Customer Satisfaction Survey

Tell us about you

Rank only the departments whose services you've recently used

Please rank your satisfaction and provide your comments about the service and products within any of the Auxiliary Enterprises' departments: (Note: Rank only those departments whose services you've recently used)

Auxiliary Office
Bookstore- School of Dentistry
Bookstore - McGovern Medical School
Bookstore - Cizik School of Nursing
Cooley Life Center (CLC)
Copy Services
Food Services/Catering - SON
Food Services - MSB
Food Services - SOD
Jesse Jones Library Building
Mail Services
Mobility Program
Parking Services - University Center Tower (services UCT, SON, SPH, MSI & OCB)
Parking Services - University Professional Garage (services UPG & Valet)
Recreation Center
Shuttle Services
University Student Health Services (Student Health Clinic)
University Housing & Leasing Office
University Professional Building
University Travel

Customer Satisfaction Survey

We strive to provide the best customer service within our respective departments, and we value your opinion. If there is anything we are missing or you have any suggestions/comments that will help us to help you better, please fill out our Customer Satisfaction Survey.

Official Complaint Policy

While we do encourage feedback via our Customer Satisfaction Survey, we realize that this may not always be an adequate way to resolve a complaint you may have with one of our departments. If you feel you need to pursue a more formal complaint, please read our Complaint Policy and take any and all necessary steps outlined in that policy.
