1 J Am Psychoanal Assoc 2002 -1 50:457-82
PMID 12206540
Title Quantitative research on the primary process: method and findings.
抽象的 弗洛伊德始终从心理学上定义了主要过程,但他描述了它在梦想,阶段,笑话和症状中显示出足够的观察细节的方式TATRorschach回应中的离子,梦想,TATstories, free associations, and other verbal texts. That system can identify signs of the thinker's efforts, adaptive or maladaptive, to control or defend against the emergence of primary process. A prerequisite and a consequence of the research that used this system was clarification and elaboration of the psychoanalytic theory of thinking. Results of empirical tests of several propositions derived from psychoanalytic theory are summarized. Predictions concerning the method's most useful index, of adaptive vs. maladaptive regression, have been repeatedly verified: People who score high on this index (who are able to produce well-controlled "primary products" in their Rorschach responses), as compared to those who score at the maladaptive pole (producing primary-process-filled responses with poor reality testing, anxiety, and pathological defensive efforts), are better able to tolerate sensory deprivation, are more able to enter special sTATes of consciousness comfortably (drug-induced, hypnotic, etc.), and have higher achievements in artistic creativity, whileschizophrenicS倾向于在适应不良的回归中得分。适应性回归的能力还可以预测心理疗法的成功,并且在心理治疗和药物治疗后的改善程度上升。一些预测性失败在理论上很有趣:克里斯关于创造力的假设和对男性的主要过程的控制使用,但通常不适合女性。这项工作是作为回报的TATion of charges, brought by such critics as Crews, that psychoanalysis cannot become a science.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
2 Schizophr Bull 2004 -1 30: 957-67
PMID 15954201
Title Sleep in untreated patients with schizophrenia: a meta-analysis.
抽象的 The present meta-analysis investigated the characteristics of sleep in patients withschizophreniawithout neuroleptic treatment at the time of sleep recording. The 20 selected studies included 652 participants (321 patients withschizophrenia和331名健康受试者)。使用以下睡眠变量的D值评估效果大小:睡眠潜伏期(SL),总睡眠时间(TST),睡眠效率指数(SEI),总清醒时间(TAT), stage 2 percentage (S2%), stage 4 percentage, slow-wave-sleep percentage, rapid-eye-movement (REM) percentage, and REM latency. The initial meta-analysis revealed that patients withschizophreniahave the following sleep disorders: increased SL, decreased TST, and decreased SEI. A moderator analysis revealed that these sleep disorders were worse for the neuroleptic-withdrawal group relative to the never-treated group. However, only never-treated patients showed significantly increasedTATand diminished S2%. These results confirm that patients withschizophrenia患有睡眠障碍不一定是神经疗法的结果,这表明睡眠障碍是schizophrenia。However, it must be noted that some sleep disorders may be amplified by residual effects of neuroleptic withdrawal, while others appear to be dampened by neuroleptic treatment.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
3 乔治亚医学新闻2006 8月1日:55-8
PMID 16980745
Title [Clinical features of cannabis psychosis in schizophrenia patients].
抽象的 Available information regarding the clinical features of cannabis-induced psychoses amongschizophrenia患者相当奇怪甚至差异。为了彻底调查大麻中毒的心理病理学,我们检查了两组schizophreniapatients. I group--14 patients, who had long history of cannabis use before developingschizophrenia和II组 -schizophrenicpatients, who already hadschizophreniaand later became marijuana users. Clinical study allowed us to determine the general psychopathological symptoms due to acute intoxication on the one hand, reflecting duration and severity of intoxication, and let us to verify specific mental problems connected to the dynamics ofschizophrenia, on the other hand. Peculiar properties of the data of the experimental-psychological testsTAT(Thematic Apperception Test) reflect personality changes generated byschizophreniaprogression included the psychopathological phenomenon related to cannabis intoxication. Psychopharmacological treatment brought positive changes in structure and thematic features of the data. The patients used more words. The content and the volume of the stories increased. Trends to improvement were more common for recurrent rather than continuous duration ofschizophrenia
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
4 乔治亚医学新闻2006 8月1日:55-8
PMID 16980745
Title [Clinical features of cannabis psychosis in schizophrenia patients].
抽象的 Available information regarding the clinical features of cannabis-induced psychoses amongschizophrenia患者相当奇怪甚至差异。为了彻底调查大麻中毒的心理病理学,我们检查了两组schizophreniapatients. I group--14 patients, who had long history of cannabis use before developingschizophrenia和II组 -schizophrenicpatients, who already hadschizophreniaand later became marijuana users. Clinical study allowed us to determine the general psychopathological symptoms due to acute intoxication on the one hand, reflecting duration and severity of intoxication, and let us to verify specific mental problems connected to the dynamics ofschizophrenia, on the other hand. Peculiar properties of the data of the experimental-psychological testsTAT(Thematic Apperception Test) reflect personality changes generated byschizophreniaprogression included the psychopathological phenomenon related to cannabis intoxication. Psychopharmacological treatment brought positive changes in structure and thematic features of the data. The patients used more words. The content and the volume of the stories increased. Trends to improvement were more common for recurrent rather than continuous duration ofschizophrenia
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
5 Schizophr Bull 2008 May 34: 515-22
PMID 17942480
Title 作为精神病模型的梦想:一种使用怪异作为认知标记的实验方法。
抽象的 许多以前的观察者都报告了一些质量TATive similarities between the normal mental sTATe of dreaming and the abnormal mental sTATe of psychosis. Recent psychological, tomographic, electrophysiological, and neurochemical data appear to confirm the functional similarities between these 2 sTATes. In this study, the hypothesis of the dreaming brain as a neurobiological model for psychosis was tested by focusing on cognitive bizarreness, a distinctive property of the dreaming mental sTATe defined by discontinuities and incongruities in the dream plot, thoughts, and feelings. Cognitive bizarreness was measured in written reports of dreams and in verbal reports of waking fantasies in 30schizophrenic年代和30名正常对照组。7 Th的照片ematic Apperception Test (TAT) were administered as a stimulus to elicit waking fantasies, and all participating subjects were asked to record their dreams upon awakening. A total of 420 waking fantasies plus 244 dream reports were collected to quantify the bizarreness features in the dream and waking sTATe of both subject groups. Two-way analysis of covariance for repeated measures showed that cognitive bizarreness was significantly lower in theTAT正常科目的故事比schizophrenicS和两组的梦想报告。两组之间的差异表明,在实验条件下schizophrenic受试者与正常控件的梦想报道和schizophrenics。尽管非常初步,但这些结果支持以下假设:梦想大脑可能是精神病的有用实验模型。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
6 Schizophr Bull 2008 May 34: 515-22
PMID 17942480
Title 作为精神病模型的梦想:一种使用怪异作为认知标记的实验方法。
抽象的 许多以前的观察者都报告了一些质量TATive similarities between the normal mental sTATe of dreaming and the abnormal mental sTATe of psychosis. Recent psychological, tomographic, electrophysiological, and neurochemical data appear to confirm the functional similarities between these 2 sTATes. In this study, the hypothesis of the dreaming brain as a neurobiological model for psychosis was tested by focusing on cognitive bizarreness, a distinctive property of the dreaming mental sTATe defined by discontinuities and incongruities in the dream plot, thoughts, and feelings. Cognitive bizarreness was measured in written reports of dreams and in verbal reports of waking fantasies in 30schizophrenic年代和30名正常对照组。7 Th的照片ematic Apperception Test (TAT) were administered as a stimulus to elicit waking fantasies, and all participating subjects were asked to record their dreams upon awakening. A total of 420 waking fantasies plus 244 dream reports were collected to quantify the bizarreness features in the dream and waking sTATe of both subject groups. Two-way analysis of covariance for repeated measures showed that cognitive bizarreness was significantly lower in theTAT正常科目的故事比schizophrenicS和两组的梦想报告。两组之间的差异表明,在实验条件下schizophrenic受试者与正常控件的梦想报道和schizophrenics。尽管非常初步,但这些结果支持以下假设:梦想大脑可能是精神病的有用实验模型。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
7 J. Physiol. Paris 2010 Nov 104: 257-62
PMID 20816773
Title Psychodynamic-oriented psychological assessment predicts evolution to schizophrenia at 8-year follow-up in adolescents hospitalized for a manic/mixed episode: interest of an overall subjective rating.
抽象的 关于青少年躁狂/混合发作的预后意义知之甚少。特别是,使用面向心理动力动力的投射心理测试是否会预测演变schizophrenia尚未确定后续行动。在1994年至2003年期间,有84名年龄在12至20岁的受试者在1994年至2003年期间连续住院。2005 - 2006年与所有患者联系以进行后续评估。对于具有心理动力学测试的青少年亚组(n = 40)(Rorschach和RorschachTAT), two scores regarding psychosocial risk andschizophrenia使用临床全球印象(CGI)评估计算风险,该评估是基于审查所有方案的专家心理学家小组给出的整体主观评分。在随访(平均8年)中,评估了25名(62.5%)患者,16名女性和9名男性:14例仍被诊断为双相情感障碍;八个变成了精神分裂症障碍,三个变成了schizophrenia。Inter-rater reliability of both CGI-risk scores (psychosocial risk andschizophreniarisk) showed good clinical consensus with intraclass correlation and Kappa scores ranging from 0.53 to 0.75. Univariate analysis showed that CGI-psychosocial risk score (p=0.017), type of index episode (p=0.049) and CGI-schizophreniarisk score (p=0.09) were associated with transition toschizophrenia随访时的频谱障碍。年龄,性别,社会经济TATus, duration of stay and the presence of psychotic features at index episode were not associated with the transition. We conclude that the CGI assessment appears to be valid to score risk of poor outcome using psychodynamic-oriented psychological testing and that these scores may predict, in part, the transition toschizophreniain adolescents with a history of manic/mixed episode.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
8 Encephale 2011 May 37 Suppl 1: S19-26
PMID 21600329
Title [早期辍学患者的心理心理康复治疗及其结合因素,具有关系技能,对象关系和精神病理学强度]。
抽象的 Between 30 and 60% of patients drop-out of institutional psychiatric treatment. There are few studies on this issue and these have not provided a clear understanding of this fact. Although it is a different therapeutic setting, there are many studies on patients' dropout in psychotherapy: the influence of many patient sociodemographic variables such as gender, age, diagnostic, were studied without providing strong and regular links with early dropout. Other, more relational variables (such as object relation and interpersonal functioning), gave stronger results although insufficiently confirmed by different studies. A third kind of variable involves the concrete relationship between patient and therapist (therapeutic alliance, patient's expecTAT离子)并提供了有趣的结果(但在机构治疗中不容易使用)。
这项研究的目的是提供数据,以了解法国精神病中心的患者的机构辍学。后者的目的是社会心理康复TAT离子schizophrenicand borderline patients. Thirty percent of these dropout during psychosocial treatment. According to the specificities and aims of this psychiatric centre, we hypothesize that there are strong links between relational dimensions (objet relation, interpersonal functioning), subjective evaluation of pathology intensity, and early dropout.
Thirty-one subjects; 65%schizophrenic,边界有23%,其他13%(根据ICD10标准);女性71%;平均年龄34岁(最小= 23;最大= 55);平均教育水平= 3.4(高中大学2年)。
to have dropped out before 6 months' of the treatment, or continuing the treatment after 6 months (mean of treatment for all patients=15 months).
patients present in the service for less than 6 months).
At the beginning of the treatment, each patient (informed consent provided) underwent a psychological assessment with: �chelle d'aptitude psychosociale (EAPS) for assessing interactional functioning; SCL90-R for assessing the intensity of psychopathology;TAT(具有社会认知和对象关系量表[SCORS]量表)和Rorschach(具有自治的共同性[MOA]量表)来评估对象关系。经过6个月的治疗后,对每位患者进行了五分量表(辍学和连续性量表)的评估,该评估评估了治疗的投资(标准:3或6个月或连续性的辍学;根据中心的专业人员而不是根据中心的专业人员;固定水平)。我们已经将此变量与EAP,SCOR和MOA相关联。此外,我们计算了STATistical relationships between age, gender, diagnostic, education level and early dropout.
之间的相关性被发现无论是interactional functioning (EAPS) and dropout nor between object relations (SCORS and MOA) and dropout. Correlations were found between the dropout and intensity of the psychopathology (SCL90-R): the more the patient sees himself suffering, the more he invests the centre and the less he drops out (Spearman R=0.37, P<0.05). No differences were found between the dropout (N=10) and continuity group (N=21) regarding age, gender and diagnostic. However, a correlation was found regarding the education level: the more patients are educated, the more they continue the treatment (R=0.45; P<0.05).
The dropout (and the continuity of treatment) seems more likely related to concrete variables such as psychological and relational suffering, educational level in this study, than structural psychological variables such as object relation, relational skills, and diagnostic. Other studies are necessary for a better understanding of these drops out. An interesting way should be the study in institution of the therapeutic alliance.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
9 Psychiatry Res 2011 Sep 189: 195-9
PMID 21435729
Title 梦想报告和唤醒精神分裂症患者和躁狂患者的幻想中的奇怪:经验证据和理论后果。
抽象的 Several overlapping features have frequently been described between psychosis and the subjective experience of dreaming from the neurobiological to the phenomenological level, but whether this similarity reflects the cognitive organization ofschizophrenic想到或更确切地说是精神病男人TAT独立于诊断类别的离子尚不清楚。在这项研究中,根据他们的诊断,将40个主动精神病患者分为两个年龄和教育匹配的群体(schizophrenia和躁郁症)。要求参与者在觉醒和主题观察测试后报告他们的梦想(TAT) was administered to elicit waking fantasies; the same procedure was used in a control group of 20 non-psychiatric subjects. Two highly trained judges scored the collected material according to a Dream Bizarreness scale. The same level of cognitive bizarreness was found inTATand dream reports ofschizophrenic和躁狂主题,但几乎完全没有TATstories of the control group. Two-way analysis of variance for repeated measures assessed the effect of diagnosis and experimental conditions (TATstories and dream reports) on bizarreness yielding a significant interaction. Cognitive bizarreness seems to be a shared feature of dreaming and psychotic menTATion, beyond diagnostic categorizations. Although these findings must be considered preliminary, this experimental measure of the cognitive architecture of thought processes seems to support the view that dreaming could be a useful model for the psychoses.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
10 Psychiatry Res 2011 Sep 189: 195-9
PMID 21435729
Title 梦想报告和唤醒精神分裂症患者和躁狂患者的幻想中的奇怪:经验证据和理论后果。
抽象的 Several overlapping features have frequently been described between psychosis and the subjective experience of dreaming from the neurobiological to the phenomenological level, but whether this similarity reflects the cognitive organization ofschizophrenic想到或更确切地说是精神病男人TAT独立于诊断类别的离子尚不清楚。在这项研究中,根据他们的诊断,将40个主动精神病患者分为两个年龄和教育匹配的群体(schizophrenia和躁郁症)。要求参与者在觉醒和主题观察测试后报告他们的梦想(TAT) was administered to elicit waking fantasies; the same procedure was used in a control group of 20 non-psychiatric subjects. Two highly trained judges scored the collected material according to a Dream Bizarreness scale. The same level of cognitive bizarreness was found inTATand dream reports ofschizophrenic和躁狂主题,但几乎完全没有TATstories of the control group. Two-way analysis of variance for repeated measures assessed the effect of diagnosis and experimental conditions (TATstories and dream reports) on bizarreness yielding a significant interaction. Cognitive bizarreness seems to be a shared feature of dreaming and psychotic menTATion, beyond diagnostic categorizations. Although these findings must be considered preliminary, this experimental measure of the cognitive architecture of thought processes seems to support the view that dreaming could be a useful model for the psychoses.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
11 心理药理学(Berl。)2013年8月228日:451-61
PMID 23494232
Title Acute ketamine induces hippocampal synaptic depression and spatial memory impairment through dopamine D1/D5 receptors.
抽象的 Subanesthetic doses of ketamine have been reported to induce psychotic sTATes that may mimic positive and negative symptoms as well as cognitive and memory deficits similar to those observed inschizophrenia。认知和记忆缺陷是持久的,其潜在的细胞机制仍不清楚。
我们检查了subanesthetic客的影响tamine on hippocampal synaptic transmission in freely moving rats. Spatial memory was tested with the Morris water maze. Pretreatment with the D1/D5 receptors antagonist SCH23390 or the AMPA receptors endocytosis interfering peptideTAT-GluR23Y was conducted to examine their capacities to reverse ketamine-induced electrophysiological and behavioral alterations. A series of behavioral observations, including locomotion, prepulse inhibition, and social interaction, were also conducted after ketamine treatment.
氯胺酮在自由移动的大鼠和长期空间记忆障碍的海马Schaffer侧支CA1突触中诱导的突触抑郁症至少持续4小时。两种效果都被SCH23390或TAT-glur23y。Ketamine also elicited transient behavioral changes lasting less than 90 min, such as hyperlocomotion and prepulse inhibition deficits. These changes were ameliorated by SCH23390 but not byTAT-glur23y。用氯胺酮治疗的大鼠表现出社交戒断,这也因SCH23390或TAT-glur23y。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
12 Encephale 2013 Jun 39: 198-204
PMID 23095593
Title [关于通过语音分析的心理功能的动力学]。
抽象的 The aim of this study is to focus on the clinical aspects of four linguistic indicators that emerge from automatic speech analysis.
From a theoretical point of view, the number of proposals deals with cognitive activity, the number of modelizations with emotional activity, the number of connections with judgment activity and the number of action verbs can refer to behavioral activity.
To test these hypotheses we have studied two protocols of Thematic Aperception Test (TAT)从非临床组随机分配给前者和一组schizophrenic后者的患者。
The outcomes regarding the non-clinical protocols lead to the conclusion that the four indicators are coherent (?=0.93) and correlated; this confirms the clinical data on the cohesive personality of this young lady. The absence of correlations within theschizophrenicprotocols reflects the dissociative syndrome of this patient.
Finally, the study of the dynamics of this protocol, using our four linguistic criteria, confirms both the affective indifference and the increase of behavioral activity of this patient when the mentalization fails. After discussion and despite its capacity to describe clinical cases, the validity of this method needs to be completed (by relating the language indicators to production time stories) in further explorations, even if its reliability is good (?=0.93).
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
13 Neuropsychopharmacology 2014 Dec 39: 2963-73
PMID 24917197
Title Impaired adrenergic-mediated plasticity of prefrontal cortical glutamate synapses in rats with developmental disruption of the ventral hippocampus.
抽象的 Neonatal ventral hippocampus (nVH) lesion in rats is a useful model to study developmental origins of adult cognitive deficits and certain features ofschizophrenia。nVH lesion-induced reorganization of exciTAT前额叶皮质(PFC)回路中的ORY和抑制性神经转移被普遍认为是这些动物中许多行为异常的原因。在这里,我们提供的证据表明,新生儿病变后的异常PFC(MPFC)?-1肾上腺素能受体(?-1AR)功能显着影响PFC微电路中的谷氨酸能突触可塑性,并有助于PFC相关的行为异常。使用全细胞斑块钳记录,我们报告说,在MPFC切片中,NVH剂量的大鼠在MPFC切片中显着减少了肾上腺素诱导的?-1AR依赖性长期抑郁(LTD)。LTD损伤与通过细胞外信号调节激酶1/2的完全钝化?-1AR信号结合发生。这些?-1AR异常在与MPFC相关的功能中具有功能显着性,即条件恐惧记忆的灭绝。NVH病变后的伯伯伯氏动物表现出对通过重复的抗灭绝的显着抗性TAT条件色调刺激的离子。MPFC输注?-1AR拮抗剂(Benoxathian)或LTD阻断肽(TAT-glur23y)在假控制中恐惧灭绝受损,但对病变动物没有显着影响。数据表明,皮质谷氨酸能突触可塑性的肾上腺素能调节受损可能是在神经发育精神疾病中报道的认知功能障碍中的重要机制。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics
14 J. Neurosci。2015年5月35日:7349-64
PMID 25972165
Title Unexpected Heterodivalent Recruitment of NOS1AP to nNOS Reveals Multiple Sites for Pharmacological Intervention in Neuronal Disease Models.
抽象的 The protein NOS1AP/CAPON mediates signaling from a protein complex of NMDA receptor, PSD95 and nNOS. The only stroke trial for neuroprotectants that showed benefit to patients targeted this ternary complex. NOS1AP/nNOS interaction regulates small GTPases, iron transport, p38MAPK-linked excitotoxicity, and anxiety. Moreover, the nos1ap gene is linked to disorders fromschizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and autism to cardiovascular disorders and breast cancer. Understanding protein interactions required for NOS1AP function, therefore, has broad implications for numerous diseases. Here we show that the interaction of NOS1AP with nNOS differs radically from the classical PDZ docking assumed to be responsible. The NOS1AP PDZ motif does not bind nNOS as measured by multiple methods. In contrast, full-length NOS1AP forms an unusually stable interaction with nNOS. We mapped the discrepancy between full-length and C-terminal PDZ motif to a novel internal region we call the ExF motif. The C-terminal PDZ motif, although neither sufficient nor necessary for binding, nevertheless promotes the stability of the complex. It therefore potentially affects signal transduction and suggests that functional interaction of nNOS with NOS1AP might be targetable at two distinct sites. We demonstrate that excitotoxic pathways can be regulated, in cortical neuron and organotypic hippocampal slice cultures from rat, either by the previously described PDZ ligandTAT-GESV or by the ExF motif-bearing region of NOS1AP, even when lacking the critical PDZ residues as long as the ExF motif is intact and not muTATed。因此,NNO与NOS1AP的这种先前未识别的异际相互作用可能为NOS1AP依赖性信号传导和兴奋性毒性的药理干预提供了不同的机会。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic, schizophrenics