1 Neuropsychologia 2000 -1 38: 1565-75
PMID 11074079
标题 精神分裂症的配对相关学习和记忆干扰。
抽象的 患者frontal lobe damage have been shown to exhibit disproportionate impairments of second list learning as a result of interference effects. Based upon the assumption thatschizophrenia与额叶功能障碍有关,我们试图探索对配对的学习任务的各种操纵如何干扰schizophrenic患者的记忆力表现。患者schizophrenia对配对相关学习的四个测试进行了测试,其中操纵提示和响应词以增加两个研究清单中的干扰。在对配对相关学习(AB-AC测试)的两个测试中,在第二个列表中重复了一个列表中使用的提示单词,但与不同的响应词相关联(例如,狮子猎人,狮子circus)。该测试的一个版本使用中等相关的单词对,而另一个版本则采用了无关的单词对。在其他两个测试中(AB-ABRtest), all words used in one list were repeated in a second list but were rearranged to form new pairs. Again, one version of this test used moderately related word pairs and the other version used unrelated word pairs. We hypothesized that patients withschizophrenia由于干扰效应而表现出二列学习的不成比例障碍,并且在AB中的表现特别差ABRtask, where the word pairs were unrelated. However, these predictions were not supported. Furthermore, it was difficult to tease apart a specific problem in list discrimination from the generally poor memory of theschizophrenic患者。我们建议在患者中对这些干扰影响的敏感性schizophrenia不是认知中的特定问题,而是一个被一般记忆问题混淆的问题。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
2 Neuropsychologia 2000 -1 38: 1565-75
PMID 11074079
标题 精神分裂症的配对相关学习和记忆干扰。
抽象的 患者frontal lobe damage have been shown to exhibit disproportionate impairments of second list learning as a result of interference effects. Based upon the assumption thatschizophrenia与额叶功能障碍有关,我们试图探索对配对的学习任务的各种操纵如何干扰schizophrenic患者的记忆力表现。患者schizophrenia对配对相关学习的四个测试进行了测试,其中操纵提示和响应词以增加两个研究清单中的干扰。在对配对相关学习(AB-AC测试)的两个测试中,在第二个列表中重复了一个列表中使用的提示单词,但与不同的响应词相关联(例如,狮子猎人,狮子circus)。该测试的一个版本使用中等相关的单词对,而另一个版本则采用了无关的单词对。在其他两个测试中(AB-ABRtest), all words used in one list were repeated in a second list but were rearranged to form new pairs. Again, one version of this test used moderately related word pairs and the other version used unrelated word pairs. We hypothesized that patients withschizophrenia由于干扰效应而表现出二列学习的不成比例障碍,并且在AB中的表现特别差ABRtask, where the word pairs were unrelated. However, these predictions were not supported. Furthermore, it was difficult to tease apart a specific problem in list discrimination from the generally poor memory of theschizophrenic患者。我们建议在患者中对这些干扰影响的敏感性schizophrenia不是认知中的特定问题,而是一个被一般记忆问题混淆的问题。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
3 J Laryngol Otol 2005 5月119日:352-5
PMID 15949097
标题 是否有必要将耳鸣与精神分裂症患者的听觉幻觉区分开?
抽象的 Although the definitions of subjective tinnitus and auditory hallucination are very similar, the origins and underlying causes of each symptom clearly differ. This study examined whether the differentiation of tinnitus from auditory hallucination is necessary for the proper management of these symptoms inschizophrenic患者。我们研究了15个听觉幻觉的特征schizophrenicpatients, and measured their pure-tone hearing levels and auditory brainstem responses (ABR)。平均听力水平为20.6 +/- 16.2 dB,在高频下轻度降低。我们将患者分为三组:纯粹的幻觉,耳鸣和幻觉以及耳鸣。八名患者(53.3%)抱怨纯粹的幻觉,只有一名患者有轻度的听力损失。在七名耳鸣患者中有6例观察到听力缺陷。异常发现ABR仅在纯粹的幻觉组中发现。结果表明,在评估时应将耳鸣与听觉幻觉区分开schizophrenic患者。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
4 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2010 -1 6: 289-96
PMID 20628629
标题 Abnormal auditory forward masking pattern in the brainstem response of individuals with Asperger syndrome.
抽象的 在自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)的个体中,已经报道了听觉信息异常的信息处理。在本研究中,通过记录听觉脑干响应来研究听觉处理(ABRs) elicited by forward masking in adults diagnosed with Asperger syndrome (AS). Sixteen AS subjects were included in the forward masking experiment and compared to three control groups consisting of healthy individuals (n = 16),schizophrenic患者(n = 16)和注意力缺陷多动障碍患者(n = 16)的匹配年龄和性别。结果表明,AS受试者在其早期的早期表现出异常低的活性ABRS明显地将它们与三个对照组分开。具体而言,AS组的波III幅度明显低于正向掩蔽条件下的所有对照组(p <0.005),在基线条件下不是这种情况。因此,电生理测量ABRS到复杂的声音刺激(例如,向前掩盖)可能会更好地理解对AS的基本神经生理学。未来的研究可能会进一步指出特定的ABR作为个体的特征,他们将其与被诊断出患有其他神经发育疾病的个体分开。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
5 精神病学水库2012年4月196日:188-93
PMID 22326876
标题 Lateral asymmetry and reduced forward masking effect in early brainstem auditory evoked responses in schizophrenia.
抽象的 被诊断的人schizophreniashow deficiencies of basic neurophysiological sorting mechanisms. This study further investigated this issue, focusing on the two phenomena, laterality of coding and auditory forward masking. A specific audiometric method for use in psychiatry was the measuring set up to register brain stem audiograms (ABRS)。样本49schizophrenicpatients was compared with three control groups consisting of healthy reference subjects (n=49), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients (n=29), Asperger syndrome (AS) patients (n=13) and drug-induced psychotic patients (n=14).schizophrenic患者在听觉脑干反应的波浪II中显示出明显的脑干活性异常(ABR) in comparison with all other study groups. Forward masking effects in the superior olive complex were coded significantly differently byschizophrenicpatients compared to control groups except for the AS group. The results suggest deficits in the coding of auditory stimuli in the lower parts of the auditory pathway inschizophrenia并表明增加的周围侧向不对称和正向掩盖异常可能是该疾病的神经生理标记。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
6 精神病学水库2012年4月196日:188-93
PMID 22326876
标题 Lateral asymmetry and reduced forward masking effect in early brainstem auditory evoked responses in schizophrenia.
抽象的 被诊断的人schizophreniashow deficiencies of basic neurophysiological sorting mechanisms. This study further investigated this issue, focusing on the two phenomena, laterality of coding and auditory forward masking. A specific audiometric method for use in psychiatry was the measuring set up to register brain stem audiograms (ABRS)。样本49schizophrenicpatients was compared with three control groups consisting of healthy reference subjects (n=49), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patients (n=29), Asperger syndrome (AS) patients (n=13) and drug-induced psychotic patients (n=14).schizophrenic患者在听觉脑干反应的波浪II中显示出明显的脑干活性异常(ABR) in comparison with all other study groups. Forward masking effects in the superior olive complex were coded significantly differently byschizophrenicpatients compared to control groups except for the AS group. The results suggest deficits in the coding of auditory stimuli in the lower parts of the auditory pathway inschizophrenia并表明增加的周围侧向不对称和正向掩盖异常可能是该疾病的神经生理标记。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
7 PLOS ONE 2013 -1 8:E80104
PMID 24244619
标题 22Q11.2缺失综合征的小鼠模型中的听力损失。
抽象的 22q11.2缺失综合征(22q11ds)源自构成至少30个基因的间质染色体微骨骼。这种疾病是最重要的已知细胞遗传学危险因素之一schizophrenia, and can also cause heart abnormalities, cognitive deficits, hearing difficulties, and a variety of other medical problems. The Df1/+ hemizygous knockout mouse, a model for human 22q11DS, recapitulates many of the deficits observed in the human syndrome including heart defects, impaired memory, and abnormal auditory sensorimotor gating. Here we show that Df1/+ mice, like human 22q11DS patients, have substantial rates of hearing loss arising from chronic middle ear infection. Auditory brainstem response (ABR) measurements revealed significant elevation of click-response thresholds in 48% of Df1/+ mice, often in only one ear. Anatomical and histological analysis of the middle ear demonstrated no gross structural abnormalities, but frequent signs of otitis media (OM, chronic inflammation of the middle ear), including excessive effusion and thickened mucosa. In mice for which both in vivoABR获得了阈值和验尸后中心组织学,OM迹象的严重程度与听力障碍水平直接相关。这些结果表明,先前在22q11ds小鼠模型中报道的异常听觉感觉运动门控可能是由于听觉处理中的异常。此外,研究结果表明,DF1/+小鼠是人类22Q11DS患者OM风险增加的绝佳模型。鉴于DF1/+小鼠中OM经常具有单性性质,这些动物也可能是研究OM遗传和环境原因之间相互作用的强大工具。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
8 Front Psychiatry 2014 -1 5:142
PMID 25352811
标题 听觉对复杂声音的脑干反应:一种指导精神病治疗的潜在生物标志物。
抽象的 认知缺陷限制了心理社会功能schizophrenia。对于许多患者,认知补救方法产生了令人鼓舞的结果。然而,治疗反应是可变的,结果研究一致地识别对这些干预措施最少反应的个体。需要帮助识别可能受益于特定形式的认知补救的患者的生物标志物。在这里,我们描述了与事件相关的电位(ERP)生物标志物 - 听觉脑干响应(ABR) to complex sounds (cABR) - that appears to be particularly well-suited for predicting response to at least one form of cognitive remediation that targets auditory information processing. Uniquely, the cABR量化在脑干和中脑水平上编码的声音的保真度。该ERP生物标志物揭示了各种神经发育障碍中的听觉处理异常,与几个认知领域的功能相关,并且似乎对有针对性的听觉训练有反应。我们提出初步cABR来自18的数据schizophrenia患者并建议对该生物标志物进行进一步研究,以预测和跟踪对认知干预措施的反应。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
9 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2014 -1 10: 1011-6
PMID 24944514
标题 A new method for analyzing auditory brain-stem response waveforms using a moving-minimum subtraction procedure of digitized analog recordings.
抽象的 听觉的大脑词干反应(ABR)波形包括一组波形(标记为I-VII),并在带有简短的单击声音的听觉刺激后10毫秒内记录了头皮电极。波浪经常被融合(汇合)和基线 - 刻板和倾斜,使波浪延迟和波浪振幅难以建立。在本文中,我们根据模拟的数字化描述了一种标记为移动最小减法的方法ABRwaveform (154 data points/ms) in order to achieve alignment of theABR对直线基线的响应,通常在波浪的基线分离和融合波的分辨率上进行响应。新方法在患者组中的应用显示出明显的差异ABR患者之间的波形schizophreniaversus patients with adult attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder versus healthy controls. The findings show promise regarding the possibility to identifyABR用作生物标志物的标记支持这些和其他神经精神疾病的临床诊断。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
10 J Affect疾病2014年12月169日:105-11
PMID 25173433
标题 听觉脑干反应模式中的丘脑皮质异常将DSM-IV双相情感障碍与精神分裂症区分开。
抽象的 Bipolar disorder type I (BP-I) belongs to a spectrum of affective disorders that are expressed in many different ways and therefore can be difficult to distinguish from other conditions, especially unipolar depression, schizoaffective disorder,schizophrenia(SZ), but also anxiety and personality disorders. Since early diagnosis and treatment have shown to improve the long-term prognosis, complementary specific biomarkers are of great value. The auditory brainstem response (ABR) has previously been applied successfully to identify specific abnormalABRpatterns in SZ and Asperger syndrome.
当前的研究调查了复杂声刺激的早期听觉处理,例如与SZ患者相比,在BP-I中进行前掩蔽。这ABR分析了BP-I患者(n = 23)和SZ患者(n = 20)的曲线ABR基于综合控制组织标准曲线p (n=20).
与SZ患者相比,BP-I患者的波III(P = 0.0062)和波VII(P = 0.0472)的幅度明显更高。此外,BP-I患者,在较小程度的SZ患者中显示出与规范的相关性较低ABRcurve in the part of the curve comprising waves VI-VII.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics