

Supplier Information

出价过程|Acquisition Methods|分包要求

The mission of the The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) Purchasing Department is to acquire goods and services efficiently and effectively for internal customers utilizing a best value procurement methodology as provided by Texas Government Code, Title 10, Subtitle D, Subchapter A, Section 2155.074 and Texas Government Code, Title 10, Subtitle D, Section 2156.007.

  1. 休斯顿的德克萨斯大学健康科学中心已经建立了一项分散的商品采购流程,商品或服务价值低于15,000美元(联邦资金为5,000美元)。Uthealth客户可以为15,000美元(联邦资金5,000美元)下达商品或服务的采购订单。不经历出价过程。
  2. All orders for goods and services $15,000, or greater, (greater than $5,000 on Federal Funds), are managed by The UTHealth Purchasing Department according to the guidelines provided in the Bid limits and process time page. The Purchasing department has the sole authority to commit University funds for the procurement of goods and services $15,000 or greater, (greater than $5,000 on Federal Funds).(The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston recommends that suppliers review and become familiar with our standard terms and conditions. The terms and conditions are available through this website. )
  3. The UTHealth Purchasing department develops bid lists through several methods. Buyers search the Certified Master Bidders List (CMBL) that is maintained by The Texas Building and Procurement Commission (TBPC). The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston strongly encourages suppliers to register with the TBPC. Additionally bid lists are generated from suppliers that have previously performed work or provided goods to the University. View current Bid Opportunities.
  4. Suppliers are required to certify that they are not debarred from any of the following federal and/or state agencies:


德克萨斯大学健康休斯顿科学中心maintains an extensive database of vendors. This database is continually updated with new and prospective businesses as requested through departmental contact, referrals, vendor requests, and forums. Our vendor database can be retrieved from any school or hospital under the auspices of The UTHealth. The primary resource for identifying HUB vendors is the State of Texas Building and Procurement Commission's集中式竞标者名单(CMBL).

Competitive Process


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Acquisition Methods

The UTHealth Procurement Team supports the university by determining the best procurement method for acquiring requisitioned goods and services. They are also responsible for the advertisement or renewal of local contracts and creating new contracts to support the university's mission. Contracts are awarded based on the competitive bid process.

Uthealth Campus社区负责在可能的情况下向枢纽供应商授予小订单(SO)。枢纽供应商通过电子邮件,供应商博览会,投标表桌和部门访问期间确定到校园社区。

Less than $15,000
电子邮件/传真出价 - 小订单

  • 不需要竞争性投标。在收到单个投标人的口头报价后,买方可以酌情发布采购订单。

$ 15,000- $ 50,000
电子邮件/传真出价 - 非正式合同

  • 需要三个电子邮件/传真出价。竞争性投标可以从几个潜在的竞标者那里征集。对投标进行评估,并可以向投标人发出采购订单,该投标人提交最完整,最低的投标。大学应尝试获得至少三个非正式竞标,包括来自少数族裔或妇女拥有的企业,以在这笔美元范围内的所有授权购买。

公众的年代ealed Bid - Formal Contract

  • Requires written bids. This method requires preparation of detailed written specifications to maximize competition. Sealed competitive Invitations to Bid (ITBs) are opened at the scheduled site and time, after which they are evaluated. A purchase order may be issued to the responsive bidder who submits the most complete and lowest bid.
  • Request for Proposals (RFPs) are evaluated based on price and the evaluation team's scoring. A purchase order may be issued to the responsive proposal that offers the best value to the university.



SECTION 2.10 of Senate Bill 178

将子第章“ F.分包”添加到《德克萨斯政府法典》第2161章中。

1 TAC第111.14节实施法定规定

(Implementation for all such procurements on or after April 1, 2000)

Provisions affect all contracts with expected value of $100,000 or more:


Determine probability for subcontracting opportunities.

  • 如果存在概率,则要求将集线器分包计划(HSP)提交出价,提案,报价或其他适用的利益表达。
  • Reject responses that do not include the required HSP.
  • Assess submitted HSPs to determine good faith effort in development.
  • 拒绝发现HSP的回答没有真诚地发展。
  • 包括接受的HSP作为授予合同的规定。
  • 监控合同绩效以实现HSP。
  • Review and approve, by contract amendment, all changes to HSP contract provision.
  • If required, audit the contractor's/vendor's compliance with the HSP.
  • 如果发现诚实信仰努力的失败,除了其他任何补救措施外,还可以为委员会报告不履行以供贬低。
  • Review procurement procedures to ensure compliance with this section.

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