KinaseMD: Kinase mutations and drug response


Kinase substructure (Gatekeeper, G-loop, αC-helix, A-loop) positions in human kinome.

Browse substructure


Mutations were colloected from 5 large cancer genomics datasets.

Browse mutations


Kinase network-rewiring mutations (gain, loss, up-regulation and down-regulation) analysis.

Network-rewiring mutations

Drug response

Pan-cancer kinome-wide drug response analysis from GDSC and CCLE database.

Browse drugs

Drug resistance

Kinome-wide drug resistance analysis related to substructures from GDSC database.

Browse data

3D structure

Gatekeeper A-loop G-loop αC-helix

Quick stats

547 human protein kinases.
388 kinases with mutations in the four kinds of substructures.
180,856 amino acid position-unique mutations that were curated from 5 pan-cancer datasets.
32,997 substructure mutations that may be associated with drug response are in our database.
390,460 drug response records that are associated with human kinases were collected from CCLE and GDSC for pan-cancer.
534,457 experimentally identified protein phosphorylation sites were collected from EPSD.
19,653 substrates and cognate kinases records curated from PhosphoSitePlus.
251,522 predicted kinase regulation network-rewiring events for 296 kinases.


Aug 18, 2020: Kaplan plots for survival analysis were added to the database.
2020年7月14日:更新子结构无足轻重的人ation data.
Jun 12, 2020: Bugs were fixed for showing the 3D structures.
May 12, 2020: Database website was constructed.
Mar 10, 2020: Drug responses data were re-processed.
Feb 26, 2020: Prediction of kinase regulatory network-rewring were done.
Feb 06, 2020: Experimentally identified protein phosphorylation sites, substrates and cognate kinases information were collected.
Jan 26, 2020: Latest mutation data were downloaded and re-processed for all kinases.
Aug 10, 2019: Group, family, and sub-family information were annoted.
Aug 01, 2019: Kinase list was extended by integrating protein kinases from UniProtKB.
May 12, 2019: The basic annotation for each kinase was done.
Mar 26, 2019: Mutation data were processed and mapped to the substructure loci.
Mar 07, 2019: Somatic mutations were downloaded from TCGA and COSMIC.
Mar 02, 2019: Kinase protein sequence were downloaded.
Feb 26, 2019: Four kinds of substructral locations were defined.
Feb 12, 2019: 538 human kinase proteins were collected from KinBase.


Ruifeng Hu, Haodong Xu, Peilin Jia, Zhongming Zhao @ CPH, SBMI, UTHealth-Houston.

Citation of the Database:

Ruifeng Hu, Haodong Xu, Peilin Jia, Zhongming Zhao, KinaseMD: kinase mutations and drug response database, Nucleic Acids Research, gkaa945,
