1 焦虑焦虑2002 -1 16:64-70
PMID 12219337
Title Replication and expansion of findings related to racial differences in veterans with combat-related PTSD.
Abstract Racial differences in those seeking treatment at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) outpatient posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) treatment program were examined. One hundred eleven (71 Caucasian and 40 African American) veterans were compared on both self-report measures and interview measures of PTSD, depression, dissociation, and general psychopathology. Participants completed the following self-report measures: the Beck Depression Inventory, the Dissociative Experiences Scale, the Mississippi Combat PTSD Scale, and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2). Participants also completed the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale (帽子-1), which is a structured interview for PTSD, and completed a non-structured clinical interview. The two groups did not differ on measured demographic variables, nor were there significant differences on self-report or interview measures of anxiety, depression, or PTSD symptomatology. Contrary to expectation, groups did not differ on self-report measures of dissociation, paranoia, orschizophrenia。African Americans were significantly more likely to endorse items of bizarre mentation from the MMPI-2. These results suggest that African American and Caucasian veterans with combat-related PTSD do not differ with regard to manifestation or severity of psychopathology.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
2 AIDS Patient Care STDS 2003 Apr 17: 179-86
PMID 12737641
Title 坚持艾滋病antiretrovirals among persons with serious mental illness.
Abstract Despite the absence of empirical evidence, serious mental illness is assumed to be a high risk factor for nonadherence to HIV antiretroviral regimens. To assess antiretroviral adherence among persons with serious mental illness, we conducted a study in which adherence was observed over a 2-week period with electronic monitoring bottle帽子和自我报告。四十七名参与者均参加了研究,除2个(96%)外,所有参与者都完成了这项研究。精神病诊断包括躁郁症抑郁症(n = 24),schizophrenia(n = 12),精神分裂症(n = 5)和具有精神病特征的重大抑郁症(n = 6)。通过电子监测测量,平均依从性(服用剂量的比例)为66%(标准偏差[SD] = 34);40%表现出至少90%的依从性,但31%的依从性少于50%。自我报告对心理学的依从性与自我报告(r = 0.45,p <0.05)相关,并通过电子监测(r = 0.39,p <0.05)抗逆转录病毒依从性。病毒载荷(log(log(10))与电子监测(r = -0.28,p <0.10)和自我报告(r = -0.39,p <0.05)抗逆转录病毒的依从性负相关。。这些发现表明,许多患有严重精神疾病的患者能够很好地遵守抗逆转录病毒方案,但是我们的样本中很大一部分表现出较差的依从性,这表明需要研究进一步评估影响该人群中抗逆转录病毒的因素。beplay苹果手机能用吗
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
3 J咨询Clin Psychol 2004 Feb 72:121-5
PMID 14756621
Title Preliminary reliability and validity of the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale for schizophrenia.
Abstract This study provides preliminary psychometric support for a version of the Clinician-Administered Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Scale (帽子;D. D. Blake等,1990)适用于患者schizophrenia(帽子-S; J. S. Gearon. S. Thomas-Lohrman, & A. S. Bellack, 2001). Nineteen women withschizophreniaand co-occurring illicit drug use disorders were administered the帽子-s,DSM-IV诊断(SCID)的结构化临床访谈。和量表测量与创伤有关的心理病理学。结果表明帽子-s可以区分有和没有PTSD的人,并且症状簇测量统一的结构。PTSD诊断和症状簇的室内和重测可靠性很高。在帽子-S and SCID-based PTSD diagnoses and the Impact of Event Scale. There is also preliminary evidence of discriminant validity. These results support the use of the帽子- 女性schizophrenia
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
4 Child Abuse Negl 2005 Aug 29: 905-14
PMID 16125233
Title 创伤性儿科人群中焦虑症的发展:初步的纵向评估。
Abstract 进行了当前的研究是为了确定创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)症状是否预测后来的儿童和青少年受到人际创伤受害的非PTSD焦虑症。
这项研究参与了34名患有人际创伤史,焦虑症初始诊断的儿童。在时间一(T1)和12-18个月后在时间2(T2)中对儿童进行评估。在T1,临床医生为儿童和青少年管理PTSD量表(帽子-CA) and the Schedule for Affective Disorders andschizophrenia学龄孩子在一生中on (K-SADS-PL) were used to evaluate children's PTSD symptoms and comorbid non-PTSD anxiety disorder diagnosis. At T2, the帽子重复-CA和K-SADS-PL。
Traumatized children with initial PTSD symptomatology may be at risk of later development of other anxiety disorders.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
5 Psychiatr Serv 2007 Jun 58: 844-7
PMID 17535946
Title Validity of electronically monitored medication adherence and conventional adherence measures in schizophrenia.
Abstract 这项研究评估了处方者,患者和研究助理评级的有效性beplay苹果手机能用吗schizophrenia与电子监测相比,或具有精神分裂症。
Adult outpatients withschizophrenia(N=35) or schizoaffective disorder (N=26) received adherence assessments via electronically monitored medication vial帽子as well as by monthly prescriber, patient, and research assistant report for up to six months.
Electronic monitoring detected greater nonadherence rates (57%) than either prescribers (7%) or patients (5%), though the research assistant ratings were 54%. No directional bias was found between electronic monitoring and assignment of adherence by research assistants, although disagreement occurred in 36% of cases.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
6 JAMA 2007 Jul 298: 61-9
PMID 17609491
Title Prescription drug cost sharing: associations with medication and medical utilization and spending and health.
Abstract 处方药有助于管理和预防慢性病。美国处方药成本共享的最新变化可能会影响对它们的访问。
To synthesize published evidence on the associations among cost-sharing features of prescription drug benefits and use of prescription drugs, use of nonpharmaceutical services, and health outcomes.
We searched PubMed for studies published in English between 1985 and 2006.
Among 923 articles found in the search, we identified 132 articles examining the associations between prescription drug plan cost-containment measures, including co-payments, tiering, or coinsurance (n = 65), pharmacy benefit帽子or monthly prescription limits (n = 11), formulary restrictions (n = 41), and reference pricing (n = 16), and salient outcomes, including pharmacy utilization and spending, medical care utilization and spending, and health outcomes.
Increased cost sharing is associated with lower rates of drug treatment, worse adherence among existing users, and more frequent discontinuation of therapy. For each 10% increase in cost sharing, prescription drug spending decreases by 2% to 6%, depending on class of drug and condition of the patient. The reduction in use associated with a benefit cap, which limits either the coverage amount or the number of covered prescriptions, is consistent with other cost-sharing features. For some chronic conditions, higher cost sharing is associated with increased use of medical services, at least for patients with congestive heart failure, lipid disorders, diabetes, andschizophrenia。尽管低收入群体可能对增加的成本分配更敏感,但几乎没有证据支持这一论点。
Pharmacy benefit design represents an important public health tool for improving patient treatment and adherence. While increased cost sharing is highly correlated with reductions in pharmacy use, the long-term consequences of benefit changes on health are still uncertain.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
7 Rev Saude Publica 2009 Aug 43 Suppl 1: 23-8
PMID 19669061
Title 巴西东南部里约热内卢市的心理社会医疗服务中医疗保健服务的标准和连续性。
Abstract To analyze the criteria used by teams for admission, referral and continuity of care among patients of the Centros de Aten��o Psicossocial (帽子- Psychosocial Care Centers).
A qualitative study with participatory evaluation was conducted in three psychosocial healthcare services of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Southeastern Brazil, in 2006. A total of 15 admitted cases and 15 referred cases were selected among the patients admitted for treatment during the six months that preceded the beginning of research. Criteria pointed out by the team to admit patients for treatment or referral were analyzed from structured guidelines. Analysis of continuity of care was based on medical records and information from the team and patients and/or family members themselves, six months after patients were admitted or referred.
Patients admitted had psychosis (schizophrenia),以前的历史招生,可怜的社交乐趣ctioning and a small support network, patients referred had anxiety and depressive disorders, a good level of adherence to outpatient treatment, good social functioning and presence of a social network. In terms of continuity of care, eight out of 27 patients had an unknown destination. In terms of referrals, of the 13 patients referred to the network's outpatient clinics, seven continued in treatment, two returned to the centers and four had an unknown destination.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
8 Cien Saude Colet 2011年12月16日:4635-42
PMID 22124904
Title [适应巴西使用的关键时间干预及其在里约热内卢市的心理社会服务中心(CAP)中的实施]。
Abstract Brazilian Psychiatric Reform proposes a mental healthcare model based on the implementation of a community-based service network, in which Psychosocial Service Centers (帽子) play a fundamental role. The report presents the results of a pilot study which aimed to adapt Critical Time Intervention to the Brazilian context, and to test its feasibility to provide it to persons withschizophrenic入学的频谱障碍帽子里约热内卢的里约热内卢。
The research design included three inter-related phases. Phase one consisted in carrying out qualitative and quantitative field work. This phase included mapping out the socio-demographic, clinical and service utilization data of帽子users, as well as assessing the mental health needs of participants in the study. The second phase consisted in translation of the CTI clinical manual to include the adaptations made for use in Brazil, which were based on data collected in the first phase, as well as training individuals with moderate education as CTI intervention workers. The third phase consisted of pilot implementation of the adapted intervention among a group of individuals withschizophreniaspectrum disorders enrolled in帽子,但很难被包括在治疗中。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
9 Cien Saude Colet 2011年12月16日:4635-42
PMID 22124904
Title [适应巴西使用的关键时间干预及其在里约热内卢市的心理社会服务中心(CAP)中的实施]。
Abstract Brazilian Psychiatric Reform proposes a mental healthcare model based on the implementation of a community-based service network, in which Psychosocial Service Centers (帽子) play a fundamental role. The report presents the results of a pilot study which aimed to adapt Critical Time Intervention to the Brazilian context, and to test its feasibility to provide it to persons withschizophrenic入学的频谱障碍帽子里约热内卢的里约热内卢。
The research design included three inter-related phases. Phase one consisted in carrying out qualitative and quantitative field work. This phase included mapping out the socio-demographic, clinical and service utilization data of帽子users, as well as assessing the mental health needs of participants in the study. The second phase consisted in translation of the CTI clinical manual to include the adaptations made for use in Brazil, which were based on data collected in the first phase, as well as training individuals with moderate education as CTI intervention workers. The third phase consisted of pilot implementation of the adapted intervention among a group of individuals withschizophreniaspectrum disorders enrolled in帽子,但很难被包括在治疗中。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
10 精神分裂。res。2012年9月140日:46-50
PMID 22835808
Title Visual perception during mirror gazing at one's own face in schizophrenia.
Abstract In normal observers gazing at one's own face in the mirror for some minutes, at a low illumination level, triggers the perception of strange faces, a new perceptual illusion that has been named 'strange-face in the mirror'. Subjects see distortions of their own faces, but often they see monsters, archetypical faces, faces of dead relatives, and of animals.
We designed this study to primarily compare strange-face apparitions in response to mirror gazing in patients withschizophreniaand healthy controls. The study included 16 patients withschizophreniaand 21 healthy controls. In this paper we administered a 7 minute mirror gazing test (MGT). Before the mirror gazing session, all subjects underwent assessment with the Cardiff Anomalous Perception Scale (帽子). When the 7minute MGT ended, the experimenter assessed patients and controls with a specifically designed questionnaire and interviewed them, asking them to describe strange-face perceptions.
镜子中奇怪的脸的幻影在明显的强烈schizophrenicpatients than in controls. All the following variables were higher in patients than in healthy controls: frequency (p<.005) and cumulative duration of apparitions (p<.009), number and types of strange-faces (p<.002), self-evaluation scores on Likert-type scales of apparition strength (p<.03) and of reality of apparitions (p<.001). Inschizophrenicpatients, these Likert-type scales showed correlations (p<.05) with帽子总得分。
These results suggest that the increase of strange-face apparitions inschizophreniacan be produced by ego dysfunction, by body dysmorphic disorder and by misattribution of self-agency. MGT may help in completing the standard assessment of patients withschizophrenia,独立于幻觉心理病理学。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
11 精神分裂。res。2012年9月140日:46-50
PMID 22835808
Title Visual perception during mirror gazing at one's own face in schizophrenia.
Abstract In normal observers gazing at one's own face in the mirror for some minutes, at a low illumination level, triggers the perception of strange faces, a new perceptual illusion that has been named 'strange-face in the mirror'. Subjects see distortions of their own faces, but often they see monsters, archetypical faces, faces of dead relatives, and of animals.
We designed this study to primarily compare strange-face apparitions in response to mirror gazing in patients withschizophreniaand healthy controls. The study included 16 patients withschizophreniaand 21 healthy controls. In this paper we administered a 7 minute mirror gazing test (MGT). Before the mirror gazing session, all subjects underwent assessment with the Cardiff Anomalous Perception Scale (帽子). When the 7minute MGT ended, the experimenter assessed patients and controls with a specifically designed questionnaire and interviewed them, asking them to describe strange-face perceptions.
镜子中奇怪的脸的幻影在明显的强烈schizophrenicpatients than in controls. All the following variables were higher in patients than in healthy controls: frequency (p<.005) and cumulative duration of apparitions (p<.009), number and types of strange-faces (p<.002), self-evaluation scores on Likert-type scales of apparition strength (p<.03) and of reality of apparitions (p<.001). Inschizophrenicpatients, these Likert-type scales showed correlations (p<.05) with帽子总得分。
These results suggest that the increase of strange-face apparitions inschizophreniacan be produced by ego dysfunction, by body dysmorphic disorder and by misattribution of self-agency. MGT may help in completing the standard assessment of patients withschizophrenia,独立于幻觉心理病理学。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
12 Front Hum Neurosci 2013 -1 7: 329
PMID 23847502
Title 行动模拟hallucination-prone adolescents.
Abstract Theoretical and empirical accounts suggest that impairments in self-other discrimination processes are likely to promote the expression of hallucinations. Studies using a variety of paradigms involving self-performed actions argue in favor of perspective taking confusion in hallucination-prone subjects. However, our understanding of such processes during adolescence is still at an early stage. The present study thus aims (1) to delineate the neural correlates sustaining mental simulation of actions involving self-performed actions (first-person perspective; 1PP) and other-performed actions (third-person perspective; 3PP) during adolescence (2) to identify atypical activation patterns during 1PP/3PP mental simulation of actions in hallucination-prone adolescents (3) to examine whether differential risk forschizophrenia(clinical vs. genetic) is also associated with differential impairments in the 1PP/3PP mental simulation of actions during adolescence. Twenty-two typically developing controls (Control group; 6 females), 12 hallucination-prone adolescents [auditory hallucination (AH) group; 7 females] and 13 adolescents with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome (22q11.2DS group; 4 females) were included in the study. During the fMRI task, subjects were presented with a cue (self-other priming cues) indicating to perform the task using either a first person perspective ("you"-1PP) or a third person perspective ("best friend"-3PP) and then they were asked to mentally simulate actions based on the type of cue. Hallucination-proneness was assessed using a self-report questionnaire [Cardiff Anomalous Perception Scale (帽子)。我们的结果表明,在两组具有听觉幻觉的风险(AHS和22q11.2ds)的风险中,发现了脑激活的非典型模式,尤其是在自我区分的关键领域。更确切地说,AH组的青少年在右中部枕回BA19,左扣带回Gyrus BA31和右前孔BA31中的激活降低。22q11.2ds组中的青少年在右枕回BA19中的激活减少,左尾状尾巴和左precuneus ba7的激活率降低了3pp> 1pp的对比度。与对照组相比,只有22q11.2ds的青少年在视觉图像,情节记忆和社交认知领域的其他相关线索(Prime其他> Prime自我对比度)的激活下降。这项研究表征了青春期动作的心理图像的神经相关性,并表明,幻觉 - 主持性的差异风险(临床与遗传)与维持自我歧视过程的关键领域中非典型激活的类似模式有关。这些观察结果可能会为未来的研究和预防策略提供相关信息,以了解青春期的幻觉主持。beplay苹果手机能用吗
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
13 Psychiatr Q 2013 Jun 84: 137-57
PMID 22878835
Title Assessing anomalous perceptual experiences in nonpsychiatric individuals and outpatients with psychosis in Taiwan: an investigation using the cardiff anomalous perceptions scale (CAPS).
Abstract 加的夫异常感知量表(帽子)最近设计用于评估普通人群中异常的感知体验,并包括衡量困扰,侵入性和频率的维度。这项研究的目的是评估台湾版本的心理测量特性帽子。英文版本的帽子被翻译成台湾(帽子-T) and the latter was applied to this study. We administered the questionnaire to a consecutive sample of 192 participants with (n�=�106; clinical group includingschizophreniaand affective psychosis) or without psychotic disorders (n�=�86; non-clinical group). In addition to the帽子-t,台湾版本的简短精神病症状评级量表(BSR)测量了精神病理学的严重程度。我们还测试了心理测量特性帽子-T including construct validity, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and convergent and discriminative validity. Overall, the帽子-T showed good construct validity, internal consistency, and stability over time and correlated significantly with the psychoticism subscale of the BSRS. As predicted, the mean differences in帽子有或没有精神病患者之间的参与者之间的得分很大。收敛性和判别有效性是令人满意的。在区分临床和非临床样本方面,发现5分的得分为最佳阈值。我们的发现表明台湾版本的帽子是一种可靠且有效的工具,用于衡量一般的感知异常的多维性,并且似乎可以补充台湾精神病的临床指标。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
14 Am J Manag Care 2014 Jun 20: S174-83
PMID 25180707
Title Balancing therapeutic safety and efficacy to improve clinical and economic outcomes in schizophrenia: a managed care perspective.
Abstract schizophreniais a serious mental disorder associated with high morbidity and mortality, reduced life expectancy, and increased economic burden. Antipsychotic agents used for the management ofschizophrenia往往与不受欢迎的不良了cts, such as weight gain and metabolic abnormalities, contributing to elevated risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and mortality. Contributors to the growing economic burden ofschizophrenia包括直接(例如,医疗和住院)和间接成本(例如,生产率失去)。减少这些支出的策略包括使用仿制药,改善治疗依从性,避免切换抗精神病药物,减少疾病复发以及对心脏代谢疾病的适当治疗。可以说,尽管药房受益和托管护理策略(例如,事先授权,处方帽子, copayments and patient cost-sharing strategies, tiered formulary pricing, and gap coverage) are designed and implemented to reduce healthcare costs, they may have the unintended result of creating barriers to treatment access and thereby contribute to further adverse patient outcomes. Managed care professionals should be cognizant of the drivers of cost and the need for cardiometabolic monitoring to individualize care for patients withschizophrenia。Further, comprehensive disease management plans should be developed that include the monitoring of disease progression and treatment adherence, while factoring in medication and healthcare administration costs.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
15 Environ. Health Perspect. 2014 Sep 122: 939-45
PMID 24901756
Title Early postnatal exposure to ultrafine particulate matter air pollution: persistent ventriculomegaly, neurochemical disruption, and glial activation preferentially in male mice.
Abstract Air pollution has been associated with adverse neurological and behavioral health effects in children and adults. Recent studies link air pollutant exposure to adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes, including increased risk for autism, cognitive decline, ischemic stroke,schizophrenia, and depression.
We sought to investigate the mechanism(s) by which exposure to ultrafine concentrated ambient particles (帽子) adversely influences central nervous system (CNS) development.
我们将C57BL6/J小鼠暴露于Ultrafine(<100 nm)帽子使用哈佛大学集中的环境颗粒系统或在产后(PNDS)4-7和10-13中过滤空气,并在停止暴露后24小时或40天对动物进行安乐死。在PND270暴露了另一组男性,并量化了侧心心室,神经胶质激活,CNS细胞因子以及单胺和氨基酸神经递质。
We observed ventriculomegaly (i.e., lateral ventricle dilation) preferentially in male mice exposed to帽子, and it persisted through young adulthood. In addition,帽子-exposed males generally showed decreases in developmentally important CNS cytokines, whereas in帽子-exposed females, we observed a neuroinflammatory response as indicated by increases in CNS cytokines. We also saw changes in CNS neurotransmitters and glial activation across multiple brain regions in a sex-dependent manner and increased hippocampal glutamate in帽子- 暴露于男性。
We observed brain region- and sex-dependent alterations in cytokines and neurotransmitters in both male and female帽子- 暴露小鼠。仅在帽子-exposed male mice. Ventriculomegaly is a neuropathology that has been associated with poor neurodevelopmental outcome, autism, andschizophrenia。Our findings suggest alteration of developmentally important neurochemicals and lateral ventricle dilation may be mechanistically related to observations linking ambient air pollutant exposure and adverse neurological/neurodevelopmental outcomes in humans.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
16 Am J Psychiatry 2014 3月171日:350-9
PMID 24170318
Title Revisiting schizophrenia linkage data in the NIMH Repository: reanalysis of regularized data across multiple studies.
Abstract The Combined Analysis of Psychiatric Studies (帽子)项目对所有研究进行了广泛的审查和正规化schizophrenialinkage data available as of 2011 from the National Institute of Mental Health-funded Center for Collaborative Genomic Studies on Mental Disorders, also known as the Human Genetics Initiative (HGI). The authors reanalyzed the data using statistical methods tailored to accumulation of evidence across multiple, potentially highly heterogeneous, sets of data.
Data were subdivided based on contributing study, major population group, and presence or absence within families ofschizophreniawith a substantial affective component. The posterior probability of linkage (PPL) statistical framework was used to sequentially update linkage evidence across these data subsets (omnibus results).
While some loci previously implicated using the HGI data were also identified in the present omnibus analysis (2q36.1, 15q23), others were not. Several loci were found that had not previously been reported in the HGI samples but are supported by independent linkage or association studies (3q28, 12q23.1, 11p11.2, Xq26.1). Not surprisingly, differences were seen across population groups. Of particular interest are signals on 11p15.3, 11p11.2, and Xq26.1, for which data from families with a substantial affective component support linkage while data from the remaining families provide evidence against linkage. All three of these loci overlap with loci reported in independent studies of bipolar disorder or mixed bipolar-schizophrenia样品。
Public data repositories provide the opportunity to leverage large multisite data sets for studying complex disorders. Analysis with a statistical method specifically designed for such data enables us to extract new information from an existing data resource.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
17 Cogn神经精神病学2015 -1 20:254-69
PMID 25798816
Title Hallucinations and inhibitory functioning in healthy young adults with high and low levels of hypomanic personality traits.
Abstract 幻觉schizophrenia健康的年轻人的幻觉倾向与常见的认知机制有关,即抑制性控制受损。类似幻觉的经历似乎也与非临床参与者的躁狂症状有关。但是,涉及的机制尚不清楚。我们试图检查自我报告的幻觉/异常感知经历,这些学生被选为高水平和低卑鄙的人格特征,以及躁狂症是否以不足的抑制性控制来表征。
在以下情况下,比较了弱体人格量表(HPS-20)的高(n = 26)或低(n = 28)的本科生(n = 28)。幻觉倾斜度的度量,(2)加的夫异常感知量表(帽子) and (3) the Inhibition of Currently Irrelevant Memories (ICIM) task, an index of intentional inhibition.
The high HPS group had higher total scores, as well as higher frequency (on帽子only), intrusiveness and distress (帽子) scores compared to the low HPS group. They also produced significantly more false alarms on the second run of the ICIM task than the low hypomania traits group.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
18 JAMA Psychiatry 2015 Feb 72: 179-88
PMID 25588123
Title 药物覆盖范围慷慨和未经治疗的严重精神疾病的变化:从医疗补助到医疗保险。
Abstract 超过5个残疾人有双重医疗保险 - 医学辅助人员的入学人数schizophreniaor a bipolar disorder (ie, a serious mental illness). The effect of their transition from Medicaid drug coverage, which varies in generosity across states, to the Medicare Part D drug benefit is unknown. Many thousands make this transition annually.
To determine the effect of transitioning from Medicaid drug benefits to Medicare Part D on medication use by patients with a serious mental illness and to determine the influence of Medicaid drug帽子
在连续入学的患者队列的时间序列分析(2004-2007)中,我们估计过渡到D部分之前和之后的药物使用变化,比较了限制每月处方填充的状态与没有处方限制的状态。我们使用了5%的全国社区居民,无残疾双重参与者的医疗补助和医疗保险要求schizophrenia(n?=?5554) or bipolar disorder (n?=?3675).
Psychotropic treatments included antipsychotics forschizophrenia以及抗精神病药,抗惊厥药和双相情感障碍的锂。我们测量了未治疗的疾病,治疗强度和总体处方药的每月率。
Prior to Part D, the prevalence of untreated illness among patients with a bipolar disorder was 30.0% in strict-cap states and 23.8% in no-cap states. In strict-cap states, the proportion of untreated patients decreased by 17.2% (relatively) 1 year after Part D, whereas there was no change in the proportion of untreated patients in no-cap states. For patients withschizophrenia, the untreated rate (20.6%) did not change in strict-cap states, yet it increased by 23.3% (from 11.6%) in no-cap states. Overall medication use increased substantially after Part D in strict-cap states: prescription fills were 35.5% higher among patients with a bipolar disorder and 17.7% higher than predicted amongschizophrenicpatients; overall use in no-cap states was unchanged in both cohorts.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
19 JAMA Psychiatry 2015 Feb 72: 179-88
PMID 25588123
Title 药物覆盖范围慷慨和未经治疗的严重精神疾病的变化:从医疗补助到医疗保险。
Abstract 超过5个残疾人有双重医疗保险 - 医学辅助人员的入学人数schizophreniaor a bipolar disorder (ie, a serious mental illness). The effect of their transition from Medicaid drug coverage, which varies in generosity across states, to the Medicare Part D drug benefit is unknown. Many thousands make this transition annually.
To determine the effect of transitioning from Medicaid drug benefits to Medicare Part D on medication use by patients with a serious mental illness and to determine the influence of Medicaid drug帽子
在连续入学的患者队列的时间序列分析(2004-2007)中,我们估计过渡到D部分之前和之后的药物使用变化,比较了限制每月处方填充的状态与没有处方限制的状态。我们使用了5%的全国社区居民,无残疾双重参与者的医疗补助和医疗保险要求schizophrenia(n?=?5554) or bipolar disorder (n?=?3675).
Psychotropic treatments included antipsychotics forschizophrenia以及抗精神病药,抗惊厥药和双相情感障碍的锂。我们测量了未治疗的疾病,治疗强度和总体处方药的每月率。
Prior to Part D, the prevalence of untreated illness among patients with a bipolar disorder was 30.0% in strict-cap states and 23.8% in no-cap states. In strict-cap states, the proportion of untreated patients decreased by 17.2% (relatively) 1 year after Part D, whereas there was no change in the proportion of untreated patients in no-cap states. For patients withschizophrenia, the untreated rate (20.6%) did not change in strict-cap states, yet it increased by 23.3% (from 11.6%) in no-cap states. Overall medication use increased substantially after Part D in strict-cap states: prescription fills were 35.5% higher among patients with a bipolar disorder and 17.7% higher than predicted amongschizophrenicpatients; overall use in no-cap states was unchanged in both cohorts.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
20 Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015 Jan 51: 459-71
PMID 25456346
Title Genomic predictors of combat stress vulnerability and resilience in U.S. Marines: A genome-wide association study across multiple ancestries implicates PRTFDC1 as a potential PTSD gene.
Abstract Research on the etiology of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has rapidly matured, moving from candidate gene studies to interrogation of the entire human genome in genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Here we present the results of a GWAS performed on samples from combat-exposed U.S. Marines and Sailors from the Marine Resiliency Study (MRS) scheduled for deployment to Iraq and/or Afghanistan. The MRS is a large, prospective study with longitudinal follow-up designed to identify risk and resiliency factors for combat-induced stress-related symptoms. Previously implicated PTSD risk loci from the literature and polygenic risk scores across psychiatric disorders were also evaluated in the MRS cohort.
Participants (N=3494) were assessed using the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale and diagnosed using the DSM-IV diagnostic criterion. Subjects with partial and/or full PTSD diagnosis were called cases, all other subjects were designated controls, and study-wide maximum帽子scores were used for longitudinal assessments. Genomic DNA was genotyped on the Illumina HumanOmniExpressExome array. Individual genetic ancestry was determined by supervised cluster analysis for subjects of European, African, Hispanic/Native American, and other descent. To test for association of SNPs with PTSD, logistic regressions were performed within each ancestry group and results were combined in meta-analyses. Measures of childhood and adult trauma were included to test for gene-by-environment (GxE) interactions. Polygenic risk scores from the Psychiatric Genomic Consortium were used for major depressive disorder (MDD), bipolar disorder (BPD), andschizophrenia(SCZ).
在3494个无关的,暴露的雄性中,直接产生> 800K的基因分型和> 21m的估算标记,其中940名被诊断为部分或全PTSD。GWAS荟萃分析鉴定了含有1个基因(PRTFDC1)为全基因组显着的PTSD基因座(RS6482463; OR = 1.47,SE = 0.06,p = 2.04.10(-9))的磷酸贝糖基转移酶结构域,具有相似的作用跨祖先。在独立军事队列中,PRTFDC1与PTSD的关联显示了一些复制的证据。具有缔合性证据的基因座(n = 25个基因,p <5.10(-6))进一步暗示了与免疫反应和泛素系统有关的基因,但是这些发现在较大的GWASS中仍有待复制。对来自文献的25个推定PTSD基因的复制分析发现了这些基因的名义上具有显着的SNP,但是在校正以进行多次比较后,关联并不显着。对BPD,MDD和SCZ的GWASS的多基因风险评分的跨鉴定分析发现,PTSD诊断与BPD的风险疮有关,但与MDD或SCZ无关。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
21 Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 2015 2月50日:289-98
PMID 25053149
Title 在非临床人群样本中,人们对精神疾病的公众污名和类似精神病的经历的关系。
Abstract 关于心理病理学,感知公众污名和精神疾病标签之间的关联的研究主要集中在严重但罕见的精神疾病上,尤其是schizophrenia, or other clinically defined psychotic disorders. Although evidence is mounting that psychosis-like experiences show high prevalence in the general population and lead to an increased risk of psychotic disorders, little is known about how psychosis-like experiences independently affect perceived public stigma in the non-clinical population. The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between psychosis-like experiences and perceived public stigma in a non-clinical sample.
For this cross-sectional study, we recruited 524 individuals (239 male, 285 female) who had no lifetime history of psychiatric disorder. Participants completed questionnaires that asked for sociodemographic and clinical information, a measure of perceived public stigma (Perceived Psychiatric Stigma Scale [PPSS]), and two measures of psychosis-like experiences (Peters et al. Delusions Inventory [PDI]; Cardiff Anomalous Perceptions Scale [帽子]).
在该研究性别,年龄,教育水平,婚姻状况和仅宗教年龄的社会人口统计学特征中,同时影响PPSS,PDI和帽子scores. As hypothesized, perceived public stigma was positively correlated with measures of psychosis-like experiences, even after controlling for age. Furthermore, the perceived stigma was more strongly associated with delusion proneness than with anomalous perceptual experiences.
The association between psychopathology and perceived public stigma appears to extend beyond clinically defined psychosis to more common psychosis-like experiences in a sample drawn from the general Han Chinese population.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
22 Behav Res Ther 2016 Mar 78: 1-12
PMID 26797658
Title Open trial of exposure therapy for PTSD among patients with severe and persistent mental illness.
Abstract There are few empirical data regarding effective treatment of trauma-related symptoms among individuals with severe mental illness (SMI; e.g., bipolar disorder,schizophrenia). This under-examined clinical issue is significant because rates of trauma and PTSD are higher among individuals with SMI relative to the general population, and there are sufficient data to suggest that PTSD symptoms exacerbate the overall course and prognosis of SMI.
Data suggest that PE is feasible to implement, well-tolerated, and results in clinically significant decreases in PTSD severity in patients with SMI. Mean帽子从基线到立即邮政的27.2分[平均变更:� -44.3,-10.1的分数提高了27.2分;p =�0.002,配对的t检验和治疗收益在6个月[平均变化从基线到6个月的平均变化,16.1; -16.1;95%CI:� -31.0,-1.2;p =�0.034,配对t检验]。
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic
23 Clin Schizophr Relat精神病2016 JAN -1:-1
PMID 26780602
Title Post - traumatic stress disorder in first episode psychosis: prevalence and related factors.
Abstract 简介精神病或相关治疗的经验可以概念化为创伤事件,这可能导致创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)或PTSD综合征,该综合症被定义为PTSD症状的存在,与DSM -IV标准无关。创伤事件是实际或受到威胁的伤害。到目前为止,很少有研究探讨了该主题。方法这一十字分段研究包括52例临床稳定的患者,这些患者在研究之前的两年内因第一次精神病病住院。收集了社会人口统计学和临床​​信息,包括过去的创伤病史以及毒品和酒精的使用。患者接受了临床医生的管理 - 管理PTSD量表(帽子), The Major Depression Inventory (MDI), the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), the Global Assessment of Functioning scale (GAF), and the Brief COPE. Results A total of 22 patients (42.3%) met full PTSD criteria and 36 patients (69.2%) met PTSD syndrome criteria. Full PTSD as well as PTSD syndrome were both associated with physical restraint, higher scores on the MDI and on the maladaptive coping scales. The most distressing symptoms were paranoid delusions, and the most distressing treatment experiences involved physical restraint and problems with other hospitalized patients. Discussion/conclusions Our figures showed high rates of psychosis related PTSD. To prevent PTSD, conditions of hospitalization should be optimized and the use of coercive treatments should be limited. Subjects with recent onset psychosis should be screened for PTSD symptoms. Improving coping abilities with a well fitted therapy would be useful in these patients.
SCZ关键字 schizophrenia, schizophrenic