1 Behav Neurol 2000 -1 12:209-220
PMID 11568433
标题 Dysexecutive syndrome in schizophrenia: A cross-cultural comparison between Japanese and British patients.
抽象的 本研究测试的假设ysexecutive syndrome ofschizophreniais impervious to cultural differences. 18 Japanese and 22 British patients and 14 Japanese and 19 British control subjects were compared on the BADS (Behavioural Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome), a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment battery, designed for 'ecological validity', and other measures of frontal executive functions (EFS). Both cultural groups ofschizophrenicpatients showed equally severe impairment in most executive tests including the BADS (verbal fluency and intelligence were less impaired). Irrespective of cultural origin, similar neuropsychological deficits were found in patients with minimal intellectual deterioration. Our study suggests that socio-cultural background does not affect the dysexecutive profile ofschizophreniavery much, and that neuropsychological assessment may possibly provide added clinical information relevant to the management and rehabilitation ofschizophrenicpatients across different cultures.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
2 Behav Neurol 2000 -1 12:209-220
PMID 11568433
标题 Dysexecutive syndrome in schizophrenia: A cross-cultural comparison between Japanese and British patients.
抽象的 本研究测试的假设ysexecutive syndrome ofschizophreniais impervious to cultural differences. 18 Japanese and 22 British patients and 14 Japanese and 19 British control subjects were compared on the BADS (Behavioural Assessment of Dysexecutive Syndrome), a comprehensive neuropsychological assessment battery, designed for 'ecological validity', and other measures of frontal executive functions (EFS). Both cultural groups ofschizophrenicpatients showed equally severe impairment in most executive tests including the BADS (verbal fluency and intelligence were less impaired). Irrespective of cultural origin, similar neuropsychological deficits were found in patients with minimal intellectual deterioration. Our study suggests that socio-cultural background does not affect the dysexecutive profile ofschizophreniavery much, and that neuropsychological assessment may possibly provide added clinical information relevant to the management and rehabilitation ofschizophrenicpatients across different cultures.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
3 Front Psychiatry 2013 -1 4: 35
PMID 23805107
标题 精神分裂症的执行功能。
抽象的 执行功能(EF)是一组能力,它使我们能够自愿控制自己的行为反应。这些功能使人类能够制定和执行计划,组成类比,遵守社会规则,解决问题,适应意外情况,同时执行许多任务,并在时间和地点找到情节。EF包括分散的注意力和持续的关注,工作记忆(WM),设定转移,灵活性,计划以及对目标定向行为的调节,可以定义为人类教职员工的脑功能外部事件,也与内部目标和国家有关。EF主要与背外侧前额叶皮层(PFC)有关。除EF外,PFC还参与了行为的自我调节,即,根据内部目标和约束,尤其是在结构较低的情况下,根据内部目标和约束来调节行为的能力。行为的自我调节是由腹侧内侧/轨道PFC缩减的。EF的损害是最常见的缺陷之一schizophreniathrough the various disease stages. Impairment in tasks measuring conceptualization, planning, cognitive flexibility, verbal fluency, ability to solve complex problems, and WM occur inschizophrenia。通过执行测试检测到的疾病与功能性神经影像学的证据一致,功能性神经影像学的证据在执行此类任务时表现出患者的PFC功能障碍。schizophrenics also exhibit deficit in odor identifying, decision-making, and self-regulation of behavior suggesting dysfunction of the orbital PFC. However, impairment in executive tests is explained by dysfunction of prefronto-striato-thalamic, prefronto-parietal, and prefronto-temporal neural networks mainly. Disorders inEFS可以被认为是关于的核心事实schizophreniaand it has been suggested that negative symptoms may be explained by that executive dysfunction.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
4 Front Psychiatry 2013 -1 4: 35
PMID 23805107
标题 精神分裂症的执行功能。
抽象的 执行功能(EF)是一组能力,它使我们能够自愿控制自己的行为反应。这些功能使人类能够制定和执行计划,组成类比,遵守社会规则,解决问题,适应意外情况,同时执行许多任务,并在时间和地点找到情节。EF包括分散的注意力和持续的关注,工作记忆(WM),设定转移,灵活性,计划以及对目标定向行为的调节,可以定义为人类教职员工的脑功能外部事件,也与内部目标和国家有关。EF主要与背外侧前额叶皮层(PFC)有关。除EF外,PFC还参与了行为的自我调节,即,根据内部目标和约束,尤其是在结构较低的情况下,根据内部目标和约束来调节行为的能力。行为的自我调节是由腹侧内侧/轨道PFC缩减的。EF的损害是最常见的缺陷之一schizophreniathrough the various disease stages. Impairment in tasks measuring conceptualization, planning, cognitive flexibility, verbal fluency, ability to solve complex problems, and WM occur inschizophrenia。通过执行测试检测到的疾病与功能性神经影像学的证据一致,功能性神经影像学的证据在执行此类任务时表现出患者的PFC功能障碍。schizophrenics also exhibit deficit in odor identifying, decision-making, and self-regulation of behavior suggesting dysfunction of the orbital PFC. However, impairment in executive tests is explained by dysfunction of prefronto-striato-thalamic, prefronto-parietal, and prefronto-temporal neural networks mainly. Disorders inEFS可以被认为是关于的核心事实schizophreniaand it has been suggested that negative symptoms may be explained by that executive dysfunction.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
5 Compr精神病学2014年8月55日:1350-7
PMID 24850068
标题 Ecological assessment of executive functions in adolescents genetically at high risk for schizophrenia.
抽象的 This study sought to examine specific executive deficits in the real-life environment among adolescents genetically at high risk forschizophreniaand understand the role of the genetic risk, victimization and family functioning, and their interaction on the deficits.
The study included 96 non-affected adolescent offspring and siblings of patients withschizophrenia在健康对照组(HC)的高风险组(HR)和193名健康青少年中,均年龄在9至20岁之间。所有参与者都完成了执行职能的评估(EFS),受害和家庭功能。
The multivariate analysis revealed that the HR group reported more difficulties on the Shift, Plan/Organize, and Task Completion scale than the HC group. Significant main effects were also detected for victimization level on all domains ofEFS以及有关抑制,工作记忆,计划和任务完成量表的适应性水平。此外,小组维数水平的交互对于工作记忆和任务完成量表非常重要。分层回归分析表明,遗传风险和受害是执行缺陷的预测指标。
The HR group showed impairedEFSin the everyday environment. And, the genetic risk forschizophreniaand victimization may be related to executive dysfunction. Our results may provide clues about explaining the mechanisms of executive impairments in the HR group and help to identify new targets for early interventions.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
6 欧元。精神病学2015年11月30日:894-9
PMID 26647863
标题 Dynamic occupation assessment of executive function in adolescents with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: An initial report.
抽象的 这项研究介绍了对执行功能动态职业评估(DOAEF)的心理计量学特性的初步评估,这是一种新工具,该工具旨在在日常情况下评估青少年的执行功能(EF),并通过管理过程提供两个级别的调解。
In the preliminary study, we tested 22 healthy adolescents. In the advanced stage, the instrument was administered to 105 healthy adolescents and to another 92 adolescents diagnosed withschizophrenia频谱障碍。有关EF的信息由DOAEF和Wisconsin卡分类计算机版本测试(WCST-CV-64)评估。
发现评价者,重测和内部一致性指数令人满意。DOAEF与WCST-CV-64分数之间的相关性支持DOAEF的收敛有效性。在健康参与者和被诊断的青少年之间发现了显着差异schizophreniaspectrum disorders, thus supporting the DOAEF's criterion validity.
The DOAEF may be useful in assessing the level of mediation, which patients need for the comprehension of daily situations in whichEFSare required.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
7 J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2016 Apr 57: 462-71
PMID 26411927
标题 Extending the 'cross-disorder' relevance of executive functions to dimensional neuropsychiatric traits in youth.
抽象的 不同的神经精神病疾病具有遗传责任的证据已增加了对表型的兴趣,因为它们可能有助于修订的精神病理学模型。认知是研究的有前途的结构。然而,证据表明,相同的认知功能在不同形式的心理病理学中受到损害,主要来自单独的分类诊断与对照的研究。鉴于对跨传统诊断界限的维度模型的支持日益增加,我们旨在在单一队列中确定执行功能衡量的表现(EFS)预测已知具有遗传责任的不同心理病理条件的维度。
数据来自393名8-17岁的参与者,共同参与了对认知遗传影响(逻辑)的纵向研究。该项目正在对青年进行深入的表型和基因组分析,参考了神经精神病学评估。使用结构方程建模,我们检查了是否EFSpredicted variation in core dimensions of the autism spectrum disorder, bipolar illness, andschizophrenia(including social responsiveness, mania/emotion regulation, and positive symptoms of psychosis, respectively).
研究结果扩展了对认知与具有潜在遗传风险的神经精神疾病的相关性的支持。他们建议高阶认知,包括EFS, relates to the dimensional spectrum of each of these disorders and not just the clinical diagnoses. Moreover, results have implications for bottom-up models linking genes, cognition, and a general psychopathology liability.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics