1 Curr Neuropharmacol 2015 Jan 13: 101-21
PMID 26074746
Title Anabolic-androgenic steroid use and psychopathology in athletes. A systematic review.
Abstract The use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AASS) by professional and recreational athletes is increasing worldwide. The underlying motivations are mainly performance enhancement and body image improvement. AAS abuse and dependence, which are specifically classified and coded by the DSM-5, are not uncommon. AAS-using athletes are frequently present with psychiatric symptoms and disorders, mainly somatoform and eating, but also mood, andschizophrenia-related disorders. Some psychiatric disorders are typical of athletes, like muscle dysmorphia. This raises the issue of whether AAS use causes these disorders in athletes, by determining neuroadaptive changes in the reward neural circuit or by exacerbating stress vulnerability, or rather these are athletes with premorbid abnormal personalities or a history of psychiatric disorders who are attracted to AAS use, prompted by the desire to improve their appearance and control their weights. This may predispose to eating disorders, butAASS与longt也显示情绪不稳定的影响,erm use inducing depression and short-term hypomania; withdrawal/discontinuation may be accompanied by depression. The effects ofAASSon anxiety behavior are unclear and studies are inconsistent.AASSare also linked to psychotic behavior. The psychological characteristics that could prompt athletes to useAASShave not been elucidated.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia