

The UTHealth Houston logo is the visual representation of our identity as one of the nation’s most comprehensive health science centers.

Definition and Usage

Uthealth Houston徽标

The UTHealth Houston logo should appear on all communications, print and digital.

各种配置和文件格式Uthealth Houston徽标can be accessed via theUTHealth Houston Multimedia Libraryusing your university-issued credentials. Users outside of the university may request access by contacting the公共事务办公室

File formats

  • PNG:透明背景,适用于本地创建和分发的大多数内容,例如演示,文档或数字内容。
  • JPG:白色背景。
  • EPS: Vector file, able to be enlarged significantly without losing sharp edges. This format is best for high-end printed works, large posters and banners, embroidery, and other specialty items. Within EPS files, there are different color systems.
    • PMS (Pantone Matching System) files use Pantone spot colors.
    • CMYK(青色,洋红色,黄色,黑色)文件用于打印,用于纸上的墨水。
    • RGB(红色,绿色,蓝色)文件使用与PNG和JPG文件相同的颜色系统。



Uthealth Houston Brand不仅存在于建筑物或文件上,还存在于我们的学生,患者,教职员工和员工的心中。


Logo color options are shown here with backgrounds in the UTHealth Houston color palette.

UTHealth Houston School Logos

The logo of each of the six UTHealth Houston schools follows all logo standards.

全部UTHealth Houston school logos也可从各种配置和文件格式下载UTHealth Houston Multimedia Libraryusing your university-issued credentials.



UTHealth Houston branded logos for several departments, offices, centers, institutes, and university programs/organizations are available for download from theUTHealth Houston Multimedia Library。If a specific logo is not available, it can be requested through the品牌和创意服务公共事务办公室的团队。

遵循在箍116, no independent logos or images are allowed to represent schools, departments, or entities of the institution unless prior written approval is obtained from the Office of Public Affairs.

The Office of Public Affairs will consult with the Office of Research and Academic Affairs and/or school academic affairs office to prioritize the needs and goals of university and school centers and institutes to determine the best branding approach.





  • 徽标smaller entities

    UTHealth Houston branded logos for several departments, offices, centers, institutes, and university programs/organizations are available for download from theUTHealth Houston Multimedia Library。If a specific logo is not available, it can be requested through the品牌和创意服务公共事务办公室的团队。

    遵循在箍116, no independent logos or images are allowed to represent schools, departments, or entities of the institution unless prior written approval is obtained from the Office of Public Affairs.

    The Office of Public Affairs will consult with the Office of Research and Academic Affairs and/or school academic affairs office to prioritize the needs and goals of university and school centers and institutes to determine the best branding approach.




  • 共同品牌徽标

    When the UTHealth Houston logo is coupled with another organization’s or institution’s logo in a co-branded relationship, approval must be obtained by both UTHealth Houston and that entity. For guidance on co-branding, please contact the品牌和创意服务公共事务办公室的团队。

    In a co-branded logo, the UTHealth Houston logo should be displayed in a balanced visual relationship with other sponsors. If the joint relationship is used to co-brand an academic program, the academic header should take prominence above the co-brands. The co-brands should share equal visual and typographic weight. If the joint program website is hosted on a UTHealth Houston domain, the UTHealth Houston logo should be listed first.

    徽标may be separated with a black or gray thin linear rule or white space.


    Uthealth Houston UT医师徽标

  • 大学印章


    The seal of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston may only appear on official documents (diplomas, acceptance/offer letters, transcripts) and may not be used on merchandise, websites, or social media of any kind. No school is permitted to create or use their own seal. The seal MAY be used on commencement programs and printed materials used at the commencement ceremony, but MAY NOT be used on any commemorative merchandise sold or purchased in relation to commencement exercises. The official UTHealth Houston university or school logo should be used in addition to the seal on all commencement materials. The seal may appear in UTHealth Houston orange, black, or white, and can be accessed and downloaded from theUTHealth Houston Multimedia Library


    Note: MD Anderson UTHealth Graduate School may use the seals of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and MD Anderson Cancer Center for its official documents.


建议使用Uthealth Houston徽标的最小尺寸准则,以适应服装和促销项目(例如刺绣或蚀刻)的非常小或详细的应用。水平版本的宽度不得小于2.25英寸,水平嵌套版本的宽度不得小于2英寸。堆叠版本的宽度不得小于1.25英寸,并且堆叠的嵌套版本必须不小于1英寸宽。有关更多信息和适当的文件格式,请联系品牌和创意服务公共事务办公室的团队。


遵循在HOOP 8, use of the UTHealth Houston name or logo, or any UTHealth Houston school name or logo, or any other representation of UTHealth Houston on merchandise offered for sale, resale, or to be given away is prohibited without written authorization of the Office of Public Affairs in advance of order placement. Requests should fully describe the requested use, merchandise and purpose. Once approved, a licensed vendor must be engaged to fulfill the order, and any graphic representation of UTHealth Houston and/or its entities used on the order must conform toUthealth Houston品牌标准。为了将大学的徽标或名称放在出售,转售或作为礼物的商品上,生产此类商品的供应商必须通过许可德克萨斯大学系统商标许可办公室。大学为销售商标销售所收到的所有净商标特许权使用费收入均用于奖学金计划。当前的许可供应商列表可以通过单击来查看和下载The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houstonfrom theUT系统机构页面



挂毯可以在特定情况下单独使用,例如social media avatars,移动应用图标,网站favicons,视频“错误”(角水标记)和与Uthealth Houston徽标结合使用的图形元素。

The tapestry alone is NOT a registered trademark, and is NOT permitted to be used as a substitute for the UTHealth Houston logo.

仅当应用程序要求Uthealth Houston徽标小于最小尺寸并且已经存在的Uthealth Houston隶属关系时,才应使用它。例如,挂毯可以用作地图上的指示器,并且还存在整个徽标。建立用于使用Uthealth休斯顿徽标的颜色使用指南也适用于挂毯的使用,但例外social media avatars

The tapestry may also be used as a design element or motif in certain situations, e.g., a design element or motif in an external or internal campaign, a packaging design element, a service pin, or an element on a chart or graph. These uses would require permission from the品牌和创意服务公共事务办公室的团队。

