1 ROM J Intern Med 2009 -1 47:9-18
PMID 19886064
Title The implication of CNR1 gene's polymorphisms in the modulation of endocannabinoid system effects.
Abstract 内源性大麻素系统(ECS)代表了与生物体稳态有关的最重要的生理系统之一,对个人行为和代谢表型具有各种影响。它由大麻素受体CB1和CB2及其基因组成(CNR1和CNR2),它们的内源配体和介导内源配体的生物合成和降解的酶。anandamide和2-芳基烯丙基甘油是大麻素受体的两个内源性激动剂。据认为,ECS将身体和情感的反应与食欲和能量平衡联系起来,就像在休息生理条件下保持不活跃的应力恢复系统一样起作用。它参与了几个生理过程,例如伤害感受,运动控制,记忆,学习,食欲,食物摄入量和能量平衡。这篇综述分析了CNR1基因的11种多态性在ECS代谢和中心效应的调节中的影响。许多研究表明,RS12720071,RS1049353,RS806381,RS10485170,RS6454674,RS2023239多态性与代谢作用有关。从他们那里,RS12720071,RS104935,RS6454674,RS2023239多态性也与ECS的核心作用(物质成瘾,冲动,对抗抑郁治疗的耐药性)有关。其他研究表明,RS806368,RS1535255,(AAT)9,(AAT)12和(AAT)N仅与中心效应相关(精神分裂症, substance addiction, impulsivity, Parkinson syndrome). The discovery of ECS and its signaling pathways opens a door towards the understanding of several important physiologic processes regarding appetite, food intake, metabolism, weight gain, motor control, memory, learning, drug addiction and nociception. The detailed analysis and validation of the ECS functioning can bring us very close to the discovery of new diagnosis and treatment methods for obesity, drugs abuse and numerous psychic diseases.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
2 生物。精神病学2010年5月67日:974-82
PMID 19931854
Title 精神分裂症中的脑大麻素CB2受体。
Abstract Neural endocannabinoid function appears to be involved in精神分裂症。在大脑和体内其他地方发现了两个内源性大麻素受体CB1和CB2。我们调查了CB2在精神分裂症
The analysis in the first population revealed nominally significant associations between精神分裂症和两个snp,关联复制in the second population. The R63 allele of rs2501432 (R63Q) (p = .001), the C allele of rs12744386 (p = .005) and the haplotype of the R63-C allele (p = 5 x 10(-6)) were significantly increased among 1920 patients with精神分裂症与共同人群中的1920名对照受试者相比。与TT基因型相比,与Q63的CHO细胞中CB2配体的反应相比,与Q63的CHO细胞中R63等位基因转染的CHO细胞相比,与TTTT基因型相比,在人脑中发现的CC和CT基因型的CC和CT基因型明显较低,CC和CT基因型的CC和CT基因型明显降低。AM630加剧了MK-801-或甲基苯丙胺诱导的C57BL/6JJMSSLC小鼠的预硫次抑制和多动症的干扰。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
3 J Affect Disord 2011 Nov 134: 427-30
PMID 21658778
Title Genetic association between bipolar disorder and 524A>C (Leu133Ile) polymorphism of CNR2 gene, encoding for CB2 cannabinoid receptor.
Abstract Several studies provided evidence that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is involved in psychiatric diseases, like major depression,精神分裂症和双相情感障碍(BD),主要集中于CB1大麻素受体和FAAH,脂肪酸酰胺水解酶参与内源性大麻素代谢。在这项研究中,我们调查了BD与三个基因的三个错义SNP的关联CNR2,编码CB2大麻素受体。
BD与三个之间的可能关联CNR2通过一项病例研究研究了错觉SNP,即RS2501432(315a> g; arg63gln),RS41311993(524C> a; leu133ile)和RS2229579(1073C> t; Tyr316his)。招募了80名患者和160名健康受试者。等位基因特异性寡核苷酸(ASO)-PCR和限制片段长度多态性(RFLP)方法用于基因分型。
在BD和BD之间发现了具有统计学意义的关联CNR2524c> a;Leu133ile(P(?(2))= 0.001; OR = 4.74; 95%C.I. = 2.52-10.50),而其他两个SNP的BD和对照组之间没有统计学上的显着差异。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
4 J. Mol。Neurosci。2013年10月51日:454-60
PMID 23846977
Title Association of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the cannabinoid receptor 2 gene with schizophrenia in the Han Chinese population.
Abstract Cannabinoid receptor 2 (CNR2)是内源性大麻素系统中的主要受体。近年来,许多研究表明该受体与精神分裂症。这项研究检查了CNR2gene polymorphisms (rs2501432C/T, rs2229579C/T, rs2501401G/A) and精神分裂症。三百十六精神分裂症patients and 334 healthy subjects were recruited as case and control groups, respectively. For rs2501432, the CT/TT genotype frequencies in the dominant model, TT genotype frequencies in the additive model, and T allele frequencies of the case group were lower than the control (P < 0.05), and the CT and TT genotypes and T allele frequencies of the male case group were significantly lower than the control (P < 0.05). For rs2229579, the T allele frequencies of the case group were higher than the control (P < 0.05). The T-C-G haplotype in the case group had a significantly lower frequency compared with the controls, but the T-T-A haplotype frequencies were higher in the case group than in the controls (P < 0.05). Our results suggest that the T allele of rs2501432 may be a protective factor, particularly in males, but the T allele of rs2229579 may be a risk factor for精神分裂症。T-C-G可能是保护性的单倍型精神分裂症,但不是T-T-A单倍型。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
5 精神病。基因。2014年10月24日:225-9
PMID 25014618
Title Genetic association analysis of CNR1 and CNR2 polymorphisms with schizophrenia in a Korean population.
Abstract 位于6q15和1p36.11,大麻素受体1(CNR1)和大麻素受体2(CNR2)基因被认为是用于发展精神疾病(例如精神分裂症because CNR1 is known as a regulator of dopamine signaling in the hippocampus and the cerebral cortex. However, few genetic studies have been carried out to investigate an association of CNR1 andCNR2多态性和有风险精神分裂症。在这项研究中,尽管结果表明CNR1和CNR2variations are unlikely to influence精神分裂症susceptibility in a Korean population, the findings would provide meaningful information for further genetic studies.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症