1 哼。摩尔。基因。2011年1月20日:387-91
PMID 21037240
标题 Most genome-wide significant susceptibility loci for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder reported to date cross-traditional diagnostic boundaries.
Abstract 遗传流行病学和全基因组关联研究的最新发现强烈指出,基因的部分重叠,有助于敏感schizophrenia和躁郁症(BD)。先前的数据也直接牵涉到最佳支持的人之一schizophrenia- 相关基因座,锌指结合蛋白804a(ZnF804A),如跨性别效应,对于最好的受支持的双极基因座之一,钙通道,电压依赖性,L型,alpha 1c亚基(CACNA1C),也是如此。这也与schizophrenia。我们根据其余的变体进行了一项跨表型研究schizophreniaand BD meta-analyses. These comprise inschizophrenia, SNPs in or in the vicinity of transcription factor 4 (TCF4), neurogranin (NRGN) and an extended region covering the MHC locus on chromosome 6. For BD, the strongly supported variants are in the vicinity of ankyrin 3, node of Ranvier (ANK3) and polybromo-1 (PBRM1)。我们使用完全独立于其原始发现的数据集,我们观察到了有力的证据表明PBRM1locus is also associated withschizophrenia(P = 0.00015) and nominally significant evidence (P < 0.05) that the NRGN and the extended MHC region are associated with BD. Moreover, considering this highly restricted set of loci as a group, the evidence for trans-disorder effects is compelling (P = 4.7 � 10(-5)). Including earlier reported data for trans-disorder effects for ZNF804A and CACNA1C, six out of eight of the most robustly associated loci for either disorder show trans-disorder effects.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
2 Neurosci Biobehav Rev 2012 1月36日:556-71
PMID 21946175
标题 Genome wide association studies (GWAS) and copy number variation (CNV) studies of the major psychoses: what have we learnt?
Abstract schizophrenia(SZ)和双相情感障碍(BPD)具有较高的遗传性,并且在临床和遗传上是复杂的。基因组广泛的关联研究(GWAS)和SZ和BPD中拷贝数变化(CNV)的研究允许探测其潜在的遗传风险。在这项系统的综述中,我们评估已发表的SZ和BPD的GWAS和CNV研究的现有遗传信号直到2011年3月。与基因组相关的SZ相关的风险基因广泛的显着性水平(P值<7.2. 10(-8))包括锌指的锌指结合蛋白804a(ZNF804A),染色体6,Neurogranin(NRGN)和转录因子4(TCF4)上的主要组织相容性(MHC)区域。与BPD相关的风险基因包括Ankyrin 3,Ranvier的节点(ANK3),钙通道,电压依赖性,L型,Alpha 1C亚基(CACNA1C),二酰基甘油激酶ETA(DGKH),基因座位上的基因组16p12,和Chromosome 16p12和Polybromo-1(和Polybromo-1(Polybromo-1)(PBRM1) and very recently neurocan gene (NCAN). Possible common genes underlying psychosis include ZNF804A, CACNA1C, NRGN andPBRM1。CNV研究表明,尽管在SZ和BPD中都发现了CNV,但在SZ而不是BPD中更有可能发现大的删除和重复。任何遗传信号的验证可能都被遗传和表型异质性混淆,这些异质性受到上毒,表观遗传和基因环境相互作用的影响。迫切需要更好地整合多个研究平台,包括系统生物学计算模型,基因组学,跨疾病表型研究,转录组学,蛋白质组学,代谢组学,神beplay苹果手机能用吗经影像学和临床相关性,以使我们更加了解遗传和遗传学和遗传学和遗传学的理解这些潜在的残酷条件的生物基础。
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
3 生物。精神病学2012年10月72日:645-50
PMID 22560537
标题 欧洲样品中的复制研究和荟萃分析支持3P21.1基因座与双相情感障碍的关联。
Abstract Common genetic polymorphisms at chromosome 3p21.1, including rs2251219 in polybromo 1 (PBRM1), have been implicated in susceptibility to bipolar affective disorder (BP) through genome-wide association studies. Subsequent studies have suggested that this is also a risk locus for other psychiatric phenotypes, including major depression andschizophrenia
In our dataset, rs2251219 was associated with BP (odds ratio [OR] = .89, p = .003), and meta-analysis of previously published data with our nonoverlapping new data confirmed genome-wide significant association (OR = .875, p = 2.68 � 10(-9)). Genotypic data from the SGENE-plus consortium were used to examine the association of the same variant withschizophrenia在总体样本中,有8794例病例和25,457名对照受试者,但这在统计上不显着(OR = .97,p = .21)。
有强有力的证据表明RS2251219与BP的关联。但是,我们的数据不支持该标记的关联schizophrenia。Because the region of association has high linkage disequilibrium, forming a large haplotype block across many genes, it is not clear which gene is causally implicated in the disorder.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
4 In Silico Pharmacol 2013 -1 1: 15
PMID 25505659
标题 比较大鼠血液,海马和前额叶皮层中基因表达谱的比较。
Abstract 血液和脑组织之间基因表达的可比性是神经精神研究中的一个核心问题,在神经精神研究中,对脑中分子机制的分析对于理解疾病和发现生物标志物的发现至关重要。beplay苹果手机能用吗但是,脑组织的可及性受到限制。因此,了解如何容易获得的外围组织e。G。血液与大脑区域的基因表达相当,反映了大脑区域的基因表达将有助于推进神经精神研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗
使用覆盖29,215个表达基因的基因组的基因表达微阵列,比较了遗传上相同大鼠的血液,海马(HC)和前额叶皮层(PFC)的基因表达。在15,717个表达基因的15,717个基因中,总共有56.8%在血液和至少一个脑组织中共表达,而所有基因中有55.3%同时在所有三个组织中共表达。重叠的基因包括一组与神经精神疾病相关的基因,特别是双相情感障碍,schizophrenia和酒精成瘾。这些基因包括时钟,COMT,FAAH,NPY,NR3C1,NRGN,PBRM1, TCF4, and SYNE.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
5 PLOS ONE 2013 -1 8:E70964
PMID 23967141
标题 3Q21和SP8转录因子基因(SP8)作为精神病易感基因座的遗传变异:一项遗传关联研究。
Abstract Recent genome-wide association studies (GWASs) investigating bipolar disorder (BD) have detected a number of susceptibility genes. These studies have also provided novel insight into shared genetic components between BD andschizophrenia(SCZ),两个主要的精神病。为了检查BD的风险变异和与BD相关的变体的多效效应的复制,我们进行了基于以前的BD GWASS选择的单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的遗传关联研究,该研究是针对先前的BD GWASS的,该研究针对的是BD和精神病(BD和BD和BD和BD和精神病)SCZ)在日本人口中。
Forty-eight SNPs were selected based upon previous GWASs. A two-stage analysis was conducted using first-set screening (for all SNPs: BD?=?1,012, SCZ?=?1,032 and control?=?993) and second-set replication samples (for significant SNPs in the screening analysis: BD?=?821, SCZ?=?1,808 and control?=?2,149). We assessed allelic association between BD, SCZ, psychosis (BD+SCZ) and the SNPs selected for the analysis.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
6 Psychol Med 2015 -1 45:2461-80
PMID 25858580
标题 全基因组对精神分裂症和双相情感障碍对脑结构和功能的影响有什么影响?系统评价。
Abstract The powerful genome-wide association studies (GWAS) revealed common mutations that increase susceptibility forschizophrenia(SZ)和双相情感障碍(BD),但绝大多数疾病并非与这些疾病有关。为了帮助填补这一空白,已经检查了它们对人脑结构和功能的影响。我们系统地讨论了此输出,以促进其及时在精神病研究领域的整合;beplay苹果手机能用吗并鼓励对未来研究的反思。beplay苹果手机能用吗不论成像方式如何,研究了SZ/BD GWAS风险基因的影响(ANK3,CACNA1C,MHC,MHC,TCF4,NRGN,DGKH,DGKH,PBRM1,包括NCAN和ZNF804A)。大多数GWAS风险variations were reported to affect neuroimaging phenotypes implicated in SZ/BD: white-matter integrity (ANK3 and ZNF804A), volume (CACNA1C and ZNF804A) and density (ZNF804A); grey-matter (CACNA1C, NRGN, TCF4 and ZNF804A) and ventricular (TCF4) volume; cortical folding (NCAN) and thickness (ZNF804A); regional activation during executive tasks (ANK3, CACNA1C, DGKH, NRGN and ZNF804A) and functional connectivity during executive tasks (CACNA1C and ZNF804A), facial affect recognition (CACNA1C and ZNF804A) and theory-of-mind (ZNF804A); but inconsistencies and non-replications also exist. Further efforts such as standardizing reporting and exploring complementary designs, are warranted to test the reproducibility of these early findings.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
7 Genome Med 2016 -1 8:53
PMID 27142060
标题 Identification of the BRD1 interaction network and its impact on mental disorder risk.
Abstract 包含1(BRD1)基因的溴结构域已与转录调节,大脑发育和易感性有关schizophreniaand bipolar disorder. To advance the understanding of BRD1 and its role in mental disorders, we characterized the protein and chromatin interactions of the BRD1 isoforms, BRD1-S and BRD1-L.
Stable human cell lines expressing epitope tagged BRD1-S and BRD1-L were generated and used as discovery systems for identifying protein and chromatin interactions. Protein-protein interactions were identified using co-immunoprecipitation followed by mass spectrometry and chromatin interactions were identified using chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by next generation sequencing. Gene expression profiles and differentially expressed genes were identified after upregulating and downregulating BRD1 expression using microarrays. The presented functional molecular data were integrated with human genomic and transcriptomic data using available GWAS, exome-sequencing datasets as well as spatiotemporal transcriptomic datasets from the human brain.
我们提出了BRD1的几种新型蛋白质相互作用,包括同工型特异性相互作用以及先前与精神疾病有关的蛋白质。通过BRD1-S和BRD1-L染色质免疫沉淀,随后是下一代测序,我们分别鉴定出与1540和823基因的启动子区域的结合,并显示了BRD1-S-S-S-L结合和基因表达的调节之间的相关性。发现发现的BRD1相互作用网络主要与人脑中的BRD1 mRNA共表达,并富含参与基因表达和脑功能的途径。通过对全基因组关联研究的大型数据集的询问,我们进一步证明了BRD1相互作用网络的丰富schizophreniarisk.
Our results show that BRD1 interacts with chromatin remodeling proteins, e.g.PBRM1以及组蛋白修饰符,例如MYST2和SUV420H1. We find that BRD1 primarily binds in close proximity to transcription start sites and regulates expression of numerous genes, many of which are involved with brain development and susceptibility to mental disorders. Our findings indicate that BRD1 acts as a regulatory hub in a comprehensiveschizophrenia风险网络在整个生命中都在许多大脑地区发挥作用,这意味着例如纹状体,海马和杏仁核在中期阶段。
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia