1 World Psychiatry 2004 Jun 3: 104-9
PMID 16633471
Title Implementation of evidence-based treatment for schizophrenic disorders: two-year outcome of an international field trial of optimal treatment.
Abstract According to clinical trials literature, every person with aschizophrenicdisorder should be provided with the combination of optimal dose antipsychotics, strategies to educate himself and his carers to cope more efficiently with environmental stresses, cognitive-behavioural strategies to enhance work and social goals and reducing residual symptoms, and assertive home-based management to help prevent and resolve major social needs and crises, including recurrent episodes of symptoms. Despite strong scientific support for the routine implementation of these 'evidence-based' strategies, few services provide more than the pharmacotherapy component, and even this is seldom applied in the manner associated with the best results in the clinical trials. An international collaborative group, the Optimal Treatment Project (OTP), has been developed to promote the routine use of evidence-based strategies forschizophrenicdisorders. A field trial was started to evaluate the benefits and costs of applying evidence-based strategies over a 5-year period. Centres have been set up in 18 countries. This paper summarises the outcome after 24 months of 'optimal' treatment in 603 cases who had reached this stage in their treatment by the end of 2002. On all measures the evidence-basedOTPapproach achieved more than double the benefits associated with current best practices. One half of recent cases had achieved full recovery from clinical and social morbidity. These advantages were even more striking in centres where a random-control design was used.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia, schizophrenic
2 Int. J. Clin. Pract. 2013 Nov 67: 1105-12
PMID 24165424
Title The characteristics and outcomes of hospitalised and outpatient-treated first-onset schizophrenia patients: a 5-year register linkage study.
Abstract We compared the course and outcome ofschizophreniain two groups: (i) hospitalised patients (HP) (n�=�5980) who were identified based on their first hospital admission forschizophreniaand (ii) outpatient-treated patients (OTP) who received disability pension because ofschizophreniabut who had no hospital admissions forschizophreniaor other psychotic disorder before having been granted a disability pension forschizophrenia(n�=�1220). Outcomes were compared using data on mortality, psychiatric hospital utilisation, relapse rate and occupational functioning.
A nationwide register-based 5-year follow-up study of all first-onsetschizophreniacases between 1998 and 2003 in Finland. The data were linked with the register information of hospital admissions, disability pensions and National Causes of Death Registers.
When outcome of treatment was evaluated using mortality rate, relapses, hospital treatment and involuntary admissions as outcome measures, results indicated thatOTPgroup had got along better with their illnesses than HP group. The mortality rates, number of psychiatric treatment days and relapse rate during the 5-year follow up were significantly lower inOTPgroup. Within theOTPgroup, there was a notable subgroup of never HP (n�=�737, 60.4%), who did not require any psychiatric hospitalisation during the 5-year follow up.
病人第一次确认为outpatients had better outcomes than patients first identified following a hospitalisation. Future studies are required to establish whether outpatient treatment is associated with more favourable prognosis, even after fully adjusting for severity of initial symptoms. The higher suicide mortality of hospital-treated patients suggests that hospital treatment of first-onset patients does not protect from suicide.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia, schizophrenic