1 J Abnorm Psychol 2010 Feb 119: 18-30
PMID 20141239
Title Electrophysiological correlates of emotional responding in schizophrenia.
抽象的 有人精神分裂症consistently report normal levels of pleasant emotion when exposed to evocative stimuli, suggesting intact consummatory pleasure. However, little is known about the neural correlates and time course of emotion in精神分裂症。这项研究使用了经过充分验证的情感图片观看任务,从而引起了与事件相关电位(ERP)的特征模式,从早期到较晚的处理阶段(即P1,P2,P3和晚期积极电位[LPPs]). Thirty-eight stabilized outpatients with精神分裂症and 36 healthy controls viewed standardized pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral pictures while ERPs were recorded and subsequently rated their emotional responses to the stimuli. Patients and controls responded to the pictures similarly in terms of their valence ratings, as well as the initial ERP components (P1, P2, and P3). However, at the laterLPP组成部分(500-1,000毫秒),患者在宜人的刺激与中性刺激之间显示出电生理歧视的减少。这种模式表明,患者表现出正常的自我报告的情感体验以及对情绪刺激的原始感觉处理和资源分配的完整感官。但是,他们显示出与情绪刺激的持续注意处理相关的后来组成部分的破坏。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
2 精神分裂。res。2012年3月135日:95-9
PMID 22126898
Title Intact motivated attention in schizophrenia: evidence from event-related potentials.
抽象的 Emotionally significant stimuli typically capture attention (called motivated attention) even when they are irrelevant to tasks where attention is directed. Previous studies indicate that several components of emotional processing are intact in精神分裂症when subjects are instructed to attend to emotionally-evocative stimuli. However, few studies have examined whether emotional stimuli capture attention to a normal degree in people with精神分裂症when attention is directed elsewhere. The current event-related potential study examined motivated attention to task-irrelevant emotional stimuli in 35 stabilized outpatients and 26 healthy controls with a modified visual P300 oddball detection task. Participants viewed images of rare target and commonly occurring standard letter stimuli, as well as intermixed emotional (unpleasant, pleasant, neutral) pictures. Subjects were instructed to count the number of rare targets; the emotional valence of the picture stimuli was, therefore, task-irrelevant. We separately evaluated the Early Posterior Negativity (EPN) and Late Positive Potential (LPP) to emotional pictures and the P300 to target stimuli. Patients and controls showed similar patterns of EPN andLPP对情感刺激的振幅,使EPN和EPNLPPwere larger for both pleasant and unpleasant versus neutral pictures. Although patients performed worse than controls on the target counting task, both groups showed comparable P300 differentiation between target versus non-target stimuli. Emotional stimuli captured attentional resources in people with精神分裂症even when the emotional stimuli were task-irrelevant, suggesting intact motivated attention at the level of early electrophysiological responding.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
3 Psychol Med 2013 11月43日:2377-91
PMID 23360592
Title Impaired emotion regulation in schizophrenia: evidence from event-related potentials.
抽象的 虽然several aspects of emotion seem to be intact in精神分裂症, there is emerging evidence that patients show an impaired ability to adaptively regulate their emotions. This event-related potential (ERP) study examined whether精神分裂症与对评估框架的神经反应受损有关,即在负面的背景下出现负面刺激时。
三十一精神分裂症out-patients and 27 healthy controls completed a validated picture-viewing task with three conditions: (1) neutral pictures preceded by neutral descriptions ('Neutral'), (2) unpleasant pictures preceded by negative descriptions ('Preappraised negative'), and (3) unpleasant pictures preceded by more neutral descriptions ('Preappraised neutral'). Analyses focused on the late positive potential (LPP),在认知情绪调节策略之后,在四个时期的窗口从300到2000毫秒开始,这是一个促进对情绪刺激的索引。
Replicating prior studies, controls showed smallerLPPPreappraised中立和中性和Preappraised negative conditions throughout the 300-2000-ms time period. By contrast, patients showed (a) largerLPP在初始时期(300-600毫秒)的预先介绍中性和预先鉴定的负面条件与中性条件相比,(b)较大的非典型模式LPPto Preappraised neutral versus Preappraised negative and Neutral conditions in the 600-1500-ms epochs.
认知情绪调节策略对神经反应的调节似乎受到了损害精神分裂症during the first 2 s after exposure to unpleasant stimuli.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
4 Schizophr Bull 2013 Jul 39: 872-83
PMID 23314192
Title Emotion regulation abnormalities in schizophrenia: cognitive change strategies fail to decrease the neural response to unpleasant stimuli.
抽象的 与情感体验的早期概念相反精神分裂症(SZ),最近的研究表明,beplay苹果手机能用吗与对照组(CN)相比,患者的自我报告并没有少于自我报告。相反,患者报告说,对一系列令人回味的刺激的反应,负面情绪水平升高。在这项研究中,我们研究了SZ负面情绪高度的升高可能反映了潜在的情绪调节异常的可能性。在被动观看不愉快和中性照片的被动观看期间,与事件相关的电位(ERP)记录在患有SZ(n = 25)的门诊病人(n = 25)和人口统计学匹配的健康对照(n = 21)。不愉快的图像之前是音频描述,该图像描述了图像为负或中性。中性图像先于中性音频描述。晚期积极潜力(LPP), an ERP component sensitive to cognitive change strategies, was examined as an index of emotion regulation. Both CN and SZ showed an increasedLPP与中性图像相比,呈负描述的不愉快图像。此外,CN显示了情绪调节的证据,如较小的LPPfor unpleasant images preceded by a neutral descriptor, relative to a negative descriptor. In contrast, SZ patients showed an inability to downregulate emotional response, as evidenced by no difference in the amplitude of theLPPfor unpleasant images preceded by negative or neutral descriptors. Findings provide neurophysiological evidence for an emotion regulation abnormality in SZ and suggest that failures in cognitive change may underlie increased negative emotionality in SZ.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
5 J Psychiatry Neurosci 2014年9月39日:339-47
PMID 24913137
Title 精神分裂症谱系疾病中的奖励处理缺陷会促进大麻使用吗?对自然奖励和药物提示的生理反应的研究。
抽象的 有功能失调的奖励处理存在于精神分裂症-spectrum disorders (SSD) and may confer vulnerability to addiction. Our objective was to identify a deficit in patients with SSD on response to rewarding stimuli and determine whether this deficit predicts cannabis use.
We divided a group of patients with SSD and nonpsychotic controls into cannabis users and nonusers. Response to emotional and cannabis-associated visual stimuli was assessed using self-report, event-related potentials (using the late positive potential [LPP]),面部肌电图和皮肤传导反应。
Our sample comprised 35 patients with SSD and 35 nonpsychotic controls. Compared with controls, the patients with SSD showed bluntedLPPresponse to pleasant stimuli (p = 0.003). Across measures, cannabis-using controls showed greater response to pleasant stimuli than to cannabis stimuli whereas cannabis-using patients showed little bias toward pleasant stimuli. ReducedLPPresponse to pleasant stimuli was predictive of more frequent subsequent cannabis use (? = -0.24, p = 0.034).
It is not clear if the deficit associated with cannabis use is specific to rewarding stimuli or nonspecific to any kind of emotionally salient stimuli.
LPPcaptures a reward-processing deficit in patients with SSD and shows potential as a biomarker for identifying patients at risk of heavy cannabis use.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
6 Brain Behav 2015 Jan 5: 75-84
PMID 25722951
Title 精神分裂症生物运动感知的神经生理学。
抽象的 这ability to recognize human biological motion is a fundamental aspect of social cognition that is impaired in people with精神分裂症。However, little is known about the neural substrates of impaired biological motion perception in精神分裂症。在当前的研究中,我们评估了与人类和非人类运动的事件相关电位(ERP)精神分裂症
Twenty-four subjects with精神分裂症and 18 healthy controls completed a biological motion task while their electroencephalography (EEG) was simultaneously recorded. Subjects watched clips of point-light animations containing 100%, 85%, or 70% biological motion, and were asked to decide whether the clip resembled human or nonhuman movement. Three ERPs were examined: P1, N1, and the late positive potential (LPP).
在行为上精神分裂症与100%和85%条件下的健康对照相比,受试者将刺激明显较少为人类运动。在神经级别,P1降低了精神分裂症但我没有条件之间的差异n either group. There were no group differences in N1 but both groups had the largest N1 in the 70% condition. There was a condition�נgroup interaction for theLPP: Healthy controls had a largerLPPto 100% versus 85% and 70% biological motion; there was no difference among conditions in精神分裂症subjects.
Consistent with previous findings,精神分裂症受试者识别生物运动的能力受损。脑电图结果表明,生物运动不影响视觉处理的最早阶段(P1)。虽然精神分裂症subjects showed the same pattern of N1 results relative to healthy controls, they were impaired at a later stage (LPP), reflecting a dysfunction in the identification of human form in biological versus nonbiological motion stimuli.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
7 Int J Psychophysiol 2015 Dec 98: 612-23
PMID 25620125
Title Neurophysiological correlates of emotional directed-forgetting in persons with Schizophrenia: An event-related brain potential study.
抽象的 Recent research has shown that patients with精神分裂症(SCZ) exhibit reduced directed forgetting (DF) for negative words, suggesting impaired ability to instantiate goal-directed inhibition in order to suppress a competing, emotion-driven responses (i.e., emotional memory enhancement). However, disrupted inhibition is not the only possible mechanism by which patients could manifest reduced emotional DF. Therefore, the primary objective of the current study was to use event-related brain potential (ERP) recordings to investigate alternative hypotheses.
ERPs were recorded while patients and controls completed an item-method DF paradigm using negative and neutral words. The N2 indexed goal-directed inhibition of to-be-forgotten items. The late positive potential (LPP) indexed emotional memory enhancement for negative study items. The P300 indexed selective rehearsal of to-be-remembered items.
这SCZ group exhibited a reduced DF effect overall, but this was not modulated by emotion. N2 amplitude at anterior sites was larger for forget versus remember cues in the control group only, but this effect was not modulated by emotion.LPPamplitude was greater for negative versus neutral words in both groups, independent of region. P300 amplitude at posterior sites was greater for remember versus forget cues in the control group only.
这se data suggest that reduced DF in SCZ may be due, in part, to both diminished goal-directed inhibition of to-be-forgotten items and reduced selective rehearsal of to-be-remembered items. However, these data do not support the hypothesis that goal-directed, inhibitory processes are disrupted by competing, emotion-driven processes in SCZ. Patients' ERP data also suggested that they did not exhibit disproportionately heightened encoding of emotional stimuli, nor did they have deficient selective rehearsal of to-be-remembered emotional items.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
8 J Abnorm Psychol 2015 May 124: 288-301
PMID 25486078
Title Emotion regulation abnormalities in schizophrenia: Directed attention strategies fail to decrease the neurophysiological response to unpleasant stimuli.
抽象的 Previous research provides evidence that individuals with精神分裂症(SZ) have emotion regulation abnormalities, particularly when attempting to use reappraisal to decrease negative emotion. The current study extended this literature by examining the effectiveness of a different form of emotion regulation, directed attention, which has been shown to be effective at reducing negative emotion in healthy individuals. Participants included outpatients with SZ (n = 28) and healthy controls (CN: n = 25), who viewed unpleasant and neutral images during separate event-related potential and eye-movement tasks. Trials included both passive viewing and directed attention segments. During directed attention, gaze was directed toward highly arousing aspects of an unpleasant image, less arousing aspects of an unpleasant image, or a nonarousing aspect of a neutral image. The late positive potential (LPP) event-related potential component indexed emotion regulation success. Directing attention to nonarousing aspects of unpleasant images decreased theLPPin CN; however, SZ showed similarLPP振幅时的注意力被引导向更多or less arousing aspects of unpleasant scenes. Eye tracking indicated that SZ were more likely than CN to attend to arousing portions of unpleasant scenes when attention was directed toward less arousing scene regions. Furthermore, pupilary data suggested that SZ patients failed to engage effortful cognitive processes needed to inhibit the prepotent response of attending to arousing aspects of unpleasant scenes when attention was directed toward nonarousing scene regions. Findings add to the growing literature indicating that individuals with SZ display emotion regulation abnormalities and provide novel evidence that dysfunctional emotion-attention interactions and generalized cognitive control deficits are associated with ineffective use of directed attention strategies to regulate negative emotion. (PsycINFO Database Record
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
9 J Abnorm Psychol 2016 May 125: 576-87
PMID 26845261
Title 双相情感障碍与精神分裂症的功能障碍动力和厌恶动机的不同模式:与事件有关的潜在研究。
抽象的 精神分裂症and bipolar disorder are associated with different clinical profiles of disturbances in motivation, yet few studies have compared the neurophysiological correlates of such disturbances. Outpatients with精神分裂症(n = 34)或双相情感障碍I(n = 33),健康对照(n = 31)完成了一个晚期正势的任务(LPP), an index of motivated attention, was assessed along motivational gradients determined by apparent distance from potential rewards or punishments. Sequences of cues signaling possible monetary gains or losses appeared to loom progressively closer to the viewer; a reaction time (RT) task after the final cue determined the outcome. Controls showed the expected pattern withLPPS对于最初升高的食欲和厌恶提示,在中间位置较小,并且在RT任务之前就升级。在RT任务之前,临床组在最终位置显示了不同的模式:双极组的LPPs to both types of cues peaked relatively early during looming sequences and subsequently decreased, whereas the精神分裂症组显示相对较小LPPescalations, particularly for aversive cues. These distinct patterns suggest that the temporal unfolding of attentional resource allocation for motivationally significant events may qualitatively differ between these disorders. (PsycINFO Database Record
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
10 Clin EEG Neurosci 2016 Jan 47: 11-23
PMID 26251457
Title Electrophysiological Correlates of Aberrant Motivated Attention and Salience Processing in Unaffected Relatives of Schizophrenia Patients.
抽象的 Patients with精神分裂症(SCZ) exhibit debilitating deficits in attention and affective processing, which are often resistant to treatment and associated with poor functional outcomes. Impaired orientation to task-relevant target information has been indexed by diminished P3b event-related potentials in patients, as well as their unaffected first-degree relatives, suggesting that P3b may be a vulnerability marker for精神分裂症。Despite intact affective valence processing, patients are unable to employ cognitive change strategies to reduce electrophysiological responses to aversive stimuli. Less is known about the attentional processing of emotionally salient task-irrelevant information in patients and unaffected first-degree relatives. The goal of the present study was to examine the neural correlates of salience processing, as indexed by the late positive potential (LPP), during the processing of emotionally salient distractor stimuli in 31 patients with SCZ, 28 first-degree relatives, and 47 control participants using an oddball paradigm. Results indicated that despite intact novelty detection (P3a), both SCZ and first-degree relatives demonstrated deficiencies in attentional processing, reflected in attenuated target-P3b, and aberrant motivated attention, with reduced early-LPPamplitudes for aversive stimuli relative to controls. First-degree relatives revealed a unique enhancement of the late-LPPresponse, possibly underlying an exaggerated evaluation of salient information and a compensatory engagement of neural circuitry. Furthermore, reduced early-LPP目标p3b幅度与症状严重程度增加有关。这些发现表明,除了P3B外LPP可能对监测临床状态有用。未来的研究将探讨P3和LPPresponses as vulnerability markers for early detection and prediction of psychopathology.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症