


Holly Homes博士

医学博士Holly Holmes,MS



医学博士Holly Holmes担任Uthealth Houston社区参与副总裁,致力于教育和激发社区合作伙伴有关大学的主要战略发展和目标。她负责与社区中的新和潜在合作伙伴建立关系,并促进休斯敦Uthealth六所学校的教育,研究和临床任务。beplay苹果手机能用吗外围beplay此外,她与开发委员会密切合作,以更新利益相关者,讨论休斯顿Uthealth的许多举措。

福尔摩斯(Holmes)是老年医学教授,琼·亚历山大(Stanford)和斯坦福大学亚历山大(Stanford Alexander)的老年医学和姑息医学院长,休斯顿麦戈文医学院(McGovern Medical School)。福尔摩斯(Holmes)还是纪念赫尔曼·特克斯医学中心(Hermann-Texas Medical Center)和哈里斯健康(Harris Health)林登·B·约翰逊医院(Harris Health Lyndon B.她于2015年加入休斯顿Uthealth Houston,目前是麦戈文医学院老年和姑息医学学术学术浓度计划的Uthealth Houston Houston联盟的执行委员会成员。她在医学院担任琼(Joan)和斯坦福大学(Stanford Alexander)教授。

Holmes has served as a leader in the American Geriatrics Society and serves on the老年肿瘤学和衰老杂志编辑委员会。她有多个sci合著entific papers and belongs to the International Society of Geriatric Oncology as a Science and Education Committee member and past annual meeting chair. She has received multiple accolades for her teaching and service and has been awarded numerous grants for conducting research in the field of geriatrics. Holmes has presented at local, regional, national, and international conferences and symposiums on polypharmacy, geriatric oncology, and geriatric syndromes.

Before joining UTHealth Houston, Holmes held faculty or clinical positions at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Baylor College of Medicine, the University of Houston College of Pharmacy, and Quentin Mease Community Hospital in Houston.

Holmes received her doctorate at McGovern Medical School and a Master of Science in epidemiology from UTHealth School of Public Health. She completed her internal medicine residency training and clinical and research fellowship training at the University of Chicago.

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