1 精神病学Res 2000 2月93日:41-54
PMID 10699227
Title 在容易发生的个体中,平稳的追捕眼睛跟踪和视觉固定。
抽象的 通过感知畸变确定的受试者 -MAG构想(MAG) scores (n=97), Social Anhedonia (SocAnh) scores (n=45), and Physical Anhedonia (PhysAnh) scores (n=31) as well as normal controls (n=94), underwent psychophysiological and clinical assessment. This is the first published investigation of pursuit system functioning in three groups of questionnaire-identified at-risk individuals. Pursuit during a simple non-monitor tracking task was measured using root-mean-square error (RMSE) scores and pursuit gain scores. Fixation performance was measured in terms of number of saccades away from the central fixation point. The at-risk subjects were more likely to display aberrant smooth pursuit tracking than controls, though there were no significant differences between the at-risk subjects endorsing items relevant to positive-symptomschizotypy以及那些与负症状有关的项目schizotypy。这些小组的视觉固定性能没有显着差异。还评估了参与者的轴心I症状和精神病样经验。实验对象和对照对象都没有表现出眼部运动性能和类似精神病的经验之间的显着关联。这些发现与先前的证据一致,即追踪跟踪是一种特征,独立于临床状态。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
2 J. Neurosci。res。2004年9月77日:858-66
PMID 15334603
Title Microarray analysis of postmortem temporal cortex from patients with schizophrenia.
抽象的 To examine molecular mechanisms associated with精神分裂症这项研究测量了来自12名受试者的中间回旋中大约12,000个基因的表达精神分裂症和14个匹配的正常对照。在具有稳健表达的基因中最一致的变化中,与髓鞘相关基因的表达显着降低MAG,PLLP(TM4SF11),PLP1,ERBB3的受试者精神分裂症。这re was also altered expression of genes regulating neurodevelopment (TRAF4, Neurod1, histone deacetylase 3), a circadian pacemaker (PER1), and several other genes involved in regulation of chromatin function and signaling mechanisms. These findings support the hypothesis that精神分裂症is associated with abnormalities in oligodendroglia and provide initial evidence suggesting a role for epigenetic mechanisms and altered circadian rhythms in this disorder.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
3 J APPL MEAS 2004 -1 5:160-71
PMID 15064535
Title 对威斯康星州精神病的三个尺度的Rasch分析:精神分裂症的测量。
抽象的 Rasch分析是通过90名大学生的数据进行的,对威斯康星州的三个精神病倾斜度 -MAGICal Iseation(Eckblad&Chapman,1983年),感知畸变(Chapman,Chapman和Raulin,1978年),并修订了社交Anhedonia量表(Eckblad,Chapman,Chapman,Chapman和Mishlove,1982年)。每个单个量表的所有项目,以及合并感知异常的所有项目/MAG构想(MAG)比例,显示出与Rasch模型的满意拟合。这些结果表明,人格特征在内schizotypy,可以在理论上声音定量间隔尺度上测量特征。提供了原始分数的Rasch量表当量。可能改进MAG构思,感知畸变和MAG项目分析尺度上提出。Advantages of Rasch scaling for clinical applications include detection of invalid test protocols, more meaningful interpretations of test scores, and direct comparison of scores from different tests of the same construct.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
4 摩尔。精神病学2005年3月10日:309-22
PMID 15303102
Title 转录分析揭示了主要抑郁症患者的颞皮质中信号传导和少突胶质异常的证据。
抽象的 重度抑郁症是最常见和毁灭性的精神疾病之一。为了鉴定主要抑郁症的候选机制,我们使用Affymetrix HGU95A微阵列比较了12例患有重度抑郁症患者和14个匹配对照的颞皮质中的基因表达。参与神经发育,信号转导和细胞通信的基因家族揭示了显着的表达变化。其中,主要抑郁症患者的17个与少突胶质细胞功能相关的基因的表达显着降低(p <0.05,倍数变化> 1.4)。这17个基因中的八个编码髓磷脂的结构成分(CNP,MAG,MAL,MOG,MOBP,PMP22,PLLP,PLP1)。其他五个基因编码参与髓磷脂成分合成的酶(ASPA,UGT8),或在调节髓磷脂形成(ENPP2,EDG2,TF,KLK6)中至关重要。一个基因,即Sox10,编码调节其他髓鞘相关基因的转录因子。Olig2是一个独家存在于少突胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞前体中的转录因子。另一个基因ERBB3参与了少突胶质细胞分化。除了与髓鞘相关的基因外,轴突生长/突触功能涉及多个基因也发生了重大变化。这些发现表明,主要的抑郁症可能与细胞通信和信号转导机制的变化有关,这些机制导致少突齿和突触功能的异常。与其他研究一起,这些发现表明,重度抑郁症可能与常见的寡头异常异常精神分裂症和躁郁症。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
5 Neurosci. Lett. 2005 Nov 388: 126-31
PMID 16039057
Title 髓磷脂相关糖蛋白基因的多态性与中国汉族中的精神分裂症有关。
抽象的 基因表达微阵列和定量PCR研究的结果表明,髓磷脂相关基因的表达异常,包括髓磷脂相关糖蛋白(MAG) 在精神分裂症病人。beplay苹果手机能用吗研究为少突胶质细胞功能障碍提供了有力的证据精神分裂症s。为了进一步评估MAGin精神分裂症, we examined four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), namely rs2301600, rs3746248, rs720309 and rs720308, of this gene in Chinese精神分裂症患者(n = 470)和健康对照(n = 470)。RS720309 T/A基因型的分布显示与精神分裂症((chi(2)=14.58, d.f.=2, P=0.0008). A haplotype constructed of rs720309-rs720308 also revealed a significant association with精神分裂症(CHI(2)= 11.914,D.F. = 3,p = 0.0084)。我们关于之间重要关联的发现精神分裂症MAGgene suggest that this gene may be involved in susceptibility to精神分裂症in the Chinese Han population.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
6 Neurosci. Lett. 2005 Nov 388: 126-31
PMID 16039057
Title 髓磷脂相关糖蛋白基因的多态性与中国汉族中的精神分裂症有关。
抽象的 基因表达微阵列和定量PCR研究的结果表明,髓磷脂相关基因的表达异常,包括髓磷脂相关糖蛋白(MAG) 在精神分裂症病人。beplay苹果手机能用吗研究为少突胶质细胞功能障碍提供了有力的证据精神分裂症s。为了进一步评估MAGin精神分裂症, we examined four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), namely rs2301600, rs3746248, rs720309 and rs720308, of this gene in Chinese精神分裂症患者(n = 470)和健康对照(n = 470)。RS720309 T/A基因型的分布显示与精神分裂症((chi(2)=14.58, d.f.=2, P=0.0008). A haplotype constructed of rs720309-rs720308 also revealed a significant association with精神分裂症(CHI(2)= 11.914,D.F. = 3,p = 0.0084)。我们关于之间重要关联的发现精神分裂症MAGgene suggest that this gene may be involved in susceptibility to精神分裂症in the Chinese Han population.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
7 Neurosci. Lett. 2005 Nov 388: 126-31
PMID 16039057
Title 髓磷脂相关糖蛋白基因的多态性与中国汉族中的精神分裂症有关。
抽象的 基因表达微阵列和定量PCR研究的结果表明,髓磷脂相关基因的表达异常,包括髓磷脂相关糖蛋白(MAG) 在精神分裂症病人。beplay苹果手机能用吗研究为少突胶质细胞功能障碍提供了有力的证据精神分裂症s。为了进一步评估MAGin精神分裂症, we examined four single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), namely rs2301600, rs3746248, rs720309 and rs720308, of this gene in Chinese精神分裂症患者(n = 470)和健康对照(n = 470)。RS720309 T/A基因型的分布显示与精神分裂症((chi(2)=14.58, d.f.=2, P=0.0008). A haplotype constructed of rs720309-rs720308 also revealed a significant association with精神分裂症(CHI(2)= 11.914,D.F. = 3,p = 0.0084)。我们关于之间重要关联的发现精神分裂症MAGgene suggest that this gene may be involved in susceptibility to精神分裂症in the Chinese Han population.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
8 精神分裂。res。2005 Jun 75: 11-9
PMID 15820319
Title 在中国的三重奏组中,MAG基因座与精神分裂症可能关联。
抽象的 迄今为止,基于神经递质的假设在预测病因的新的病因学发现中,仅取得了适度的成功。精神分裂症。另一方面,越来越多的证据支持了这种疾病的最新寡头假设。例如,髓磷脂相关糖蛋白的表达水平(MAG)基因已显示出明显降低精神分裂症患者组与对照组相比。这种影响可能是由于遗传变异的结果MAG基因。为了检验这一假设,我们基因分型在MAG使用等位基因特异性PCR,在413个汉族三重奏样品中的基因座。这四个标记都没有揭示出明显的等位基因意义。然而,观察到涵盖组件RS720309和RS720308组件的四标记和两标记单倍型与精神分裂症(p <0.0001)在这项研究中。此外,我们确定了一种常见的风险单倍型TA(rs720309-RS720308,占78.5%的一般人群),该型号显示出了越来越多的证据,从父母过度译为受影响后代的过度译文(p = 0.0001)。结果证明了结果MAGmight play a role in genetic susceptibility to精神分裂症。Furthermore, our finding of a possible association between theMAG基因座和精神分裂症与寡头和髓鞘功能障碍的假设一致。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
9 神经生物醇。dis。2006年3月21日:531-40
PMID 16213148
Title 老年精神分裂症患者的前扣带回皮质和海马中,髓磷脂相关的mRNA和蛋白质表达缺陷。
抽象的 微阵列和其他研究报告了少突胶质细胞和髓磷脂相关(OMR)缺陷精神分裂症。在这里,我们采用了定量方法来确定MAGOMR基因表达缺陷及其大脑区域特异性的概念。此外,我们研究了研究的OMR基因之间的表达水平如何相互关联。mrna的mrnaMAG, CNP, SOX10, CLDN11, and PMP22, but not MBP and MOBP, was reduced in the hippocampus and anterior cingulate cortex but not in the putamen of patients with精神分裂症。在海马中,检查的唯一蛋白质(CNP)的表达降低,但在壳虫中没有降低。相关性和因子分析表明,确实在精神分裂症((MAG,CNP,SOX10,CLDN11和PMP2),与没有(MOBP和MBP)的那些,同时加载了单独的因素。因此,OMR基因和蛋白质表达缺陷精神分裂症是特定于大脑区域的,受影响的组件可能具有监管元素。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
10 Proc。纳特。学院科学。美国2006年5月103日:7482-7
PMID 16641098
Title Human QKI, a potential regulator of mRNA expression of human oligodendrocyte-related genes involved in schizophrenia.
抽象的 Quaking可行的小鼠突变(QK(V))是一种缺失,包括Quaking Gene(QKI)的5'调节区域,该区域会导致小鼠体内震颤和严重的抑制障碍。人类质量基因的功能,称为质量同源物kH结构域RNA结合(小鼠)(QKI),尚不清楚。我们以前已经表明QKI是一个新的候选基因精神分裂症。在这里我们表明,人类QKI mRNA水平可以占六个少突胶质细胞相关基因(PLP1,PLP1,MAG, MBP, TF, SOX10, and CDKN1B) in 55 human brain autopsy samples from individuals without psychiatric diagnoses. In addition, the tightly coexpressed myelin-related genes (PLP1,MAG和TF)的mRNA水平降低了55精神分裂症patients, as compared with 55 control individuals, and most of this difference (68-96%) can be explained by variation in the relative mRNA levels of QKI-7kb, the same QKI splice variant previously shown to be down-regulated in patients with精神分裂症。Taken together, our results suggest that QKI levels may regulate oligodendrocyte differentiation and maturation in human brain, in a similar way as in mouse. Moreover, we hypothesize that previously observed decreased activity of myelin-related genes in精神分裂症might be caused by disturbed QKI splicing.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
11 Proc。纳特。学院科学。美国2006年5月103日:7482-7
PMID 16641098
Title Human QKI, a potential regulator of mRNA expression of human oligodendrocyte-related genes involved in schizophrenia.
抽象的 Quaking可行的小鼠突变(QK(V))是一种缺失,包括Quaking Gene(QKI)的5'调节区域,该区域会导致小鼠体内震颤和严重的抑制障碍。人类质量基因的功能,称为质量同源物kH结构域RNA结合(小鼠)(QKI),尚不清楚。我们以前已经表明QKI是一个新的候选基因精神分裂症。在这里我们表明,人类QKI mRNA水平可以占六个少突胶质细胞相关基因(PLP1,PLP1,MAG, MBP, TF, SOX10, and CDKN1B) in 55 human brain autopsy samples from individuals without psychiatric diagnoses. In addition, the tightly coexpressed myelin-related genes (PLP1,MAG和TF)的mRNA水平降低了55精神分裂症patients, as compared with 55 control individuals, and most of this difference (68-96%) can be explained by variation in the relative mRNA levels of QKI-7kb, the same QKI splice variant previously shown to be down-regulated in patients with精神分裂症。Taken together, our results suggest that QKI levels may regulate oligodendrocyte differentiation and maturation in human brain, in a similar way as in mouse. Moreover, we hypothesize that previously observed decreased activity of myelin-related genes in精神分裂症might be caused by disturbed QKI splicing.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
12 int。J. Neuropsychopharmacol。2007年8月10日:547-55
PMID 17291372
Title Oligodendroglial abnormalities in schizophrenia, mood disorders and substance abuse. Comorbidity, shared traits, or molecular phenocopies?
抽象的 在过去的几年中,暗示主要精神障碍中的寡头症的证据已经显着增长。微阵列分析显示,来自几个临床上不同受试者的多个大脑区域中少突胶质细胞相关基因的表达改变了精神分裂症(SZ)以及躁郁症(BD)和主要抑郁症(MDD),酒精中毒和可卡因使用者的受试者。根据基因表达的发现,在神经I.MAGing and neuropathological studies. Changes in oligodendroglia-related genes reported in SZ, BD and MDD appear to display considerable similarities (particularly decreased expression ofMAG,Erbb,TF,PLP1,MOG,MOBP,MOG),而可卡因滥用和酒精中毒的变化更加多样化。常见的寡头异常可能表明不同疾病之间的病因或病理生理重叠。寡头异常异常的可能机制可能涉及与寡头相关基因的功能变化,染色质的表观遗传调节,DA系统多活跃和其他机制。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
13 int。J. Neuropsychopharmacol。2007 Aug 10: 503-11
PMID 17291369
Title 少突胶质细胞病理生理学:精神分裂症的新观点。
抽象的 A recent focus of精神分裂症beplay苹果手机能用吗研究是将白物完整性作为这种复杂疾病的关键方面的破坏。这是新I的一部分刺激MAG态度,MAG网络转移iMAGing and diffusion tensor iMAGIng,显示出与人的白人完整性和道路连贯性的差异精神分裂症compared to controls. Oligodendrocytes, in particular, have been the subject of increased study after gene microarray analyses revealed that six myelin-related genes specific to oligodendrocytes have decreased expression levels in精神分裂症。在受试者的上部回旋中,少突胶质细胞的数量减少了精神分裂症。这MAGknockout mouse, missing a myelin-related gene linked to精神分裂症,可能被证明是在人类疾病中观察到的炎症性的有用动物模型。目前正在进行该模型的研究发现,前额叶皮质III层中金字塔细胞的树突分支模式发生了变化。这些小鼠中病理的进一步表征正在进行中。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
14 J Neural Transm(维也纳)2007年2月114日:249-54
PMID 16897606
Title 中国人群中RTN4R基因中的遗传多态性与精神分裂症之间没有关联。
抽象的 RTN4R基因位于22q11区域,它编码受体复合物(RTN4R-P75NTR)的亚基,该亚基对Nogo-66,响应Nogo-66,导致神经元抑制信号产生神经元抑制信号。MAG或OMG信号。先前的研究表明,RTN4R可能是潜在的候选者精神分裂症敏感位点。我们在基因中对四个SNP进行了基因分型,并进行了病例对照研究和TDT分析,涉及707精神分裂症患者,689个对照和372个无关的小核心家庭精神分裂症offspring in the Chinese population. We examined allele and genotype frequencies and haplotype distributions in both family- and nonfamily-based samples. Our results suggest that there is no significant association between the genetic polymorphisms and精神分裂症在汉族人口中。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
15 J Neural Transm(维也纳)2007年2月114日:249-54
PMID 16897606
Title 中国人群中RTN4R基因中的遗传多态性与精神分裂症之间没有关联。
抽象的 RTN4R基因位于22q11区域,它编码受体复合物(RTN4R-P75NTR)的亚基,该亚基对Nogo-66,响应Nogo-66,导致神经元抑制信号产生神经元抑制信号。MAG或OMG信号。先前的研究表明,RTN4R可能是潜在的候选者精神分裂症敏感位点。我们在基因中对四个SNP进行了基因分型,并进行了病例对照研究和TDT分析,涉及707精神分裂症患者,689个对照和372个无关的小核心家庭精神分裂症offspring in the Chinese population. We examined allele and genotype frequencies and haplotype distributions in both family- and nonfamily-based samples. Our results suggest that there is no significant association between the genetic polymorphisms and精神分裂症在汉族人口中。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
16 精神分裂。res。2007年2月90日:15-27
PMID 17223013
Title Expression of transcripts for myelination-related genes in the anterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia.
抽象的 最近的一些研究发现e的变化xpression of genes functionally related to myelination and oligodendrocyte homeostasis in精神分裂症。这些研究利用微阵列和quantitative PCR (QPCR), methodologies which do not permit direct, unamplified examination of mRNA expression. In addition, these studies generally only examined transcript expression in homogenates of gray matter. In the present study, we examined the expression of myelination-related genes previously implicated in精神分裂症by microarray or QPCR. Using in situ hybridization, we measured transcript expression of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNP), myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), transferrin (TF), quaking (QKI), gelsolin, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3, erbb2 interacting protein, motility-related protein-1, SRY-box containing gene 10, oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2, peripheral myelin protein 22, and claudin-11 in both gray and white matter of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in subjects with精神分裂症((n=41) and a comparison group (n=34). We found decreased expression ofMAG,QKI,TF和CNP成绩单中的白质。我们没有发现这些转录本的表达有任何差异(n = 31)和未生物的(n = 10)精神分裂症s, suggesting that these changes are not secondary to treatment with antipsychotics. Finally, we found significant positive correlations between QKI andMAGor CNP mRNA expression, suggesting that the transcription factor QKI regulatesMAGand CNP expression. Our results support the hypothesis that myelination and oligodendrocyte function are impaired in精神分裂症
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
17 精神分裂。res。2007年2月90日:15-27
PMID 17223013
Title Expression of transcripts for myelination-related genes in the anterior cingulate cortex in schizophrenia.
抽象的 最近的一些研究发现e的变化xpression of genes functionally related to myelination and oligodendrocyte homeostasis in精神分裂症。这些研究利用微阵列和quantitative PCR (QPCR), methodologies which do not permit direct, unamplified examination of mRNA expression. In addition, these studies generally only examined transcript expression in homogenates of gray matter. In the present study, we examined the expression of myelination-related genes previously implicated in精神分裂症by microarray or QPCR. Using in situ hybridization, we measured transcript expression of 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNP), myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG), transferrin (TF), quaking (QKI), gelsolin, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 3, erbb2 interacting protein, motility-related protein-1, SRY-box containing gene 10, oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2, peripheral myelin protein 22, and claudin-11 in both gray and white matter of the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) in subjects with精神分裂症((n=41) and a comparison group (n=34). We found decreased expression ofMAG,QKI,TF和CNP成绩单中的白质。我们没有发现这些转录本的表达有任何差异(n = 31)和未生物的(n = 10)精神分裂症s, suggesting that these changes are not secondary to treatment with antipsychotics. Finally, we found significant positive correlations between QKI andMAGor CNP mRNA expression, suggesting that the transcription factor QKI regulatesMAGand CNP expression. Our results support the hypothesis that myelination and oligodendrocyte function are impaired in精神分裂症
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
18 精神病。基因。2008年6月18日:143-6
PMID 18496213
Title A family-based association study of the myelin-associated glycoprotein and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase genes with schizophrenia.
抽象的 最近的证据激增暗示了髓鞘异常的病因精神分裂症已找到。这项研究是一项基于家庭的遗传关联分析,检查了与髓磷脂相关的糖蛋白(MAG) and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphodiesterase (CNP) genes in精神分裂症。大约有246个主要是欧洲高加索的家庭的基因分型MAGRS2301600,RS720308,RS720309,RS756796和CNP RS2070106单核苷酸多态性(SNP)。FBAT程序(v1.7.2)和传输分别用于分析单个SNP和单倍型。CNP SNP(RS2070106)可能与精神分裂症(p = 0.027)。MAG根据单标记或单倍型分析,变体与疾病传播无关。CNP风险等位基因的产物母亲父母的重要效应精神分裂症was found (P=0.003). No CNP-MAGGene-Gene互动赋予了增加的风险精神分裂症。我们的发现为CNP基因的潜在关联提供了支持,而不是MAGgene in精神分裂症在高加索人口中。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
19 神经心理药理学2008年11月33日:2993-3009
PMID 18322470
Title 精神分裂症中细胞周期活性的异常指数及其与少突胶质细胞的潜在关联。
抽象的 这项研究的目的是确定哪些信号通路可能引起髓磷脂特异性基因表达缺陷精神分裂症(SZ)。微阵列分析表明,与对照组相比,与对照组相比,与SZ(n = 16)的人相比,在前扣带回回(ACG)中,与规范细胞周期途径相关的基因受到显着影响。n = 19)。在独立队列中,使用qPCR验证了检测到的G1/s相转变和基因中心的基因表达变化(NS = 45/34)。在SZ受试者中ACG基础的白质中,磷酸化的视网膜母细胞瘤蛋白(PRB)的相对丰度增加(NS = 12)。细胞周期蛋白D1基因表达和p57(KIP2)下调的上调,伴随着细胞周期蛋白D/CDK4依赖性PRB的磷酸化的增加,作为G1/S相变的检查点,表明在肿瘤后细胞周期中重新进入MIMETOTIOT寡聚型的异常细胞周期在SZ。此外,来自髓磷脂突变动物模型的脑样品的基因表达分析,Quaking和髓磷脂相关糖蛋白(MAG)零小鼠,表明细胞周期基因表达变化不是结构性髓磷脂蛋白的基因表达降低的必要结果,例如MAG。While, quaking, a known modulator of cell cycle activity during oligodendrocyte differentiation impairs the expression of multiple myelin genes, including those that are affected in SZ. These data suggest that the normal patterns of cell cycle gene and protein expression are disrupted in SZ and that this disruption may contribute to the oligodendroglial deficits observed in SZ.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
20 精神分裂。res。2008年1月98日:118-28
PMID 18029146
Title 精神分裂症和性别相关的在单个丘脑核中神经元和少突胶质细胞特异性基因表达的差异。
抽象的 Considerable evidence based on the study of postmortem brain tissue suggests deficits in both neuronal and myelin systems in精神分裂症(SZ)。迄今为止,大多数生化和分子生物学研究都集中在大脑皮层上。大多数往返于皮层或从丘脑的接触或突触的信息,许多研究表明,SZ的丘脑和皮质的互连区域中的结构和功能异常。本研究将神经元和髓磷脂系统的基因表达研究扩展到丘脑。使用定量PCR来评估丘脑5个划分中10个基因的表达,这些基因使用激光捕获微分解精确收获。所研究的分裂存在于从14的centromedian核(CMN)水平的冠状切片上精神分裂症和16个正常对照后大脑。所检查的基因是特异性的(特异性的)MAG, CNP, MBP), neurons (ENO2), glutamatergic neurons (VGlut1, VGlut2, PV, CB) or GABAergic neurons (GAD65, GAD67). Expression levels for each of these markers were quantitated and compared between diagnoses, between sexes, and across nuclei. CB was much more highly expressed in the CMN in SZs compared to NCs. No other diagnosis related differences in gene expression were observed. The expression levels of CNP andMAG, but not MBP, were highly correlated with one another and both, but not MBP, were much more highly expressed in females than in males in all thalamic divisions examined. All markers were differentially expressed across nuclei.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
21 精神分裂。res。2008年1月98日:118-28
PMID 18029146
Title 精神分裂症和性别相关的在单个丘脑核中神经元和少突胶质细胞特异性基因表达的差异。
抽象的 Considerable evidence based on the study of postmortem brain tissue suggests deficits in both neuronal and myelin systems in精神分裂症(SZ)。迄今为止,大多数生化和分子生物学研究都集中在大脑皮层上。大多数往返于皮层或从丘脑的接触或突触的信息,许多研究表明,SZ的丘脑和皮质的互连区域中的结构和功能异常。本研究将神经元和髓磷脂系统的基因表达研究扩展到丘脑。使用定量PCR来评估丘脑5个划分中10个基因的表达,这些基因使用激光捕获微分解精确收获。所研究的分裂存在于从14的centromedian核(CMN)水平的冠状切片上精神分裂症和16个正常对照后大脑。所检查的基因是特异性的(特异性的)MAG, CNP, MBP), neurons (ENO2), glutamatergic neurons (VGlut1, VGlut2, PV, CB) or GABAergic neurons (GAD65, GAD67). Expression levels for each of these markers were quantitated and compared between diagnoses, between sexes, and across nuclei. CB was much more highly expressed in the CMN in SZs compared to NCs. No other diagnosis related differences in gene expression were observed. The expression levels of CNP andMAG, but not MBP, were highly correlated with one another and both, but not MBP, were much more highly expressed in females than in males in all thalamic divisions examined. All markers were differentially expressed across nuclei.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
22 精神分裂。res。2008年1月98日:129-38
PMID 17964117
Title 精神分裂症患者背外侧前额叶皮层中少突胶质细胞相关基因的表达。
抽象的 先前的研究发现,在背侧外侧前额叶皮层(DLPFC)患者中与少突胶质细胞相关基因的mRNA表达降低精神分裂症。However, it is unclear which specific genes are affected and whether the changes occur in the cortical white or grey matter. We assessed the mRNA expression levels of four oligodendrocyte-related genes: myelin-associated basic protein (MOBP), myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG),2',3'-循环核苷酸3'-磷酸二酯酶(CNP)和少突胶质细胞分析因子2(Olig2)在DLPFC白质和灰质中使用定量PCR(约70个对照和大约30例患者)精神分裂症). We also examined the effects of high-risk polymorphisms in CNP and OLIG2 on mRNA levels of these genes. We found that genetic polymorphisms in CNP (rs2070106) and OLIG2 (rs1059004 and rs9653711), previously associated with精神分裂症, predicted low expression of these genes. Expression ofMAG,CNP和OLIG2在患者之间没有差异精神分裂症和灰色或白质中的对照,但在患有药物滥用病史的患者的DLPFC白质中,MOBP mRNA水平升高。白质中的MOBP和CNP蛋白没有改变。尽管未检测到DLPFC中髓磷脂相关基因表达的降低,但我们表明在少突胶质细胞相关基因中携带风险相关等位基因的个体的转录水平相对较低。这些数据说明了遗传背景在基因表达研究中的重要性精神分裂症
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
23 精神分裂。res。2009 Jul 112: 54-64
PMID 19447584
Title 精神分裂症,严重抑郁症和躁郁症的受试者中皮质少突胶质细胞和星形胶质细胞相关的基因表达。
抽象的 在许多皮质区域中描述了少突胶质细胞和髓磷脂基因表达的缺陷精神分裂症和情感障碍;但是,对皮层结构的关注很少。在这里,我们采用定量实时PCR检查了17个基因的mRNA表达,这些基因由少突胶质细胞前体(OLP)及其衍生物(包括星形胶质细胞)表达。检查了四个皮层下区域(前腹(AV)和中腹丘脑核(MDN),内部胶囊(IC)(IC)和壳核(PUT))在受试者的验尸材料中(死亡时25-68岁),没有已知的精神病病史(NCS)以及主题精神分裂症(SZ),主要抑郁症(MDD)和躁郁症(BPD)。在所有检查的区域中,与NCS相比,在少突胶质细胞的末端分化后表达的基因趋于在SZ受试者中具有较低的mRNA表达水平。这些差异在四个基因(CNP,GALC,,MAGand MOG) and approached significance for TF. No genes were under expressed in MDD. Only TF was under expressed in BPD and only in the IC. In contrast, two astrocyte-associated genes (GFAP and ALDH1L1) had higher mean expression levels across regions in all psychiatric groups relative to NCs. These differences reached statistical significance for SZ and MDD relative to NCs. There were no age by diagnosis interactions. The majority of age regressions had negative slopes for the expression of oligodendrocyte-associated genes. GFAP but not ALDH1L1 expression was significantly and positively correlated with age in the MDN, AV and Put. Across subject groups the expression of both astrocyte genes was highly correlated with cumulative neuroleptic exposure in all regions except the Put. Significant positive correlations were also observed in some regions between cumulative neuroleptic exposure and the expression of genes associated with mature oligodendrocytes as well as with bipotential OLPs. Multiple negative correlations were observed between the mRNA expression of astrocyte genes and genes expressed by terminally differentiated oligodendrocytes. These data are discussed in the context of myelin turnover and potential effects of psychiatric illness as well as medications on the developmental fate of OLPs.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
24 精神分裂。res。2009 Jul 112: 46-53
PMID 19487109
Title 小鼠E16的产前病毒流感感染后,髓鞘基因的异常表达和白质分数各向异性的改变。
抽象的 产前病毒感染与精神分裂症and autism. Our laboratory has previously shown that viral infection causes deleterious effects on brain structure and function in mouse offspring following late first trimester (E9) and late second trimester (E18) administration of influenza virus. We hypothesized that middle second trimester infection (E16) in mice may lead to a different pattern of brain gene expression and structural defects in the developing offspring. C57BL6 mice were infected on E16 with a sublethal dose of human influenza virus or sham-infected using vehicle solution. Male offspring of the infected mice were collected at P0, P14, P35, and P56, their brains removed and cerebella dissected and flash frozen. Microarray, DTI and MRI scanning, as well as qRT-PCR and SDS-PAGE and western blotting analyses were performed to detect differences in gene expression and brain atrophy. Expression of several genes associated with myelination, including Mbp,MAG,发现PLP1以及MBP的蛋白质水平也改变了MAG和DM20。大脑iMAGing revealed significant atrophy in cerebellum at P14, reduced fractional anisotropy in white matter of the right internal capsule at P0, and increased fractional anisotropy in white matter in corpus callosum at P14 and right middle cerebellar peduncle at P56. We propose that maternal infection in mouse impacts myelination genes.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
25 Brain Res. 2010 Jun 1336: 22-9
PMID 20380825
Title 酪氨酸激酶盘状结构域受体1(DDR1)在人中枢神经系统髓鞘中的表达。
抽象的 During development of the mouse brain, the protein kinase discoidin domain receptor 1 (DDR1) is present prenatally in neurons of the proliferative areas, and postnatally, DDR1 expression is no longer detected in neurons, but a spatial-temporal expression pattern in oligodendrocytes that overlaps with the dynamics of the myelination process is detected. Notably, oligodendrocytic DDR1 expression is upregulated in mice during experimentally induced remyelination. Recently, we demonstrated that DDR1 expression is high in human brain and that there is an association between the gene and精神分裂症in a case-control study. However, data regarding expression of DDR1 in the human brain are scarce. Here, we describe the expression pattern of DDR1 in the human adult cerebral cortex. Using several immunohistological techniques and in situ hybridization, we identified DDR1 in the following: a) myelin, b) capillary endothelial cells in the gray as well as white matter, and c) in the soma of some oligodendrocytes and astrocytes in the white matter. The most important overall finding in this study was that DDR1 is present in myelin and is expressed by oligodendrocyte cells. We detected the presence of DDR1 mRNA and protein in myelin and observed that DDR1 co-localized with the classical myelin basic protein (MBP). Moreover, we found a strong positive correlation between expression levels of DDR1 and two myelin-associated genes, myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) and oligodendrocyte transcription factor 2 (OLIG2). These observations suggest that DDR1 could be an important constituent of myelin. Because defects in myelination are linked to several mental disorders such as精神分裂症, the function of DDR1 in the process of myelination warrants further investigation.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
26 Am. J. Med. Genet. B Neuropsychiatr. Genet. 2011 Jul 156B: 581-92
PMID 21563301
Title 日本病例对照样本中NOGO相关基因与精神分裂症的关联研究。
抽象的 许多研究表明,髓磷脂功能障碍可能与因果关系涉及精神分裂症。Nogo(RTN4),髓鞘相关糖蛋白(MAG)和少突胶质细胞髓磷脂糖蛋白(OMG)都与公共受体Nogo-66受体1(RTN4R)结合。我们从这四个基因中检查了68个单核苷酸多态性(SNP)(SNP)(51个具有基因分型和17个基因分析),用于与遗传结合精神分裂症,使用来自日本人口的2,120个病例对照样本。等位基因测试显示两个RTN4 SNP具有名义显着关联(分别为RS11894868和RS2968804的P = 0.047和0.037)和两个MAGSNP(分别为RS7249617和RS16970218的SNP(p = 0.034和0.029)精神分裂症。这MAGSNP rs7249617 also showed nominal significance in a genotypic test (P = 0.017). In haplotype analysis, theMAGhaplotype block including rs7249617 and rs16970218 showed nominal significance (P = 0.008). These associations did not remain significant after correction for multiple testing, possibly due to their small genetic effect. In the imputation analysis of RTN4, the untyped SNP rs2972090 showed nominally significant association (P = 0.032) and several imputed SNPs showed marginal associations. Moreover, in silico analysis (PolyPhen) of a missense variant (rs11677099: Asp357Val), which is in strong linkage disequilibrium with rs11894868, predicted a deleterious effect on Nogo protein function. Despite a failure to detect robust associations in this Japanese cohort, our nominally positive signals, taken together with previously reported biological and genetic findings, add further support to the "disturbed myelin system theory of精神分裂症" across different populations.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
27 精神病学水库2011年5月187日:89-93
PMID 21176970
Title Going beyond students: an association between mixed-hand preference and schizotypy subscales in a general population.
抽象的 beplay苹果手机能用吗研究schizotypy表明它与混合握手有关。但是,迄今为止,这项研究集中在本科生中。beplay苹果手机能用吗如果之间的关联schizotypyand mixed-handedness is the result of an underlying neurological trait, it is important to demonstrate that the effect extends to the general population. With this in mind, 699 participants were drawn from a wide community sample.schizotypy使用精神病倾斜度问卷测量和使用Annett库存评估了手法。为了避免有时对左,右和混合手的定义,使用回归分析来探索数据。没有证据表明schizotypy在左手或右手偏好的人之间。然而,具有混合偏好的人的每一分数较高MAG((Perceptual Aberration andMAGiCal Iseation)和催眠(躁狂和冲动不符)量表(正性状)。没有观察到San(社会Anhedonia)和PAN(身体上的Anhedonia)量表(负面特征)的影响。关联之间的性质schizotypy在当前研究中观察到的惯用性与学生群体报道的相似。讨论了关联与反应偏见或生物学机制有关的可能性。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症
28 前精神病学2012 -1 3:40
PMID 22563322
Title Myelin-associated glycoprotein gene and brain morphometry in schizophrenia.
抽象的 Myelin and oligodendrocyte disruption may be a core feature of精神分裂症病理生理学。本研究的目的是将先前鉴定的风险变异变体定位在与髓磷脂相关的糖蛋白中(MAG)基因在脑形态计量学上精神分裂症患者和健康对照。四十五精神分裂症患者和47个匹配的健康对照进行了临床,结构性MAGnetic resonance iMAGing, and genetics procedures. Gray and white matter cortical lobe volumes along with hippocampal volumes were calculated from T1-weighted MRI scans. Each subject was also genotyped for the two disease-associatedMAGsingle nucleotide polymorphisms (rs720308 and rs720309). Repeated measures general linear model (GLM) analysis found significant region by genotype and region by genotype by diagnosis interactions for the effects ofMAGLobar灰质量的风险变体。没有发现与小叶白质量或海马体积的显着关联。后续单变量GLM发现RS720308的AA基因型易感性精神分裂症patients to left temporal and parietal gray matter volume deficits. These results suggest that the effects of theMAG基因在皮质灰质体积上精神分裂症患者可以定位于颞叶和顶叶皮层。我们的结果支持MAG脑形态计量学的基因变异精神分裂症, align with other lines of evidence implicatingMAGin精神分裂症, and provide genetically based insight into the heterogeneity of brain iMAG在这种疾病中提出发现。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症,精神分裂症