


Jiajie Zhang, PhD

Jiajie Zhang, PhD



Jiajie Zhang博士是Dean,教授,Glassell Family Foundation杰出主席,在休斯顿休斯顿生物医学信息学学院卓越信息学卓越主席,他还是国家医疗保健认知信息和决策中心的主任。此外,张还在医学博士安德森癌症中心Uthealth休斯顿生物医学科学研究生院。

自2013年3月被任命为院长以来,张一直负责生物医学信息学学院的快速增长 - 三倍的教职员工和学生人数以及研究支出,通过有针对性的教职员工和学生招聘工作;beplay苹果手机能用吗重塑学术焦点,课程和课程;与学术,政府和专业机构建立战术伙伴关系;并通过创建八个研究中心和六个应用核心来建立学校的研究beplay苹果手机能用吗能力和范围。此外,他还为学校的40,000平方英尺的设施扩展提供了支持,并带来了重大努力来增强慈善资金。在张的领导下,生物医学信息学学院已成为生物医学信息学和医学AI的国家/国际领导者。作为院长,他不断寻求为生物医学信息学学院确定和寻求合作机会,以利用信息学,数据科学和人工智能,以增强其内部和外部合作伙伴的工作 - 本地,地区,全国,全国和外部伙伴的工作全球。

Zhang has conducted pioneering research on distributed knowledge representations and their effects on decision-making, problem-solving, and human-computer interaction, and was early to recognize the importance of usability, design, and cognitive support in health information technology. In continuing that work at UTHealth Houston, Zhang led the SHARPC Project arm of the Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) Program, a seminal consortium funded by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology to support innovative research that would address well-documented problems impeding the adoption and use of health IT. Zhang’s SHARPC Project focused on enhancing patient-centered cognitive support in electronic health records and health information technology, and resulted in the creation of the National Center for Cognitive Informatics and Decision Making in Healthcare.

Zhang has more than 30 years of research, education, application, and management experience in biomedical informatics, cognitive science, human technology integration, information visualization, usability and workflow, decision-making, and machine learning. He has authored over 180 publications and has been the principal investigator, co-principal investigator, or co-investigator on numerous grants and contracts with a total cumulative value of $202 million. Zhang has trained a large number of doctoral and master’s degree students and postdoctoral fellows.

张获得了Uthealth Houston的John P. McGovern杰出教师奖,并获得了George H.W.的获得者。亚裔美国太平洋遗产协会的布什奖。他是美国医学信息学学院,美国医学信息学协会和国际健康科学学院信息学的会员。他的专业知识是为美国和国外的小组,委员会,理事会,演讲委员会和编辑委员会寻求专业知识。

In 1998, Zhang was recruited to UTHealth Houston School of Biomedical Informatics (formerly the School of Health Information Sciences) from The Ohio State University, where he was an assistant professor of psychology and a member of the Center for Cognitive Science. Zhang received his master’s degree and PhD in cognitive science (world’s first) from the University of California San Diego and his bachelor’s degree in biology from the University of Science and Technology of China (through the Special Class for the Gifted Young).

