1 prog。神经心理药物。生物。Psychiatry 2008 Apr 32: 710-4
PMID 18096286
Title Increased serum levels of CCL11/eotaxin in schizophrenia.
Abstract Inflammatory and immune alterations occur and may be relevant in patients with精神分裂症。趋化因子是细胞因子的亚组,在确定的白细胞子集募集到组织中起主要作用。迄今为止,尚无研究评估患者的趋化因子水平是否改变精神分裂症
To evaluate serum levels of CC and CXC chemokines of精神分裂症patients and age- and gender-matched controls.
Forty male institutionalized精神分裂症patients (mean+/-SD age, 52.3+/-9.9) and 20 asymptomatic matched controls were recruited for this study. Severity of symptoms was assessed using BPRS, PANSS and AIMS. All patients were under typical antipsychotic treatment. Serum concentrations of chemokines were measured by ELISA.
There was no statistical difference in serum levels of CCL2, CCL3, CCL24, CXCL9 and CXCL10 between controls and patients. Serum levels ofCCL11were increased in精神分裂症与对照组相比,患者。趋化因子的血清水平与疾病或住院时间的长度以及非自愿运动,正和/或阴性症状的严重程度无关。
CCL11is a ligand for CCR3, a receptor expressed preferentially on Th2 lymphocytes, mast cells and eosinophils. Higher serum levels ofCCL11精神分裂症加强了这种疾病可能与Th1/Th2失衡有关的观点,并转向Th2免疫反应。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症, schizophrenic
2 prog。神经心理药物。生物。Psychiatry 2008 Apr 32: 710-4
PMID 18096286
Title Increased serum levels of CCL11/eotaxin in schizophrenia.
Abstract Inflammatory and immune alterations occur and may be relevant in patients with精神分裂症。趋化因子是细胞因子的亚组,在确定的白细胞子集募集到组织中起主要作用。迄今为止,尚无研究评估患者的趋化因子水平是否改变精神分裂症
To evaluate serum levels of CC and CXC chemokines of精神分裂症patients and age- and gender-matched controls.
Forty male institutionalized精神分裂症patients (mean+/-SD age, 52.3+/-9.9) and 20 asymptomatic matched controls were recruited for this study. Severity of symptoms was assessed using BPRS, PANSS and AIMS. All patients were under typical antipsychotic treatment. Serum concentrations of chemokines were measured by ELISA.
There was no statistical difference in serum levels of CCL2, CCL3, CCL24, CXCL9 and CXCL10 between controls and patients. Serum levels ofCCL11were increased in精神分裂症与对照组相比,患者。趋化因子的血清水平与疾病或住院时间的长度以及非自愿运动,正和/或阴性症状的严重程度无关。
CCL11is a ligand for CCR3, a receptor expressed preferentially on Th2 lymphocytes, mast cells and eosinophils. Higher serum levels ofCCL11精神分裂症加强了这种疾病可能与Th1/Th2失衡有关的观点,并转向Th2免疫反应。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症, schizophrenic
3 prog。神经心理药物。生物。精神病学2013年10月46日:25-8
PMID 23820464
Title Cannabis use is associated with increased CCL11 plasma levels in young healthy volunteers.
Abstract Cannabis is a widely used recreational drug. Its effect on human health and psychosis remains controversial. In this study, we aimed to explore the possibility that cannabis use influencedCCL11plasma levels. IncreasedCCL11趋化因子已报道精神分裂症大麻是已知的触发器精神分裂症。另外,趋化因子的血浆水平CCL11最近已显示随着年龄的增长和认知缺陷和海马神经发生增加。在这项研究中,共有87名健康志愿者(68%的男性,年龄范围18-35岁)完成了大麻体验调查表,其中包括有关社会人口统计学和形态计量数据的信息,并为CCL11测量。大麻的“当前用户”(n = 18)的高度更高CCL11plasma levels compared to 'past users' (n=33) and 'never users' (n=36) [F(3,84)=3.649; p=0.030]. The latter two groups had similarCCL11水平。更高CCL11血浆水平不能归因于性别,年龄,体重指数,体育活动或其他法律/非法药物的使用。这些结果表明大麻使用增加CCL11plasma levels and the effects are reversible when cannabis use ceases.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症, schizophrenic
4 前细胞Neurosci 2015 -1 9:357
PMID 26441528
Title Systematic Review of the Neurobiological Relevance of Chemokines to Psychiatric Disorders.
Abstract 精神疾病是高度普遍的公共卫生相关性的严重疾病。最近的许多研究集中在细胞beplay苹果手机能用吗因子在精神疾病的病理生理学中的作用。但是,相关的免疫蛋白指定趋化因子的家族已相对忽略。趋化因子最初被鉴定为在免疫细胞上具有趋化功能。然而,最近的证据已经开始阐明这些蛋白质的新颖,大脑特异性功能与精神疾病机制相关。对PubMed和Google Scholar数据库中的人类和动物文献进行了系统的综述。应用了所有包含和排除标准后,仍有157个参考文献进行审查。一些早期的机械证据确实将某些趋化因子与神经生物学过程相关联,包括神经发生,神经炎症反应的调节,下丘脑 - 垂体 - 肾上腺肾上腺轴的调节以及神经递质系统的调节。然而,这一早期证据并未清楚地证明对某种精神疾病的任何特异性,而是与跨疾病共享的机制有关。值得注意的例外包括CCL11最近已显示这会损害衰老中的海马功能吗? - 与老年人的阿尔茨海默氏病和抑郁症具有明显的相关性,以及对CXCL8的产前暴露,可能会破坏早期神经发育时期精神分裂症。促炎性趋化因子,例如CCL2,CCL7,CCL8,CCL12和CCL13,已被证明可以驱动促炎细胞的趋化细胞趋化或受伤的CNS。同样,CX3CL与促进神经胶质细胞的激活,促炎细胞因子分泌,ICAM-1的表达以及在神经炎症过程中将CD4+ T细胞募集到CNS中。通过进一步的转化研究,趋化因子可能会呈现精神疾病中的新beplay苹果手机能用吗型诊断和/或治疗靶标。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症, schizophrenic
5 世界J. Biol。精神病学2015年7月1日:1-8
PMID 26212792
Title 免疫炎性生物标志物用于精神分裂症诊断和与治疗耐药性关联的高预测价值。
Abstract Recent精神分裂症(SCZ)研beplay苹果手机能用吗究旨在建立具有高预测价值的生物标志物,以诊断,疾病的严重程度或抗治疗性。SCZ伴随着激活的免疫炎症途径,包括细胞因子和趋化因子的水平升高,但很少有研究试图鉴定此类措施的预测性能。
SCZ与特定的细胞因子 - 趋化因子谱有关,即增加CCL11, MIP-1?, sTNF-R1 and sTNF-R2 levels, and decreased levels of IP-10, TNF-?, IL-2 and IL-4. The combination of five biomarkers (sTNF-R1, sTNF-R2,CCL11,IP-10,IL-4)可以预测SCZ的诊断,灵敏度为70.0%,特异性为89.4%。负面症状与生物标志物之间的关联较弱,即IL-2(成反比),并且CCL11(积极的)。患者治疗抵抗howed increased levels of sTNF-R1, sTNF-R2 and MCP-1.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症, schizophrenic