1 Schizophr. Res. 2010 Jun 119: 191-7
PMID 20303713
Title Dysfunctional gamma-band activity during face structural processing in schizophrenia patients.
Abstract This study investigated gamma-band activity (GBA) and its phase synchrony inschizophreniapatients viewing human faces. Twenty-fiveschizophreniapatients were compared with 25 normal controls. Event-related potentials were recorded from all participants while they were viewing emotionally neutral faces. The spectral power and phase synchrony in the frequency band from 30 to 55 Hz were analyzed in midline electrodes (FCz, Cz, CPz, Pz, and POz). Three windows of interest, which showed discernableGBAdifferences betweenschizophreniapatients and normal controls, were selected by visual inspection: 0-100 ms (30-33 Hz), 250-300 ms (34-38 Hz), and 700-800 ms (40-45 Hz). And the phase synchrony of gamma band was analyzed. Repeated-measures ANOVA revealed that theGBAwas lower inschizophreniapatients than in normal controls. Also there were significant location and time differences inGBA.GBAwas significantly lower in theschizophreniapatients than in the normal controls at around 700-800 ms at the FCz electrode. The frontal (FCz) and central (Cz)GBAwere significantly correlated with the number of hospitalization, and the negative symptoms ofschizophrenia, respectively. The phase synchronization was significantly lower at 200-300 ms in theschizophreniapatients than in the normal controls. These findings suggest that theschizophreniapatients have impairedGBA和gamma-band synchronization during face perception. Furthermore, our results also suggest that the decreasedGBAobserved at the midline cortex ofschizophreniapatients is closely related to their negative symptoms and disease progress.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
2 Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi 2012 -1 114: 629-46
PMID 22844814
Title [Endophenotypes in schizophrenia: a review of electrophysiological studies].
Abstract schizophreniapatients consistently show some deficiency in electrophysiological measures, such as PPI (Prepulse Inhibition), ERP (Event-Related Potential) components (mismatch negativity, P50, P300), EEG (Electroencephalography), and MEG (Magnetoencephalography). These components have been intensively studied as quantitative biological markers (i.e., endophenotypes) for psychiatric disorders. Recently brain oscillations, especially gamma (30-80 Hz) band activity (GBA), are being increasingly investigated as new candidate endophenotypes. In this review, we summarize the current status, perspective, and limitations of representative paradigms for investigating abnormal electrophysiological components ofschizophrenia, along with relevant genetic polymorphism.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
3 Psychiatry Investig 2016 May 13: 349-59
PMID 27247603
Title Dysfunctional Patterns of Gamma-Band Activity in Response to Human Faces Compared to Non-Facial Stimuli in Patients with Schizophrenia.
Abstract Healthy individuals show stronger gamma-band activities (GBAs) for socially relevant stimuli (human faces) than for non-relevant ones. This study aimed to examine whether this gamma-band preference occurs in patients withschizophrenia.
EEG was recorded for 24 patients withschizophreniaand 23 healthy controls while they viewed pictures of human faces, chairs, and nature scenes. The spectral powers of high-beta (20-30 Hz) and gamma (30-80 Hz) frequencies were analyzed along 3 midline cortical regions, and phase synchronization was calculated.
Compared to the response to non-facial stimuli, higher event related deactivation to facial stimuli was observed for the high-beta frequency across groups. For the gamma frequency, early-stageGBAwas increased and late-stageGBAwas decreased for all 3 stimuli in patients withschizophreniacompared to healthy controls. PreferentialGBApatterns (100-200 and 200-300 ms) were found in healthy controls, but not in patients withschizophrenia. Significant correlation existed between negative symptoms andGBAin the frontal region for chair and scene stimuli. There was no significant intergroup difference in phase synchronization pattern.
Our results suggest that patients withschizophreniahave deficits in the preferential pattern ofGBAfor human faces and the deficits in the preferential pattern were mainly influenced by over-response to socially non-relevant stimuli.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia