1 Rev Colomb Psiquiatr 2012 Mar 41: 48-60
PMID 26573469
Title [Analysis of the Structure of Acute Psychotic Disorder].
Abstract 精神分裂症is a clinically heterogeneous disorder. A multifactorial structure of this syndrome has been described in previous reports. The aim of this study was to evaluate what are the possible diagnostic categories in patients having acute psychotic symptoms, studying their clinical characteristics in a cross-sectional study.
An instrument for measuring psychotic symptoms was created using previous scales (SANS, SAPS, BPRS, EMUN, Zung depression scale). Using as criteria statistical indexes and redundance of items, the initial instrument having 101 items has been reduced to 57 items. 232 patients with acute psychotic symptoms, in most cases精神分裂症, attending Cl�nica Nuestra Se�ora de la Paz in Bogot� and Hospital San Juan de Dios in Ch�a have been evaluated from April, 2008 to December, 2009. Multivariate statistical methods have been used for analyzing data.
A six-factor structure has been found (Deficit, paranoid-aggressive, disorganized, depressive, bizarre delusions, hallucinations). Cluster analysis showed eight subtypes that can be described as: 1) bizarre delusions-hallucinations; 2) deterioration and disorganized behavior; 3) deterioration; 4) deterioration and paranoid-aggressive behavior; 5) bizarre delusions; 6) paranoia-anxiety- aggressiveness; 7) depressive symptoms and bizarre delusions; 8) paranoia and aggressiveness with depressive symptoms
These subtypes allow a more exhaustive characterization that those included in standard classification schemes and should be validated in longitudinal studies.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症