1 Neurosci。Lett。2002年3月321日:165-8
PMID 11880198
标题 Analysis of association between the Gln192Arg polymorphism of the paraoxonase gene and schizophrenia in humans.
抽象的 越来越多的证据表明,氧化应激的可能影响在病理生理学中schizophrenia。据报道,氧化的低密度脂蛋白(OXLDL)能够引起神经细胞毒性。另一方面,副氧蛋白酶(PON1), an arylesterase, plays a role in protection against oxidative modifications of LDL and is considered to be one of the antioxidant enzymes. Thus, we investigated the genetic association between a functional polymorphism (Gln192Arg) of the humanPON1gene andschizophrenia在244例患者和177例对照中。多态性与schizophreniawas observed. In addition, our results revealed that there was no association between the genotypes of the polymorphism and any demographic characteristics of patients such as gender, age, age at onset, or current neuroleptic dosage. Our results suggest that the Gln192Arg polymorphism of thePON1基因可能不参与schizophrenia
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
2 精神病。基因。2008年12月18日:289-94
PMID 19018234
标题 精神分裂症患者及其亲戚在土耳其人群中的副氧酶-1 55/192基因型。
抽象的 氧化应激和自由基诱导的毒性与病理生理有关schizophrenia。在这项研究中,我们检查了二氧酮酶(PON1)-55/192多态性和PON1患者的活性schizophrenia,一级亲戚schizophrenicpatients, and healthy controls.
这是第一个显示的研究,显示PON1-55/192多态性和schizophrenia。我们的数据表明,携带R等位基因或RR基因型的受试者可能容易受到影响schizophreniaQQ或LL的受试者可能会受到保护schizophrenia。一级亲戚schizophrenic患者具有较高的杂合子基因型,这表明该组可以根据其等位基因类型和环境因素转移到患者或对照组。PON1遗传变异也与PON1活动。减少PON1activity in patients and their relatives might result from the combined effects of more than one polymorphic variant inPON1or other genes and/or increased oxidative stress, supporting the hypothesis that reactive oxygen species-mediated cellular damage might contribute to the neuropathology ofschizophrenia
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
3 精神病。基因。2008年12月18日:289-94
PMID 19018234
标题 精神分裂症患者及其亲戚在土耳其人群中的副氧酶-1 55/192基因型。
抽象的 氧化应激和自由基诱导的毒性与病理生理有关schizophrenia。在这项研究中,我们检查了二氧酮酶(PON1)-55/192多态性和PON1患者的活性schizophrenia,一级亲戚schizophrenicpatients, and healthy controls.
这是第一个显示的研究,显示PON1-55/192多态性和schizophrenia。我们的数据表明,携带R等位基因或RR基因型的受试者可能容易受到影响schizophreniaQQ或LL的受试者可能会受到保护schizophrenia。一级亲戚schizophrenic患者具有较高的杂合子基因型,这表明该组可以根据其等位基因类型和环境因素转移到患者或对照组。PON1遗传变异也与PON1活动。减少PON1activity in patients and their relatives might result from the combined effects of more than one polymorphic variant inPON1or other genes and/or increased oxidative stress, supporting the hypothesis that reactive oxygen species-mediated cellular damage might contribute to the neuropathology ofschizophrenia
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
4 Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat 2013 -1 9: 1545-52
PMID 24143103
标题 在用奥氮平但未经喹硫平治疗的精神分裂症患者中,血清二氧酮1(PON1)活性降低。
抽象的 Second generation antipsychotics (SGAs) are currently the most prescribed drugs in the treatment ofschizophrenia。尽管具有优势,包括更大的负面症状,认知功能,预防恶化,生活质量以及更少的锥体外症状,但对SGA治疗期间可能导致心血管疾病的代谢异常的关注已增加。二氧酶1(PON1)是一种主要位于高密度脂蛋白颗粒上的酶,已显示可保护或抑制脂蛋白氧化。越来越多的证据表明PON1plays a key role in the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis.
这些发现表明血清PON1奥氮平治疗的患者的活性低于HC和喹硫平组的活性,并且PON1可能在与奥氮平治疗相关的代谢副作用中起作用。进一步研究血清之间关系的研究PON1activity and cardiovascular and metabolic side effects during treatment with SGAs will be of great interest.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
5 Asian J Psychiatr 2014 Jun 9:36-40
PMID 24813034
标题 精神分裂症患者中的副氧酶1活性和脂质谱。
抽象的 这项研究旨在研究二氧酮酶1的变化(PON1) activity and lipid profile in patients withschizophreniaand the association of this activity with the sociodemographic, clinical and therapeutical characteristics of this population.
我们的横断面研究包括140schizophrenic患者和119名对照受试者分别为37.3.10.4和41.4.10岁。PON1使用Konelab 30确定活动?设备(Thermo Electron Corporation)。血浆总胆固醇(TC),甘油三酸酯(TG),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(C-HDL)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(C-LDL)浓度使用COBAS 6000确定?使用Integra 400 Plus(Roche Diagnostics)确定(Roche Diagnostics),载脂蛋白(APOA1,APOB)和脂蛋白(A)(LP(a))。
Compared to controls, patients had no significant decrease ofPON1活性并显着降低APOA1,C-HDL水平以及TG,APOB,LP(A)和TC/C-HDL和APOB/APOA1比率明显更高的水平。此外,PON1活性与TG/C-HDL比率相关。最低的PON1肥胖患者,偏执型亚型以及通过典型和非典型抗精神病药的组合而没有显着差异的患者注意到了活性。此外,它与性别和吸烟有关,但与饮酒状况无关。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
6 Asian J Psychiatr 2014 Jun 9:36-40
PMID 24813034
标题 精神分裂症患者中的副氧酶1活性和脂质谱。
抽象的 这项研究旨在研究二氧酮酶1的变化(PON1) activity and lipid profile in patients withschizophreniaand the association of this activity with the sociodemographic, clinical and therapeutical characteristics of this population.
我们的横断面研究包括140schizophrenic患者和119名对照受试者分别为37.3.10.4和41.4.10岁。PON1使用Konelab 30确定活动?设备(Thermo Electron Corporation)。血浆总胆固醇(TC),甘油三酸酯(TG),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(C-HDL)和低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(C-LDL)浓度使用COBAS 6000确定?使用Integra 400 Plus(Roche Diagnostics)确定(Roche Diagnostics),载脂蛋白(APOA1,APOB)和脂蛋白(A)(LP(a))。
Compared to controls, patients had no significant decrease ofPON1活性并显着降低APOA1,C-HDL水平以及TG,APOB,LP(A)和TC/C-HDL和APOB/APOA1比率明显更高的水平。此外,PON1活性与TG/C-HDL比率相关。最低的PON1肥胖患者,偏执型亚型以及通过典型和非典型抗精神病药的组合而没有显着差异的患者注意到了活性。此外,它与性别和吸烟有关,但与饮酒状况无关。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
7 Adv Gerontol 2015 -1 28: 228-47
PMID 26856084
标题 人年龄相关疾病的遗传学。
抽象的 老龄化是一个不可避免的生理现象。的incidence of age related disorders (ARDs) such as cardiovascular diseases, cancer, arthritis, dementia, osteoporosis, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases increase rapidly with aging. ARDs are becoming a key social and economic trouble for the world's elderly population (above 60 years), which is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050. Advancement in understanding of genetic associations, particularly through genome wide association studies (GWAS), has revealed a substantial contribution of genes to human aging and ARDs. In this review, we have focused on the recent understanding of the extent to which genetic predisposition may influence the aging process. Further analysis of the genetic association studies through pathway analysis several genes associated with multiple ARDs have been highlighted such as apolipoprotein E (APOE), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), cadherin 13 (CDH13), CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 1 (CDKAL-1), methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), disrupted inschizophrenia1(盘1),一氧化氮合酶3(NOS3),二氧化二氧蛋白酶1(PON1), indicating that these genes could play a pivotal role in ARD causation. These genes were found to be significantly enriched in Jak-STAT signalling pathway, asthma and allograft rejection. Further, interleukin-6 (IL-6), insulin (INS), vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGFA), estrogen receptor1 (ESR1), transforming growth factor, beta 1(TGFB1) and calmodulin 1 (CALM1) were found to be highly interconnected in network analysis. We believe that extensive research on the presence of common genetic variants among various ARDs may facilitate scientists to understand the biology behind ARDs causation.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
8 J Psychiatr Res 2015年9月68日:210-6
PMID 26228421
标题 药物中的氧化应激是第一事件的精神病和利培酮的抗氧化作用。
抽象的 schizophreniais accompanied by increased lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide (NO) levels and by lowered antioxidant levels. However, the effect of antipsychotic agents on these processes remains unclear. The objective of this study is to determine the oxidative stress (OS) status in drug na�ve first-episode psychotic patients (FEP) compared to healthy controls and to delineate the effects of risperidone on these biomarkers.
51例幼稚的FEP患者和61名健康对照组招募了;利培酮治疗11周后,将FEP患者重新评估。三个OS生物标志物,即脂质氢过氧化物 - LOOH,无代谢物 - NOX和晚期氧化蛋白产物 - AOPP和两个抗氧化生物标志物,即总自由基捕获抗氧化剂参数 - 陷阱和paraoxonase 1--氧酮酶1--PON1,测量。正面和负综合征量表(PANSS)和卡尔加里抑郁量表schizophrenia(CDS)用于测量症状严重程度。
明显降低PON1activity and increased TRAP values were found in FEP patients. There were no significant associations between any of the OS/antioxidant biomarkers and clinical data. Risperidone treatment significantly increasedPON1活性和较低的LOOH水平。利培酮的这些作用与临床反应和利培酮剂量没有显着相关。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
9 Schizophr. Res. 2015 Aug 166: 225-30
PMID 26123170
标题 降低的副氧源酶1(PON1)活性与药物NA的细胞因子水平升高有关。
抽象的 激活的免疫炎症途径在病理生理中起重要作用schizophrenia。二氧酶1(PON1) activity is inversely associated with inflammatory responses in numerous clinical conditions. The aims of this study were to delineate serum arylesterasePON1药物的活性第一事件精神病(FEP)患者和健康对照组,并评估是否存在逆关系PON1活性和细胞因子水平。
这项研究总共招募了51名药物FEP患者和61名健康对照。白介素(IL)-4,IL-10,IL-6,肿瘤坏死因子(TNF) - ?和活动PON1被量化。
与健康对照相比,FEP患者的血清较低PON1activity and higher levels of IL-4, IL-10 and TNF-?. A significant inverse relationship betweenPON1activity and IL-4, IL-6 and IL-10 levels was detected, but not for TNF-?. Subjects with very lowPON1活性(第25位四分位数)的IL-6,IL-10和IL-4水平明显高于PON1活动(第75位四分位数)。
本研究提供了证据,表明FEP的特征是抗炎/抗氧化剂降低活性之间的反比关系。PON1and increased cytokine levels, including IL-6, IL-4 and IL-10. It is hypothesized that loweredPON1活动可能在FEP伴随的免疫炎症反应中起作用,并且细胞因子水平升高可能会进一步调节PON1活动。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic