1 Amyloid 2000 Jun 7: 105-10
PMID 10842712
Title Serum amyloid A in Alzheimer's disease brain is predominantly localized to myelin sheaths and axonal membrane.
Abstract Immunohistochemical localization of the injury specific apolipoprotein, acute phase serum amyloid A (A-apoSAA), was compared in brains of patients with neuropathologically confirmed Alzheimer's disease (AD), multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson's disease (PD); Pick's disease (Pick's), dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), coronary artery disease (CAD), 和schizophrenia。Affected regions of both AD and MS brains showed intense staining for A-apoSAA in comparison to an unaffected region and non-AD/MS brains. The major site of A-apoSAA staining in both diseases was the myelin sheaths of axons in layers V and VI of affected cortex. A-apoSAA contains a cholesterol binding site near its amino terminus and is likely to have a high affinity for cholesterol-rich myelin. These findings, along with our recent evidence that A-apoSAA can inhibit lipid synthesis in vascular smooth muscle cells suggest that A-apoSAA plays a role in the neuronal loss and white matter damage occurring in AD and MS.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
2 Neuropsychopharmacol Hung 2006 Dec 8: 201-9
PMID 17211055
Title [Switching patients with schizophrenia to ziprasidone from conventional or other atypical antipsychotics].
Abstract The aim of the study was to assess the efficacy, tolerability and safety of ziprasidone in patients withschizophreniawho were already treated with conventional or other atypical antipsychotics that had to be switched due the lack of efficacy or bad tolerance.
这项研究是一项为期12周的开放标签,多中心,非比较Ziprasidone的试验。106例DSM-IV患者schizophreniawere switched to ziprasidone from their previous antipsychotic without a washout phase. The study required fixed dosing with ziprasidone. For the first week the patient received 80 mg of study drug daily, followed for 3 weeks 120 mg/day. Subsequently for 8 weeks either 80 mg, or 120 mg, or 160 mg total daily dose could be given at the discretion of the investigator. Baseline and outcome assessment included Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Clinical Global Impression Severity of Illness Subscale (CGI-S) and Global Improvement Subscale (CGI-I), Calgary Depression Scale (CAD), Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD), Drug Attitude Inventory (DAI), Simpson Angus Extrapyramidal Symptoms Rating Scale (SAS) and Barnes Akathisia Rating Scale (BARS). Changes in overall body weight were also evaluated.
After 12 weeks on ziprasidone therapy, significant improvements were observed on all major symptoms measures and subscales. 34 (51,5%) patients (ITT) were rated much or very much improved on CGI-I at week 12. The mean SAS score significantly reduced during the ziprasidone treatment period (p<0.001). In the DAI ziprasidone treatment was also favorable rated. During treatment with ziprasidone for 12 weeks the body weight of the patients was significantly reduced (mean: 1,2 kg, SD=3,79, p=0.002). 58 adverse events occurred in 41 subjects (38.7%), of whom 7 patients (6.6%) encountered 9 severe adverse events. The adverse events were mainly mild and moderate. 15 patients (14.2%) were discontinued from the study due to adverse events. The reason for discontinuation in 4 cases was mainly insufficient clinical response.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
3 Klin Med(MOSK)2007 -1 85:33-6
PMID 17564035
Title [The clinical features of the course of coronary artery disease in patients with schizophrenia].
Abstract Thirty-nine patients suffering from coronary artery disease (CAD) 和schizophrenia(主要小组)和32个心理健康CAD该研究包括患者(对照组)。心脏病检查包括投诉和解剖分析,ECG,ECHOCG,多丁胺,24小时的Holter ECG监测;15例患者进行了冠状动脉粥样硬化。发现急性循环功能不全,炎性后心动过那和慢性左心室动脉症在患者中更常见schizophrenia与控件。某些差异CAD两组之间的危险因素揭示了。在对照组中发现了14例(36%)和1(62%)和6例(19%)患者(p = 0.03; p = 0.04),在14例(36%)和1例(3%)患者中发现高脂血症和2型糖尿病。), 分别。在NO中发现葡萄糖不耐症schizophreniapatients, while it was revealed in 5 (16%) controls (p = 0.02). Patients withschizophrenia寻求医疗援助晚于控制。数量of main group patients who sought medical aid during the first hour, the first 4 hours, the first 4 to 12 hours, or the first 12 to 24 hours was 2 (3%), 3 (5%), 16 (27%), and 38 (64%), respectively; in the control groups these numbers were 12 (30%), 21 (54%), 3 (8%), and 3 (8%), respectively (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p = 0.02, p < 0.001, respectively).
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
4 Neurosci. Res. 2008 Feb 60: 184-91
PMID 18068248
Title 大抑郁症和自杀的基因表达分析在尸体后大脑的前额叶皮层中。
Abstract Genome-wide gene expression analysis using DNA microarray has a great advantage to identify the genes or specific molecular casCADes involved in mental diseases, including major depression and suicide. In the present study, we conducted DNA microarray analysis of major depression using postmortem prefrontal cortices. The gene expression patterns were compared between the controls and subjects with major depression. As a result, 99 genes were listed as the differentially expressed genes in major depression, of which several genes such as FGFR1, NCAM1, and CAMK2A were of interest. Gene ontology analysis suggested an overrepresentation of genes implicated in the downregulation or inhibition of cell proliferation. The present results may support the hypothesis that major depression is associated with impaired cellular proliferation and plasticity. Comparison between the controls and suicide victims with major depression, bipolar disorder, orschizophreniawas also conducted in the present study. Two genes,CAD在t和ATP1A3差异表达hree comparisons in the same direction. Interestingly, these two genes were also included in the differentially expressed 99 genes in major depression. It may be worth investigating the genes in relation to suicide or major depression.
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
5 Biol. Psychiatry 2012 Oct 72: 637-44
PMID 22520967
Title Linkage analysis followed by association show NRG1 associated with cannabis dependence in African Americans.
Abstract A genetic contribution to cannabis dependence (CAD) has been established but susceptibility genes forCADremain largely unknown.
We employed a multistage design to identify genetic variants underlyingCAD。We first performed a genome-wide linkage scan forCAD在384名非裔美国人(AA)和354个欧美家庭中,确定可卡因和阿片类药物依赖性的遗传研究。然后,我们在连锁峰下进行了关联分析,首先使用来自基因组的关联研究中的数据,从成瘾研究:遗传学和环境研究,然后是对独立样本中优先级单核苷酸多态性(SNP)的复制研究。
We identified the strongest linkage evidence withCAD(几率= 2.9的对数)在AAS中的8p21.1染色体上。在成瘾研究的关联分析中:连锁峰下的遗传学和环境样本,我们确定了一个SNP(RS17664708)CADin both AAs (odds ratio [OR] = 2.93, p = .0022) and European Americans (OR = 1.38, p = .02). This SNP, located at NRG1, a susceptibility gene forschizophrenia,优先考虑进一步研究。我们复制了RS17664708的关联CADin an independent AAs sample (OR = 2.81, p = .0068). The joint analysis of the two AA samples demonstrated highly significant association between rs17664708 andCADwith adjustment for either global (p = .00044) or local ancestry (p = .00075).
Our study shows that NRG1 is probably a susceptibility gene forCAD,基于两个独立AA样本中的连锁和复制关联的收敛证据。
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
6 Kaohsiung J. Med。科学。2014年11月30日:579-86
PMID 25458049
Title The metabolic syndrome and risk of coronary artery disease in patients with chronic schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder in a chronic mental institute.
Abstract 代谢综合征(MS)和冠状动脉疾病的患病率(MS)(CAD)发现患有慢性的患者很高schizophrenia。Current evidence shows thatCAD在这个组中被诊断不足。我们的研究评估了MS的患病率和CADin patients with chronicschizophreniain a chronic care mental hospital in southern Taiwan. We included all patients with the diagnosis ofschizophreniaor schizoaffective disorder. We collected all laboratory, physical examination, psychiatric interview, and chart review data. We also evaluated the risk ofCAD在这些患者中,使用Framingham点系统。这些患者的MS患病率没有显着年龄差异。年轻患者schizophreniain our study tended to have a higher prevalence of MS than the general population. In addition, female patients had a higher prevalence rate of MS than males. Based on the Framingham point system, we found the 10-year risk ofCADto be higher among the patients withschizophreniathan in the general population. Our study highlights the importance of the high risk of MS in both younger and older patients withschizophrenia, without a significant relationship to the use of antipsychotics. More complete cohort studies are needed to confirm these findings. Psychiatrists may want to establish more specific and detailed clinical guidelines for patients with chronicschizophrenia有合并的身体疾病,尤其是MS和CAD
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
7 精神分裂。res。2015年12月169日:186-92
PMID 26526751
Title Twelve-month psychosis-predictive value of the ultra-high risk criteria in children and adolescents.
Abstract The validity of current ultra-high risk (UHR) criteria is under-examined in help-seeking minors, particularly, in children below the age of 12 years. Thus, the present study investigated predictors of one-year outcome in children and adolescents (CAD) with UHR status.
At one-year follow-up, 20% of patients had developedschizophrenia, 25.7% had remitted from their UHR status that, consequently, had persisted in 54.3%. No patient had fully remitted from mental disorders, even if UHR status was not maintained. Conversion was best predicted by any transient psychotic symptom and a disorganized communication score. No prediction model for outcome beyond conversion was identified.
我们的发现为UHR标准的预测效用提供了第一个证据CADin terms of brief intermittent psychotic symptoms (BIPS) when accompanied by signs of cognitive impairment, i.e. disorganized communication. However, because attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS) related to thought content and perception were indicative of non-conversion at 1-year follow-up, their use in early detection of psychosis inCAD需要进一步研究。总体而言,在童年和青春期早期对精神病的早期检测和治疗中,需要对发育特征进行更多深入研究。
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
8 JAMA Psychiatry 2016 May 73: 472-80
PMID 27028160
Title 全基因组依赖性严重程度,新型风险变异和共享遗传风险的研究。
Abstract 大麻依赖(CAD)是全球一个严重的问题,在美国越来越重要,因为大麻在法律上越来越多。尽管遗传因素对CAD风险,目前尚无公认的特定遗传风险因素CADhave been elucidated.
To report findings for DSM-IVCADcriteria from association analyses performed in large cohorts of African American and European American participants from 3 studies of substance use disorder genetics.
This genome-wide association study for DSM-IVCADcriterion count was performed in 3 independent substance dependence cohorts (the Yale-Penn Study, Study of Addiction: Genetics and Environment [SAGE], and International Consortium on the Genetics of Heroin Dependence [ICGHD]). A referral sample and volunteers recruited in the community and from substance abuse treatment centers included 6000 African American and 8754 European American participants, including some from small families. Participants from the Yale-Penn Study were recruited from 2000 to 2013. Data were collected for the SAGE trial from 1990 to 2007 and for the ICGHD from 2004 to 2009. Data were analyzed from January 2, 2013, to November 9, 2015.
Criterion count for DSM-IVCAD
在14 754名参与者中,7879是男性,6875were female, and the mean (SD) age was 39.2 (10.2) years. Three independent regions with genome-wide significant single-nucleotide polymorphism associations were identified, considering the largest possible sample. These included rs143244591 (??=?0.54, P?=?4.32?�?10-10 for the meta-analysis) in novel antisense transcript RP11-206M11.7;rs146091982 (??=?0.54, P?=?1.33?�?10-9 for the meta-analysis) in the solute carrier family 35 member G1 gene (SLC35G1); and rs77378271 (??=?0.29, P?=?2.13?�?10-8 for the meta-analysis) in the CUB and Sushi multiple domains 1 gene (CSMD1). Also noted was evidence of genome-level pleiotropy betweenCADand major depressive disorder and for an association with single-nucleotide polymorphisms in genes associated withschizophrenia风险。确定的几个基因具有与神经元稳态或中枢神经系统发育有关的功能。
These results are the first, to our knowledge, to identify specificCAD风险等位基因和潜在的遗传因素有助于合并症CADwith major depression andschizophrenia
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia
9 Psychopharmacology (Berl.) 2016 Jan 233: 19-37
PMID 26566609
Title The early identification of psychosis: can lessons be learnt from cardiac stress testing?
Abstract 精神病包括schizophrenia是最令人衰弱的精神疾病之一。迫切需要开发方法,以更加精确和尽早确定处于危险中的个人。目前,诊断的先决条件schizophreniais the occurrence of a psychotic episode. Therefore, attempting to detectschizophrenia基于精神病类似于诊断冠状动脉疾病(CAD)发生心肌梗塞(MI)后。引入心脏应力测试(CST)已彻底改变了检测CADand the prevention and management of angina and MI. In this paper, we attempt to apply lessons learnt from CST to the early detection of psychosis by proposing the development of an analogous psychosis stress test. We discuss in detail the various parameters of a proposed psychosis stress test including the choice of a suitable psychological or psychopharmacological "stressor," target population, outcome measures, safety of the approach, and the necessary evolution of test to become clinically informative. The history of evolution of CST may guide the development of a similar approach for the detection and management of psychotic disorders. The initial development of a test to unmask latent risk forschizophreniawill require the selection of a suitable and safe stimulus and the development of outcome measures as a prelude to testing in populations with a range of risk to determine predictive value. The use of CST inCAD提出了一种有趣的可能性,即可能采用类似的方法来检测和管理schizophrenia
SCZ Keywords schizophrenia