1 Acta Psychiatr Scand 2001 104:264-72
PMID 11722301
Title Internal consistency, intercriterion overlap and diagnostic efficiency of criteria sets for DSM-IV schizotypal, borderline, avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders.
Abstract To evaluate performance characteristics of DSM-IV Personality Disorders (PDs) criteria.
类别间相关性通过Cronbach的alpha和中位数Intercriterion相关性(MIC)评估。Cronbach的α范围为0.47至0.87(中位数= 0.71);10个PD中有7个大于0.70。类别之间的标准重叠通过所有PD对(ICMIC)之间的“类别间”互化相关性评估。ICMIC值(中值= 0.08)低于MIC值(中位数= 0.23)。计算了诊断效率统计(灵敏度,特异性,阳性预测能力和负预测能力)schizotypal,边界,回避和强迫性PD。
DSM-IV PD标准集具有一定的收敛性和判别有效性:单个PDS的标准与彼此相关的标准比其他PDS的标准更好。诊断效率统计信息提供了有关包含或排除标准有用的指导。
SCZ Keywords schizotypal
2 Int J Eat Disord 2003 Mar 33:155-64
PMID 12616581
Title Do eating disorders co-occur with personality disorders? Comparison groups matter.
Abstract 评估和比较具有四个轴II人格障碍(PD)的饮食失调症发生率(ED)以及没有PD的主要抑郁症(MDD)。饮食失调符合精神障碍诊断和统计手册(DSM-IV)第四版中概述的标准。
68名68名患者从事合作纵向人格障碍研究(CLPS通过对DSM-IV轴I疾病的结构化临床访谈和DSM-IV人格障碍的诊断访谈可靠地评估)。在四个PD研究组中比较ED诊断的分布(schizotypal, borderline, avoidant, obsessive-compulsive) and a fifth study group with MDD without any PD.
在五个研究组中,MDD组与所有PD之间,在五个研究组中,神经性厌食症(n = 40),神经性贪食症(n = 56)和饮食失调的分布没有显着差异(n = 118)没有显着差异。组,在四个PD研究小组中。
SCZ Keywords schizotypal
3 Acta Psychiatr Scand 2004 12月110日:421-9
PMID 15521826
Title Stressful life events as predictors of functioning: findings from the collaborative longitudinal personality disorders study.
Abstract 尽管对不利的童年经历对人格障碍(PDS)的影响的影响非常关注,但我们对最近的生活事件如何影响持续的运作过程的了解远不多。我们检查了PD受试者在生命事件率上的不同程度以及生活事件影响社会心理功能的程度。
从合作纵向人格障碍研究中总共提取了633名受试者(CLPS), a multi-site study of four personality disorders--schizotypal(STPD),边缘线(BPD),回避(AVPD),强迫症(OCPD)以及没有PD的主要抑郁症(MDD)的比较组。
Our findings indicate higher rates of negative events in subjects with more severe PDs and suggest that negative life events adversely impact multiple areas of psychosocial functioning.
SCZ Keywords schizotypal
4 Acta Psychiatr Scand 2006年5月113日:430-9
PMID 16603034
Title Hierarchical relationships between borderline, schizotypal, avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders.
Abstract Comorbidity among personality disorders is widely considered problematic. The validity of one proposed solution, diagnostic hierarchies, was investigated in the current study with respect to borderline,schizotypal,回避和强迫性人格障碍。
一种方法使用判别函数,导出from multiple psycho-social domains, that were used to classify comorbid individuals from the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorder study (CLPS)探索一个人格障碍比另一种人格障碍的层次结构优先级的可能性。第二种方法检查了R(2)值的增量增加,以预测彼此诊断每种诊断提供的功能和人格。
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder was consistently subordinate to other diagnoses, whereas other indications of hierarchical relationships were domain-specific.
SCZ Keywords schizotypal
5 Am J Psychiatry 2010 5月167日:528-35
PMID 20160004
Title 严重抑郁症对人格和人格障碍评估的状态影响。
Abstract The authors sought to determine whether personality disorders diagnosed during a depressive episode have long-term outcomes more typical of those of other patients with personality disorders or those of patients with noncomorbid major depression.
作者使用了从多站点协作纵向人格障碍研究中收集的6年结果数据(CLPS). Diagnoses and personality measures gathered from the study cohort at the index assessment using interview and self-report methods were associated with symptomatic, functional, and personality measures at 6-year follow-up. Of 668 patients initially recruited to theCLPS, 522 were followed for 6 years. All participants had either a DSM-IV diagnosis of one of four personality disorders (borderline,schizotypal, obsessive-compulsive, or avoidant) or a DSM-IV diagnosis of major depressive disorder with no accompanying personality disorder.
These results suggest that personality disorder diagnoses established during depressive episodes are a valid reflection of personality pathology rather than an artifact of depressive mood.
SCZ Keywords schizotypal
6 Compr Psychiatry 2012年7月53日:441-50
PMID 21864834
Title 对具有人格障碍的个体的PTSD人格类型学的前瞻性调查。
Abstract This study investigated the replicability of a previously proposed personality typology of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD, and explored stability of cluster membership over a 6-month period. Participants with current PTSD (n = 156) were drawn from the Collaborative Longitudinal Personality Disorders Study (CLPS). TheCLPSproject tracked a large sample of individuals who met criteria for 1 of 4 target diagnoses (borderline,schizotypal, avoidant, and obsessive-compulsive) and a contrast group of individuals who met criteria for depression but no personality disorder. A cluster analysis using scales from the Schedule of Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality yielded 3 clusters: "internalizing," "externalizing," and "low pathology." Using K-means cluster analysis, the results did not replicate previous work. Using Ward's method, the hypothesized 3-cluster structure was confirmed at baseline but did not demonstrate temporal stability at 6 months.
SCZ Keywords schizotypal