1 J Psychiatr Res 2009 Sep 43: 1078-85
PMID 19380152
标题 外周血细胞中潜在的生物标志物P11水平将PTSD患者与其他主要精神疾病患者区分开。
Abstract 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)是一种严重使人衰弱的焦虑症。超过80%的PTSD患者还表现出其他精神病患者,例如躁郁症(BP)或严重抑郁症(MDD)。以前,已经发现,PTSD和抑郁症患者的Mortem皮层中P11 mRNA的表达显着改变。我们假设外周血细胞中的P11 mRNA水平将成为具有创伤类型的PTSD的潜在生物标志物,这是自创伤和疾病持续时间以来的时间。我们检查了PTSD患者(n = 13),主要抑郁症(MDD,n = 16),双相情感障碍(BP,n = 24)和精神分裂症(SCZ,n = 12)或使用NotialMumunoAssay Kit Cort-CT2使用定量实时PCR和PTSD的血浆中皮质醇的循环水平(n = 14)。汉密尔顿抑郁(HAMD)和焦虑的评级量表(野蛮),给予了中文版本的戴维森创伤量表(CDTS-F)和中文版本的Davidson Trauma Scale-ceverity(CDTS-S),以及事件规模重新定义(IES-R)的影响。我们发现PTSD患者的P11 mRNA水平低于对照组受试者,而患有MDD,BP和SCZ的患者的P11水平明显高于对照组。P11 mRNA水平与HAMD(r = 0.62,p <0.05),CDTS-F(r = 0.71,p <0.05)和CDTS-S(r = 0.62,p <0.05)的分数呈正相关。与分数无关野蛮和ies-r。PTSD患者的血浆和唾液皮质醇的基础水平在统计学上与对照组没有统计学差异。我们的发现表明,PBMC P11 mRNA表达水平可以作为将PTSD与BP,MDD和SCZ区分开的潜在生物标志物。
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症
2 Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract 2009 -1 13: 312-7
PMID 24916943
标题 The prevalence of comorbid anxiety disorders in outpatients with schizophrenia.
Abstract 客观的。这项研究的目的是确定患者的终生焦虑症患病率精神分裂症在土耳其的Sanliurfa,并评估合并症与几个人口统计学和临床​​变量之间的关联。方法。诊断为八十二名门诊患者精神分裂症被招募进行研究。通过对DSM-IV轴I疾病 - 临床医生版本(SCID-I-CV),焦虑症模块,正和阴性综合征量表(PANSS),汉密尔顿焦虑量表(Hamilton焦虑量表)的结构化临床访谈进行评估。野蛮),以及功能量表(GAF)的全球评估。结果。55(67.1%)被诊断出患有至少一种终生合并焦虑症。最常见的焦虑症是强迫症(39.0%),其次是社交恐惧症(13.4%)。我们发现患者有诊断精神分裂症合并症焦虑症的疾病持续时间比没有这种合并症的患者的持续时间短。更常见的抗精神病药以治疗这些患者。结论。由于焦虑症的合并症在诊断的患者中相对普遍精神分裂症,在采访这些患者时应特别注意这个问题。
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症
3 J Clin Psychiatry 2011 Jan 72: 34-42
PMID 21208586
标题 L-theanine relieves positive, activation, and anxiety symptoms in patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: an 8-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2-center study.
Abstract L-theanine is a unique amino acid present almost exclusively in the tea plant. It possesses neuroprotective, mood-enhancing, and relaxation properties. This is a first study designed to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of L-theanine augmentation of antipsychotic treatment of patients with chronic精神分裂症和精神分裂症。
60 patients with DSM-IV精神分裂症or schizoaffective disorder participated in an 8-week, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. 400 mg/d of L-theanine was added to ongoing antipsychotic treatment from February 2006 until October 2008. The outcome measures were the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (野蛮),用于神经认知功能的剑桥神经心理测试自动化电池(CANTAB),以及一般功能,副作用和生活质量的其他措施。
40名患者完成了研究方案。与安慰剂相比,L-茶氨酸的增强与焦虑的减少有关(p = .015;通过野蛮比例尺)和正(p = .009)和一般心理病理学(p <.001)分数(由PANSS 3维模型衡量)。根据精神病学的5维模型,与安慰剂相比,L-茶氨酸对PANSS阳性(P = .004)和激活因子(P = .006)的分数显着降低。这些差异的效果大小(Cohen d)范围从适度到中等(0.09-0.39)。PANSS负面和CANTAB任务得分,一般功能,副作用和生活质量度量不受L- theanine增强的影响。发现L-茶氨酸是一种安全且耐受良好的药物。
L-theanine augmentation of antipsychotic therapy can ameliorate positive, activation, and anxiety symptoms in精神分裂症and schizoaffective disorder patients. Further long-term studies of L-theanine are needed to substantiate the clinically significant benefits of L-theanine augmentation.
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症
4 Int J风险SEX MED 2015 -1 27补充1:S23-4
PMID 26639694
标题 CYP3A4 activity and haloperidol effects in alcohol addicts.
Abstract 氟哌啶醇是最常用的典型抗精神病药之一[2]。它具有强大的抗精神病药活性,可阻断中唇的突触后多巴胺受体。使用氟哌啶醇伴随着不良的不良反应。因此,滥用酒精对氟哌啶醇的态度是模棱两可的,通常是阴性的,有时会限制其在上瘾疾病的患者中的使用[3]。胞质羰基还原酶将氟哌啶醇降低到还原形式,该形式具有父母分子活性的10-20%。它被CYP3A4进一步代谢为四氢吡啶,然后通过葡萄糖醛酸化和硫酸化结合。减少的氟哌啶醇被CYP3A4和CYP2D6反氧化为氟哌啶醇。氟哌啶醇被CYP3A4和CYP2D6对4-氯苯基-4-羟基丙氨酸和p-氟苯甲酰基丙酸丙酸的N-脱甲基化。在许多研究中,许多研究证明精神分裂症[1, 2, 5]. At the same time other studies deny or disaffirm this correlation [4].
The study involved 15 men, alcohol abusers, in exacerbation of their addiction, who were hospitalized in Moscow Research and Practical Centre for Narcology of the Departament of Public Health. All 15 patients received haloperidol in tablets and injections. Determination of CYP3A4 activity was performed using high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (HPLC/ MS) by determination of endogenous substrate of this isoenzyme and its metabolite in urine - the ratio: cortisol/6-beta-hydroxycortisol. We used international psychometric scales to assess efficacy of haloperidol (the scale of determining the severity of addiction of The National Research Center on Addictions of the Ministry of Health Of Russia, Hamilton Anxiety Research Scale (野蛮)). The safety of haloperidol was estimated by the UKU Side-Effect Rating Scale. Scales express the clinical picture of the abuse. The higher the score, the more pronounced the addiction is. Calculating the differences in scores of the scales allowed for clinical assessment of haloperidol effects. The larger the difference in scores was, the more pronounced were the changes in clinical picture of abuse, and the higher the efficacy of therapy was assumed. Statistical analysis of the results of the study was performed by non-parametric statistics by the program STATISTICA v10.0 (�StatSoft Inc.�, USA). The normality of sample distribution was estimated by Shapiro-Wilk's W-test, and the homogeneity of dispersion, that was estimated by Fisher's T-test (in case of comparison of two samples). The differences were evaluated as significant in case of p < 0,05 (statistic power >80%). To determine the correlation between the quantitative characteristics Spearman rank R coefficient was calculated. The value of correlation coefficient r from 0,3 to 0,7 (p < 0,05) indicated positive moderate, but significant correlation between the characteristics, r>0,7 (p < 0,05) - strong and significant correlation, negative value of r indicated inverse correlation.
数据分析表明,同工酶CYP3A4的活性与病理成瘾的分数(R1 = -0,36)之间存在相关性。野蛮(r2 = -0,45), UKU Side-Effect Rating Scale (r3 = -0.15) in the entire group (p < 0.05). In a group of patients, who received the higher doses of haloperidol (more than 7.5 mg per day in tablets or 5 mg per day in injections), the following results were received in the same groups of data: r1 = -0.68, r2 = -0.71, r3 = -0.76 (p < 0.05).
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症
5 摩尔。生物。Evol。2015年5月32日:1148-60
PMID 25681384
标题 Genomic and network patterns of schizophrenia genetic variation in human evolutionary accelerated regions.
Abstract The population persistence of精神分裂症尽管适应性和繁殖力相关,但表明遗传基础精神分裂症has a complex evolutionary history. A recent meta-analysis of精神分裂症genome-wide association studies offers novel opportunities for assessment of the evolutionary trajectories of精神分裂症-associated loci. In this study, we hypothesize that components of the genetic architecture of精神分裂症are attributable to human lineage-specific evolution. Our results suggest that精神分裂症- 相关基因座富集在先前鉴定的人类加速区域附近的基因中(野蛮). Specifically, we find that genes near野蛮在非人类灵长类动物中保守(P野蛮) are enriched for精神分裂症- 相关的基因座,该PHAR相关精神分裂症genes are under stronger selective pressure than other精神分裂症基因和其他PHAR相关基因。我们进一步评估PHAR相关精神分裂症调节网络环境中的基因研究相关的分子功能和机制。我们发现PHAR相关精神分裂症基因在与GABA相关的共表达模块中显着富集,该模块以前被发现在精神分裂症受影响的个体与健康对照。在由前额叶皮质样品中的基因表达谱构建的另外两个独立网络中,我们发现与PHAR相关精神分裂症基因是位于岑tral positions and their average path lengths to the other nodes are significantly shorter than those of other精神分裂症基因。一起,我们的结果表明野蛮are associated with potentially important functional roles in the genetic architecture of精神分裂症.
SCZ关键字 精神分裂症