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The mission of the CCTS CRUs is to facilitate clinical research by providing investigators with specialized facilities, personnel, and advice. Investigators from CCTS institutions can use any of the CCTS CRUs, depending on the location of their patients and the availability of services at the CRUs.

纪念馆赫尔曼(Memorial Hermann) - 德克萨斯医疗中心



Medical Director:医学博士Miguel Escobar-Miguel.Escobar@uth.tmc.edu

Co-Medical Director:医学博士Elmer Bernstam-elmer.v.bernstam@uth.tmc.edu

Operations Director:凯西·佛朗哥(Kathy Franco),RN,BSN,CCRC-Kathy.D.Franco@uth.tmc.edu

护士经理:Theresa Dancsak, RN, MSN -theresa.dancsak@uth.tmc.edu

Sr. Clinical Program Manager:Cristina Dyke, MCTM -Myriam.C.Dyke@uth.tmc.edu

实验室管理:Candace Hernandez,BS-candace.hernandez@uth.tmc.edu

CRU Office:713-704-4137

Texas Medical Center在Memorial Hermann的Uthealth Cru(Texas Medical Center)始于1986年的Uthealth General beplay苹果手机能用吗Clinical Research Center。培训卫生专业人员临床研究的环境。beplay苹果手机能用吗CRU位于纪念赫尔曼医院的罗伯逊馆(Robertson Pavilion)三楼,完全致力于实施和传导临床研究。beplay苹果手机能用吗

The UTHealth CRU team consists of 5 clinical research nurses with a variety of clinical backgrounds, 2 lab specialists, 1 regulatory specialist, 1 coordinator, and 3 administrative support staff. All staff members, most of whom are cross-trained with coordinating and lab experience, work closely together to offer expertise and deliver the best clinical research support to the CCTS research community.

The CRU provides access to specialty core services such as:

  • 5门诊和住院4房间
  • 安排诊断测试和程序
  • 图表室和医师图表区域
  • Consulting support in the early stages of protocol development
  • 住院和门诊诊所空间
  • 护理和协调员服务
  • 监管监测
  • 实验室服务,包括细胞重建和氮气存储
  • Research training
  • CRU staff who can be sent to clinical areas in Memorial Hermann Hospital, such as the intensive care units, emergency room, operating rooms, clinical units, ambulatory clinics, and diagnostic facilities such as imaging suites
  • 行政服务,包括预算开发,停车验证,餐券和小现金服务。费用根据协议需求而异。

要使用CRU,调查人员必须完成UTHealth Iris/CCT和MHH应用程序。

To receive a budget from the CRU, please send your protocol toKathy.D.Franco@uth.tmc.eduandcruscheduling@uth.tmc.edu

UT M. D. Anderson Cancer Center CRU


导演:David S. Hong, MD
联系人:Yagut Retondo,MHA,部门管理员 -yeretondo@mdanderson.org;Brenda Brown,RN,MSN,OCN,Amburatory Infusion行政总监 -BBrown1@mdanderson.org

CRU Office:713-792-2144-ctrc@mdanderson.org

得克萨斯大学M. D. Anderson癌症中心临床和转化研究中心(Anderson CRU)成立于1990年,是专门的UT M. D. Anderson网站,用于复杂的基于生物学的新药开发。beplay苹果手机能用吗12,660平方英尺的CRU凭借其32个房间的护理区和邻近的全功能实验室,是进行强化临床试验的理想场所,重点是第一阶段I期和II期研究,并具有严格的时间点和严格的时间点和时间点药理测试。安德森·克鲁(Anderson Cru)为医师科学家和临床研究人员提供了独特的资源,以开发新的药物来治疗癌症和相关疾病,通过提供多学科研究,监管合规性,预算发展,预算发展,密集和时间敏感的患者,腓骨切开术,,彭布斯切开术,,,,,,,进行时间敏感的监测beplay苹果手机能用吗以及标本的及时,准确的处理,存储,跟踪和装运。请联系CRU办公室,以了解有关使用该空间进行研究的更多信息。beplay苹果手机能用吗


董事:Joseph McCormick, MD; Susan Fisher-Hoch, MD

护士执业:洛里·坎波斯(Lori Campos)

Contact person:Norma Perez-Olazaran -Norma.P.PerezOlazaran@uth.tmc.edu-956-755-0695

Program Manager:Rocio Uribe

自2004年以来,布朗斯维尔CRU一直是Uthelation General Clinical Research Center不可或缺的一部分,该研究中心现在已成为CCT的一部分。beplay苹果手机能用吗布朗斯维尔CCTS CRU坐落在德克萨斯州布朗斯维尔,距离美墨边境约一英里。CRU与医院捐赠的专业建筑套房相邻,毗邻中央谷浸信会布朗斯维尔医疗中心。该部门隶属于德克萨斯大学公共卫生学院(SPH)Brownsville Regional Campus及其Hispanic Health Research Center,,,,距离CRU并关注西班牙裔人群中常见的疾病。布朗斯维尔(Brownsville)是德克萨斯州下里奥格兰德山谷(Dexas Liston Rio Grande Valley)的一部分,该山谷约为95%,墨西哥裔美国人,患有慢性退行性疾病(包括糖尿病,高血压和心脏病)的较高发病率。该地区还存在严重的健康差异,并且没有保险和贫穷的居民比例很高。通过他们的计划,SPH Brownsville地区校园,西班牙裔健康研究中心和Brownsville CRU工作,以改善当地社区的健康。beplay苹果手机能用吗

The Brownsville CRU uses a unique team approach tailored to the local community to conduct clinical research in the Lower Rio Grande Valley. Brownsville CRU investigators work with locally recruited research staff who are Spanish-speaking and bicultural and can more easily access the difficult-to-recruit local population. The research staff recruit subjects and are trained in human subject protection and the intricacies of the studies on which they are working, including sample collection and clinical examinations and a range of imaging modalities, including cardiovascular, hepatic, and ocular. They work within the community, including house to house recruiting, to identify potential subjects for clinical studies.


The Brownsville CRU is open Monday through Friday during business hours and some Saturdays. It is staffed by a Project Manager, a Project Coordinator, an ultrasonographer a part-time nurse practitioner, and 7 research assistants. The unit is about 4500 sq. ft., is dedicated to outpatient services, and includes a waiting room, 7 examination rooms, a laboratory for rapid sample processing and storage, an area for charting by staff and investigators, office space for patient scheduling and follow-up, and an interview/conference room for long patient interviews, staff in-services, and investigator meetings. Data are collected directly onto dedicated laptops and entered into main databases daily. Equipment includes several ultrasound and FibroScan machines, PAD equipment, and a DEXA scan machine, and there is a dedicated echo examination room. The CRU is supported by a research and CLIA-approved diagnostic laboratory of about 6000 square feet, managed by a laboratory director supported by technicians and graduate students. The laboratory has a large specimen archive. The CRU is also supported by a data management team, which assists with data entry screens (REDCap and custom) and cleans and distributes databases on a regular basis. All data are behind the University firewall.

The Brownsville CRU encourages inquiries from investigators who wish to conduct studies with the Lower Rio Grande Valley Hispanic community or to participate in ongoing studies in the CRU. The following ongoing studies in the CRU are open to other investigators.

Cameron County Hispanic Cohort (CCHC)



This is a cohort of more than 300 CCHC participants who has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. These participates were seen between 2008 and 2013 at 3-4 month intervals for data and specimen archiving. Most remain in the cohort for regular follow-up visits.

Cardiovascular studies
使用心血管成像定期进行(EKG,颈动脉内膜厚度,流动介导的扩张,超声心动图和脚踝 - 支撑指数),进行了几项研究或正在进行的研究。这些在这个低收入墨西哥裔美国人人口的研究与休斯顿的Uthealth McGovern医学院和圣安东尼奥健康科学中心合作。

Studies of liver disease and liver cancer

Several funded studies of liver disease and liver cancer are in progress, primarily in collaboration with M. D. Anderson. We follow participants with serial FibroScans to assess liver fat and liver fibrosis to assess progression and associated risk factors. A study of hepatocellular carcinoma patients and their immediate family members is also underway.

Genomic and metabolic studies

Collaboration with Vanderbilt University and University of North Carolina and others has allowed genotyping on the MEGA chip of most of the CCHC participants. Other studies include RNASeq studies looking at the progression of diabetes in terms of changes in gene expression and epigenetics. Metabolic studies include lipid panels and a large lipidomic database.




In the Lower Rio Grande Valley, the rates of cervical cancer are among the highest in the United States. Intervention studies in collaboration with M. D. Anderson are in progress to increase rates of screening and treatment in the underserved. The CRU is assisting with these studies, concentrating on uninsured women.

Tu Salud, Si Cuenta!
This community outreach program uses behavioral journalism to transmit messages to the community by TV, radio, and newspapers. It has been extensively evaluated and is supported by a network of promotoras (community health workers).


有关这些研究的更多信息,有关在布朗斯维尔CRU或布朗斯维尔CRU上进行其他研究的更多信息,请参见http://www.hhrc.info/或联系克里斯蒂娜·比利亚雷亚尔(Christina.Villarreal@uth.tmc.edu)956-882-6677。要使用此CRU,调查人员必须完成UTHealth Iris/CCTS应用程序。

Center for Clinical Research at UTHSC-Tyler


导演:Debbie Fielder -clin.res@uthct.edu-903-877-7753



  • Submission, activation, and management of clinical trials
  • 研究人员的临床研究教育beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • 审核和监测主动临床试验
  • Assurance of regulatory compliance of new drug studies
  • 协议财务管理
  • Data safety and monitoring

要使用中心的服务,请联系Debbie Fielder或访问中心的网站https://www.uthct.edu/center-for-clinical-research/


泰勒(Tyler's Cru)的工作人员。

UTHealth CRU在Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) Hospital



导演:医学博士Elmer V. Bernstam-elmer.v.bernstam@uth.tmc.edu

Co-Director:医学博士Miguel Escobar-Miguel.Escobar@uth.tmc.edu

Operations Director:凯西·佛朗哥(Kathy Franco),RN,BSN,CCRC-Kathy.D.Franco@uth.tmc.edu

护士经理:Theresa Dancsak, RN, MSN -theresa.dancsak@uth.tmc.edu

高级行政经理:克里斯蒂娜·戴克(Cristina Dyke),学士学位 -Myriam.C.Dyke@uth.tmc.edu

高级研究beplay苹果手机能用吗护士:Estela Acosta, BSN -estela.a.acosta@uth.tmc.edu

实验室管理:Candace Hernandez,BS-candace.hernandez@uth.tmc.edu

CRU Office:713-566-4662, 713-566-4258 or UTHealth CRU Office 713-704-4137

Lyndon Baines Johnson(LBJ)医院的UT Health CRU始于2013年,是一项服务,以帮助LBJ调查人员设计和实施协议以及与社区合作以了解其研究需求的联络人。beplay苹果手机能用吗今天,UT LBJ CRU为研究人员提供了用于临床研究中卫beplay苹果手机能用吗生专业人员进行临床研究和培训的资源。LBJ CRU的目的是促进UTHealth和M. D. Anderson与LBJ临床医生和研究人员的调查人员之间的合作研beplay苹果手机能用吗究,以提高LBJ临床医生之间的研究能力和生产力,并增加对历史上不足的患者人群获得尖端研究的机会。在临床试验中。合作伙伴机构,Harris Health System,Uthealth和M. D. Anderson共同努力,以识别和降低在这种贫穷的医疗保健环境中的研究障碍。beplay苹果手机能用吗

The CRU office is located in the LBJ UT Annex room 116 and is devoted entirely to the implementation and conduct of clinical research throughout LBJ clinics, hospital, and community outreach clinics.

The CRU team consists of 1 clinical research nurse with a broad clinical background and 1 experienced study coordinator. The UTHealth CRU backs up the UT LBJ unit with nurses, coordinators, lab specialists, and administrators. All staff members, most of whom are cross-trained with coordinating and lab experience, work closely together to offer expertise and deliver the best clinical research support to the UTHealth and LBJ research community.

The CRU provides access to specialty core services such as:

  • Consulting support in the early stages of protocol development
  • 护理和协调员服务
  • 监管监测
  • 生命板机和心电图测试
  • Lab services including cell reconstruction and nitrogen storage (at UTHealth)
  • Research training for physician and staff
  • 可以送往医院的临床区域的CRU员工,例如重症监护病房,急诊室,手术室,临床单位和卧床诊所以及诊断设施,例如成像套件
  • Administrative services, including budget development, and petty cash services

弗吉尼亚州的费用ry based on protocol needs.

要使用此CRU,调查人员必须完成UTHealth Iris/CCTS应用程序。请联系Kathy.D.Franco@uth.tmc.eduorestela.a.acosta@uth.tmc.edu预算并讨论研究需求。

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley CRU

Edinburg, Texas

导演:杰西卡·马丁(Jessica Martin),医学博士 -jessica.martin@utrgv.edu-956-362-3553

Contact person:Erik Hinojosa-erik.hinojosa@utrgv.edu

The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine has been active in the UTHealth Houston CCTS program since the creation of the School of Medicine. Efforts have been underway to identify physical premises for a CRU at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Most recently, UTHealth RGV has inaugurated an ambulatory care outpatient clinic site on the campus of Knapp Medical Center (KMC), Weslaco, Texas, where four CCTS subaward SARS-COV-2 /COVID treatment clinical trials have been occurring since 2020. With easy first-floor entry and sufficient clinical square footage and number of exam rooms and administrative office/team space, this clinical setting is supported by the KMC leadership for the shared vision of The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley and UTHealth of a University of Texas Rio Grande Valley CRU.


研究协调员(L)和Timothy Heath博士(Rbeplay苹果手机能用吗)的Brenda LeeCastañeda女士。
