1 精神分裂。res。2005年7月76日:55-65
PMID 15927798
Title 精神分裂症早期视觉处理的功能障碍:谐波分析。
Abstract 精神分裂症与构成该疾病核心特征的严重神经认知缺陷有关。在与高阶过程的关系中,最广泛的研究缺陷。这项研究评估了早期视觉处理的完整性,以评估视觉功能障碍的总体模式精神分裂症。在枕骨皮层(OZ)上记录了稳态视觉诱发电位(SSVEP)的患者精神分裂症分裂情感性障碍(N = 26)和age-matched comparison volunteers (N=22). Two stimuli were used: windmill-dartboard and partial-windmill, which are contrast-reversing ( approximately 4 Hz), radial patterns with dominant low spatial-frequency content. Each stimulus was presented for 1 min. Fourier analysis was performed on the ssVEP data to extract the relevant temporal frequency (i.e., harmonic) components. Magnitude-squared coherence (MSC) was computed to estimate the relative signal level for each frequency component. The patients showed reduced amplitude and coherence of second harmonic responses in both conditions, but intact first harmonic responses in the windmill-dartboard condition. This finding of a differential deficit may indicate a significant loss in the magnocellular pathway, which contributes to the generation of the second harmonic component under these conditions. Early sensory deficits may lead to impairments in subsequent stages of processing.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
2 J VIS Exp 2011 -1 -1:-1
PMID 21876529
Title 从啮齿动物或人类中分离鼻嗅觉干细胞。
Abstract The olfactory mucosa, located in the nasal cavity, is in charge of detecting odours. It is also the only nervous tissue that is exposed to the external environment and easily accessible in every living individual. As a result, this tissue is unique for anyone aiming to identify molecular anomalies in the pathological brain or isolate adult stem cells for cell therapy. Molecular abnormalities in brain diseases are often studied using nervous tissue samples collected post-mortem. However, this material has numerous limitations. In contrast, the olfactory mucosa is readily accessible and can be biopsied safely without any loss of sense of smell(1). Accordingly, the olfactory mucosa provides an "open window" in the adult human through which one can study developmental (e.g. autism,精神分裂症)(2-4)或神经退行性(例如帕金森,阿尔茨海默氏症)疾病(4,5)。嗅觉粘膜可用于比较分子研究(4,6)或神经发生的体外实验(3,7)。嗅觉上皮也是一种神经组织,每天都会产生新的神经元,以替代因污染而受损的神经元,即病毒感染的细菌。这种永久性神经发生由祖细胞维持,但也属于粘膜两个室内的干细胞,即神经上皮和基本的固有层(8-10)。我们最近开发了一种纯化位于固有层的成年干细胞的方法,并在证明它们与骨髓间充质干细胞密切相关之后(BM-MSC), we named them olfactory ecto-mesenchymal stem cells (OE-MSC)(11). Interestingly, when compared to BM-MSCS,OE-MSCS显示出高的增殖率,升高的克隆性和分化为神经细胞的倾向。我们利用这些特征来进行专门揭示新候选基因的研究精神分裂症和帕金森氏病(4)。我们和其他人也表明了OE-MSCs are promising candidates for cell therapy, after a spinal cord trauma(12,13), a cochlear damage(14) or in an animal models of Parkinson's disease(15) or amnesia(16). In this study, we present methods to biopsy olfactory mucosa in rats and humans. After collection, the lamina propria is enzymatically separated from the epithelium and stem cells are purified using an enzymatic or a non-enzymatic method. Purified olfactory stem cells can then be either grown in large numbers and banked in liquid nitrogen or induced to form spheres or differentiated into neural cells. These stem cells can also be used for comparative omics (genomic, transcriptomic, epigenomic, proteomic) studies.
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
3 Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 2013 9月23日:1115-23
PMID 23116946
Title 间充质干细胞可免受体内智肽亚苯甲酸损伤的保护,并抵消体外星形胶质细胞基因表达的变化。
Abstract 间充质干细胞(MSCS)是脑部疾病再生医学策略的有吸引力的细胞来源。实验研究表明,重复施用苯基肽(PCP)导致精神分裂症- 小鼠的行为变化。本研究的目的是探索MSC在减弱PCP诱导的社会行为缺陷方面,将其移植到海马。皮下对C57BL小鼠(每天10mg/kg)皮下施用PCP 2周。在PCP管理的第一天,成年人MSCS被移植到海马。最后一周的PCP剂量一周后,小鼠进行了社会偏好测试。MSCtransplantation was associated with a significant reduction in the adverse social behavior induced by PCP. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that the stem cells survived in the mouse brain, and hippocampal Western blot analysis revealed a statistical trend towards a decrease in cleaved caspase 3 protein levels in the stem cell treated group. Upon in vitro co-culture of astrocytes andMSCS,MSCS在存在PCP的情况下,涉及谷氨酸代谢和抗氧化剂防御的基因表达正面调节。这些发现表明MSCtransplantation into the hippocampus may serve as a novel neuroprotective tool for the treatment of the PCP-induced精神分裂症- 类似社会内表型。有益行为效应的基础机制可能涉及调节宿主星形胶质细胞功能,包括谷氨酸加工和抗氧化能力。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症
4 Neurol. Sci. 2015 Nov 36: 2027-33
PMID 26169757
Title LPA信号传导是多巴胺能神经元发展所必需的,并且通过在帕金森氏病的6-OHDA病变模型中低表达LPA1受体来减少。
Abstract 溶物磷脂酸(LPA)是一种生物活性磷脂,它至少激活五个已知的G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR):LPA1-LPA5。神经系统是LPA1表达的主要基因座。已显示LPA在中枢神经系统发育以及神经元存活期间调节神经元增殖,迁移和分化。此外,LPA信号不足已与几种神经系统疾病有关,包括神经性疼痛和精神分裂症。帕金森氏病(PD)是一种神经退行性运动障碍,它是由于黑质Nigra Pars Compacta(SNC)中多巴胺能(DA)神经元的丧失而导致的。然而,对导致DA神经元变性的特定分子途径知之甚少。LPA在间充质干细胞分化中的影响(MSC在本研究中检查了体内6-羟基多巴胺(6-OHDA)病变模型的体外DA神经元和LPA1表达。LPA诱导80.2%的神经元分化MSCpopulation. TheseMSCs developed characteristic neuronal morphology and expressed the neuronal marker, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), while expression of the glial marker, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), was absent. Moreover, 27.6�% of differentiatedMSCS对DA神经元的标记酪氨酸羟化酶(Th)呈阳性。在6-OHDA PD大鼠模型中,与对照相比,黑质中的LPA1表达显着降低。这些结果表明,通过激活LPA1的LPA信号传导对于DA神经元的发育和存活可能是必需的。此外,DA神经元变性可能涉及LPA/LPA1信号的降低,从而有助于PD的发病机理。
SCZ Keywords 精神分裂症