1 Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2011 Jul 411: 56-61
PMID 21708131
Title Bidirectional transcription from human LRRTM2/CTNNA1 and LRRTM1/CTNNA2 gene loci leads to expression of N-terminally truncated CTNNA1 and CTNNA2 isoforms.
Abstract 埃森? -Catenins (CTNNAs)tial for the regulation of cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in tissues. All human CTNNA genes contain antisense oriented leucine rich repeat transmembrane (LRRTM) genes within their seventh introns. Recently, a haplotype upstream of one of the human LRRTM genes, LRRTM1 that resides in CTNNA2, was shown to be associated with handedness andschizophrenia. Here, we show that bothCTNNA1and CTNNA2 contain alternative 5' exons linked to bidirectional promoters that are shared with the antisense oriented LRRTM2 and LRRTM1 genes, respectively. We demonstrate that bidirectional activity of these promoters results in alternativeCTNNA1and CTNNA2 transcripts that are expressed at high levels in the nervous system and show that N-terminally truncatedCTNNA1and CTNNA2 proteins lacking the ?-catenin interaction domain are produced from these alternative CTNNA mRNAs. In addition, our results indicate that the haplotype that affects LRRTM1 expression and is associated withschizophreniaand handedness, could also influence the expression of brain-enriched alternative transcripts of CTNNA2.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
2 PLoS ONE 2014 -1 9: e89910
PMID 24587117
Title Origin and loss of nested LRRTM/?-catenin genes during vertebrate evolution.
Abstract Leucine-rich repeat transmembrane neuronal proteins (LRRTMs) form in mammals a family of four postsynaptic adhesion proteins, which have been shown to bind neurexins and heparan sulphate proteoglycan (HSPG) glypican on the presynaptic side. Mutations in the genes encoding LRRTMs and neurexins are implicated in human cognitive disorders such asschizophreniaand autism. Our analysis shows that in most jawed vertebrates, lrrtm1, lrrtm2, and lrrtm3 genes are nested on opposite strands of large conserved intron of ?-catenin genes ctnna2,CTNNA1, and ctnna3, respectively. No lrrtm genes could be found in tunicates or lancelets, while two lrrtm genes are found in the lamprey genome, one of which is adjacent to a single ctnna homolog. Based on similar highly positive net charge of lamprey LRRTMs and the HSPG-binding LRRTM3 and LRRTM4 proteins, we speculate that the ancestral LRRTM might have bound HSPG before acquiring neurexins as binding partners. Our model suggests that lrrtm gene translocated into the large ctnna intron in early vertebrates, and that subsequent duplications resulted in three lrrtm/ctnna gene pairs present in most jawed vertebrates. However, we detected three prominent exceptions: (1) the lrrtm3/ctnna3 gene structure is absent in the ray-finned fish genomes, (2) the genomes of clawed frogs containCTNNA1but lack the corresponding nested (lrrtm2) gene, and (3) contain lrrtm3 gene in the syntenic position but lack the corresponding host (ctnna3) gene. We identified several other protein-coding nested gene structures of which either the host or the nested gene has presumably been lost in the frog or chicken lineages. Interestingly, majority of these nested genes comprise LRR domains.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia