1 Neuron 2015 Mar 85: 1257-72
PMID 25754824
Title Pentraxins coordinate excitatory synapse maturation and circuit integration of parvalbumin interneurons.
Abstract Circuit computation requires precision in the timing, extent, and synchrony of principal cell (PC) firing that is largely enforced by parvalbumin-expressing, fast-spiking interneurons (PVFSIs). To reliably coordinate network activity, PVFSIs exhibit specialized synaptic and membrane properties that promote efficient afferent recruitment such as expression of high-conductance, rapidly gating, GluA4-containing AMPA receptors (AMPARs). We found that PVFSIs upregulate GluA4 during the second postnatal week coincident with increases in the AMPAR clustering proteinsNPTX2and NPTXR. Moreover, GluA4 is dramatically reduced inNPTX2(- / -) / NPTXR(- / -)小鼠的红色uctions in PVFSI AMPAR function. Early postnatalNPTX2(-/-)/NPTXR(-/-) mice exhibit delayed circuit maturation with a prolonged critical period permissive for giant depolarizing potentials. JuvenileNPTX2(-/-)/NPTXR(-/-) mice display reduced feedforward inhibition yielding a circuit deficient in rhythmogenesis and prone to epileptiform discharges. Our findings demonstrate an essential role for NPTXs in controlling network dynamics highlighting potential therapeutic targets for disorders with inhibition/excitation imbalances such asschizophrenia.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia