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Animal Research at UTHealth

COVID-19 Preparedness - Laboratory Research

7:25 pm, March 22, 2020 Update

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, UTHealth remains committed to maintaining the integrity of our research mission while taking the necessary measures to protect our people. We are monitoring state and federal COVID-19 response recommendations and remain in frequent communication with city and county officials. Based on these guidelines, and following conversations with research leaders from across the university, we now ask all investigators to scale back research activity, prioritizing what they define as critical and essential experiments. Please begin to implement the following directives effective Monday, March 23, with the intent of having changes in place by3月25日,星期三


  • PIS应确定访问实验室或其他UTHEADY设施所需的最低必需人员(骨架工作人员)to maintain what they define as essential research activities only。这些关键人员必须继续工作in shifts to minimize exposure. Please provide the names and contact information for skeleton crews to departmental administrators. PIs may elect to completely halt all activities and move to remote work at their discretion.
  • PIs should work to accommodate staff who are not able to come to work for various reasons (childcare, travel, etc.).
  • Personnel exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 or identifying as sick in any way (CDC Covid-19)不得在骨架船员身上服役,也不可能无法访问实验室。
  • 所有非骨骼船员人员都应远程工作。

Animal Research:每天都在发生变化,准备工作是接下来几周的风化。我们要求我们的动物调查人员加强他们为缩减研究的准备工作,以便在此期间最好地分配支持资源。beplay苹果手机能用吗为此,请查看下面的信息,并在3月23日星期一开始实施这些指令。请在3月25日(星期三)之前制定计划:

  • CLAMC的工作人员和兽医将继续每天在现场为所有动物提供兽医护理和饲养。CLAMC已收到额外的供应和饲料,并且已妥善保养或您的动物。
  • 所有正在研究的慢性动物(> 3个月)和大型动物模型都可以维持。
  • 除非关键,否则应取消或重新考虑新的动物订单。
  • 除非进行批判性研究的一部分,否则动物运输被暂停。
  • 应停止野生型和市售菌株的繁殖,以便为难以获得的菌株提供空间。
  • 计划仅育种临界菌株(难以生成的基因型,双重或三重KO或转基因)在维护水平
  • beplay苹果手机能用吗研究人员应继续使用ICARE停用批处理/笼子。
  • 应将CLAMC告知负责维持殖民地的人。请发送电子邮件acare@uth.tmc.eduandrobinson@uth.tmc.eduwith the PI name, contact person's name, cell phone number, and email address of the primary and secondary responsible persons if you have not done so already.
  • 如果实验室人员无法为术后或病人的啮齿动物提供治疗或护理,请致电713-500-7728与CLAMC兽医联系以寻求帮助。
  • Strains that are currently maintained with no forecasted plans for use in a study should be cryopreserved. Information is available on theJackson Lab website

Animal Welfare Committee (AWC)

  • 动物福利委员会继续操作on normal schedule. The AWC will continue to meet using videoconferencing technology. Researchers submitting proposals related to COVID-19 should submit their proposals as usual via iRIS. The AWC office ( should be notified if the submission is urgent.

Biological Materials

  • Ensure stocks of cell lines, organoids, etc. are frozen down with passage number recorded.
  • 有了有限的访问患者样品和核心实验室的访问权限,请确定并存储材料以进行将来的分析。

General Activities

  • Ensure that the list of emergency contacts on the lab door is accurate.
  • 如果无法达到PI,则为紧急实验室联系人开发继任线。
  • Identify critical research materials (notebooks, hard drives, files) and secure them.
  • 备份所有研究数据。beplay苹果手机能用吗确保可以访问电子存储的数据以远程工作。
  • Ensure you are signed up to receiveUthealth警报短信关于影响Uthealth的紧急事件。

Laboratory Equipment and Supplies

  • 填充用于样品存储和关键设备的露水和低温容器。如果冰箱/冰柜失败,则用于获取关键样品干冰/液氮的文档程序。应制定维持液氮储物的计划。Uthealth将继续确保在此期间及时递送液氮。
  • Department administrators should have an inventory of -80 freezers and liquid nitrogen tanks, including location, PI name, contact person, and current emergency contact phone number.
  • Ensure that all chemicals, radioactive, and hazardous waste containers are properly covered, sealed, and/or in secondary containment. No hazardous materials, waste, or equipment should be left on the lab floors.

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS)

  • EHS will have a skeleton crew in place, at minimum. If any health and safety needs arise during this time, or if you need assistance with any issues in your laboratory, please contact EHS at 713-500-8100 (main number) or 713-500-5832 (24-hr. hotline).


  • 设施, Planning, and Engineering staff will be monitoring the building conditions for the function of power, water supply, and the like. Staff will also be on site to monitor for power outages, possible water leaks, and other building-related issues.


  • UT Police and building security remain in place and on active patrol.


Please continue to check theCovid-19网站和您的电子邮件以获取其他指导
