神分裂症
2 哼。摩尔。基因。2003年10月12日:2431-48
PMID 12915444
Title 复合蛋白II对于小鼠的正常神经功能至关重要。
抽象的 复合蛋白(CPLXS)是突触囊泡释放的调节剂。在1岁时,CPLXII敲除(KO)小鼠看起来正常。但是,行为测试揭示了这些小鼠的运动和认知功能的潜在缺陷。我们在rotarod上发现了运动不足,并在莫里斯水迷宫(又有收购和逆转)和两选择性的游泳中学习缺陷TANK(逆转)。从大多数其他行为正常时,逆转学习缺陷尤其明显,这是从最早的测试时间出现的。CPLXII KO小鼠也未能在开放田中发展成人的探索行为模式,并在交互式美容行为中显示出缺陷。行为缺陷随着年龄的增长而恶化。例如,虽然rotarod的性能是正常的,直到10周,但从24周开始就受到了损害。同样,莫里斯水迷宫中的空间学习缺陷在8周时温和,但在1岁时发音。CPLXII KO小鼠中看到的缺陷并不是由于身体上的弱点,因为它们的跑步,游泳和抓地力没有受损。相反,小鼠似乎具有较高功能的缺陷。CPLXII KO小鼠中看到的缺陷与在亨廷顿氏病(HD)的R6/2模型中看到的缺陷非常相似,在亨廷顿氏病(HD)中可以看到CPLXII的进行性耗竭。这表明CPLXII的耗竭有助于R6/2小鼠的认知异常。 Given that decreased expression of CPLXII is seen in HD and精神分裂症患者,在运动,认知和精神症状并存的其他疾病中应考虑CPLXII耗竭的作用。
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症,精神分裂症
3 Psychol Med 2003 Apr 33: 433-42
PMID 12701664
Title “无误的学习”是否可以补偿精神分裂症患者的工作康复中的神经认知障碍?
抽象的 因为神经认知障碍精神分裂症appear to be 'rate limiting' in the acquisition of skills for community functioning, it is important to develop efficacious rehabilitative interventions that can compensate for these impairments. Procedures based on errorless learning may facilitate work rehabilitation because they effectively automate training of work and other skills, thereby reducing the cognitive burden on persons with精神分裂症
The present study examined the ability of a training method based on errorless learning to compensate for neurocognitive deficits in teaching two entry-level job tasks (index card filing and toilet-TANKassembly) to a sample of 54 unemployed, clinically stable精神分裂症和精神分裂症的门诊病人。参与者被随机分配给两个培训小组之一,无错误的学习诉常规试验类型的指导。在随机分组之前,所有受试者均已管理神经认知电池。训练后立即通过立即通过百分比精度得分评估工作任务绩效。
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症,精神分裂症
4 Psychol Med 2003 Apr 33: 433-42
PMID 12701664
Title “无误的学习”是否可以补偿精神分裂症患者的工作康复中的神经认知障碍?
抽象的 因为神经认知障碍精神分裂症appear to be 'rate limiting' in the acquisition of skills for community functioning, it is important to develop efficacious rehabilitative interventions that can compensate for these impairments. Procedures based on errorless learning may facilitate work rehabilitation because they effectively automate training of work and other skills, thereby reducing the cognitive burden on persons with精神分裂症
The present study examined the ability of a training method based on errorless learning to compensate for neurocognitive deficits in teaching two entry-level job tasks (index card filing and toilet-TANKassembly) to a sample of 54 unemployed, clinically stable精神分裂症和精神分裂症的门诊病人。参与者被随机分配给两个培训小组之一,无错误的学习诉常规试验类型的指导。在随机分组之前,所有受试者均已管理神经认知电池。训练后立即通过立即通过百分比精度得分评估工作任务绩效。
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症,精神分裂症
5 Schizophr Bull 2005 Jan 31: 67-72
PMID 15888426
Title 学习潜力和精神分裂症中工作技能获取的预测。
抽象的 这项研究检查了学习潜力的度量是否可以预测工作技能的获取精神分裂症除了单个行政评估提供的预测之外。五十七名门诊患者精神分裂症或精神分裂症障碍完成了威斯康星州卡分类测试的测试训练版本,以衡量其学习潜力。通过无误的学习或有关两种工作技能的传统教学(索引卡归档和厕所),门诊病人被随机分配给培训TANK集会)。培训后立即和3个月评估工作技能。通常,学习潜力高的患者在工作技能任务上表现更好。学习潜力解释了在工作技能培训后立即在参与者准确性的单个管理评估中,另外还有15%的差异,而培训后3个月,参与者准确性的另外13%的差异。这些发现表明,学习潜力的衡量标准有助于预测工作技能的获取,超出了单个管理评估的预测能力。
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症,精神分裂症
6 哼。摩尔。基因。2007年10月16日:2288-305
PMID 17652102
Title 复杂蛋白1敲除小鼠在社会行为中表现出明显的缺陷,但在认知上似乎是正常的。
抽象的 Complexins are presynaptic proteins that modulate neurotransmitter release. Abnormal expression of complexin 1 (Cplx1) is seen in several neurodegenerative and psychiatric disorders in which disturbed social behaviour is commonplace. These include Parkinsons's disease, Alzheimer's disease,精神分裂症, major depressive illness and bipolar disorder. We wondered whether changes in Cplx1 expression contribute to the psychiatric components of the diseases in which Cplx1 is dysregulated. To investigate this, we examined the cognitive and social behaviours of complexin 1 knockout mice (Cplx1(-/-)) mice. Cplx1(-/-) mice have a profound ataxia that limits their ability to perform co-ordinated motor tasks. Nevertheless, when we taught juvenile Cplx1(-/-) mice to swim, they showed no evidence of cognitive impairment in the two-choice swimTANK。相反,尽管CPLX1( - / - )小鼠中的嗅觉歧视是正常的,但CPLX1( - / - )小鼠在食品偏好任务的社交传播中失败了,这是另一种认知范式。这是由于社会互动异常而不是认知障碍,焦虑或新恐惧症。当我们直接测试社会行为时,CPLX1( - / - )小鼠未能证明对社会新颖性的偏爱。此外,在居民 - 侵袭器范式中,雄性CPLX1( - / - )小鼠未能显示出野生型男性对入侵者小鼠的典型攻击行为。我们的结果共同表明,除了已经描述的严重运动和探索性缺陷外,CPLX1( - / - )小鼠在社会行为方面还有明显的缺陷。因此,大脑中复合蛋白1水平的异常可能导致该蛋白失调的人类疾病的心理社会方面。
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症,精神分裂症
7 Behav. Brain Res. 2010 Dec 214: 417-22
PMID 20600350
Title Antipsychotic drugs prevent the motor hyperactivity induced by psychotomimetic MK-801 in zebrafish (Danio rerio).
抽象的 谷氨酸N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸(NMDA)受体拮抗剂,例如Dizocilpine(MK-801),诱发精神分裂症- 人类中的症状和啮齿动物的行为综合征,其特征是超型和定型作用,由抗精神病药拮抗。动物模型精神分裂症已建立并用于开发新的抗精神病药。在这项工作中,我们表征了MK-801的行为效应,并研究了典型和非典型抗精神病药物对运动活性的影响,以及MK-801在斑马鱼中诱导的超量质体的影响。MK-801(20 microM)增加了运动行为,通过线交叉数,行进距离和平均速度来衡量的运动行为TANK15、30和60分钟的暴露后测试。所有测试过的抗精神病药都在分析的所有参数和剂量上对MK-801诱导的多动症进行了应对,单独使用的剂量对自发的运动活性没有影响。结果表明,在MK-801引起的运动障碍逆转中,典型和非典型抗精神病药之间的特征相似。此外,在MK-801暴露的30分钟和60分钟内验证了抗焦虑作用,这在这项工作中未通过抗精神病药逆转。此外,仅使用MK-801给予时,仅引起抗焦虑反应的奥氮平就增强了后者对焦虑的影响。在这项工作中,我们证明了斑马鱼(一种易于使用动物模型)的价值,在开发出观察到的某些行为特征时精神分裂症,这可能表明一种新的药物筛查方法。
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症,精神分裂症
8 Prog. Neuropsychopharmacol. Biol. Psychiatry 2012 Mar 36: 258-63
PMID 22019856
Title 长期脯氨酸暴露引起的行为变化被斑马鱼中的抗精神病药逆转。
抽象的 prolin Hyperprolinemia是一种遗传疾病e metabolism and patients affected by this disease may present neurological manifestations, including seizures and cognitive dysfunctions. Moreover, an association between adulthood schizoaffective disorders and moderate hyperprolinemia has been reported. However, the mechanisms underlying these behavioral phenotypes still remain unclear. In the present study, we investigated the effect of proline treatments on behavioral parameters in zebrafish, such as locomotor activity, anxiety, and social interaction. Adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) were exposed to proline (1.5 and 3.0 mM) during 1h or 7 days (short- or long-term treatments, respectively). Short-term proline exposure did not promote significant changes on the behavioral parameters observed. Long-term exposure at 1.5 mM proline significantly increased the number of line crossing (47%), the total distance (29%), and the mean speed (33%) when compared to control group. A significant increase in the time spent in the upper portion of the testTANKwas also observed after this treatment (91%), which may be interpreted as an indicator of anxiolytic behavior. Proline at 1.5 mM also induced social interaction impairment (78%), when compared to the untreated group after long-term treatment. Moreover, these proline-induced behavioral changes in zebrafish were completely reversed by acute administration of an atypical antipsychotic drug (sulpiride), but not by a typical (haloperidol). These findings demonstrate that proline is able to induce精神分裂症-like symptoms in zebrafish, which reinforce the use of this species as a complementary vertebrate model for studying behavioral phenotypes associated with neurological dysfunctions characteristic of metabolic diseases.
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症,精神分裂症
9 int。J. Neuropsychopharmacol。2015年9月18日:PYV042
PMID 25899066
Title 精神病学生物标志物:从幻想到事实的旅程,这是2013年CINP智囊团的报告。
抽象的 A thinkTANKsponsored by the Collegium Internationale Neuropsychopharmacologium (CINP) debated the status and prospects of biological markers for psychiatric disorders, focusing on精神分裂症和主要的抑郁症。
Different types of biomarkers, appropriate sensitivity, specificity, and broad-based exploitability were discussed. Whilst a number of candidates are in the discovery phases, all will require replication in larger, real-life cohorts. Clinical cost-effectiveness also needs to be established.
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症,精神分裂症