


约翰·瓦伦扎(John A. Valenza),D.D.S。

约翰·瓦伦扎(John A. Valenza),DDS



DDS的John A. Valenza担任Uthealth Houston牙科学校的院长。瓦伦萨(Valenza)担任临时院长两年后,于2011年6月被任命为该职位,领导了新的314,000平方英尺的建筑物和会议中心的设计,规划和建设,以取代牙科牙科休斯敦学校1955年的1955年设施。

Valenza has been on faculty with the School of Dentistry since 1987. He teaches both undergraduate and graduate students and conducts clinical research, primarily in dental informatics and clinical care. His research interests include clinical simulation, dental informatics, medically compromised patients, and the use of technology in patient care. He has authored or co-authored numerous papers, chapters, and reports, and received grants totaling more than $1.5 million.

在学校任职期间,他在纪念赫尔曼 - 德克萨斯医学中心(Memorial-Texas Medical Center)担任屡获殊荣的通用居住居住计划的计划主任。他还管理了负责技术创新,信息学,高级教育和通识教育支持的部门和计划。

Valenza还曾担任患者护理和执行副院长的副院长。他已经监督了患者护理方面的创新,包括UT牙医的推出,Uthealth Houston的教职员工实践;转换为学校的第一个电子健康记录和数字射线照相;以及社区外展计划和诊所的扩展,包括移动牙齿货车。

He holds The William N. Finnegan III Distinguished Professorship in the Dental Sciences at UTHealth Houston School of Dentistry.

2007年,Valenza纳入大学of Texas Kenneth I. Shine, MD, Academy of Health Science Education, and in 2012, the UTSD Alumni Association named him “Outstanding Alumnus.” He received the Greater Houston Dental Society President’s Award in 2004 and 2012-14. In 2019, the Texas Academy of General Dentistry named Valenza the Texas Dentist of the Year™.

Valenza is a fellow of the Academy of General Dentistry, the American College of Dentists, and the International College of Dentists, and he is a member of the American Dental Association, Texas Dental Association, Greater Houston Dental Society, American Dental Education Association, and the American Association of Hospital Dentists.


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