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UTHealth as Relying Institution

UTHealth researchers may choose to rely on anapproved outside IRBwith which UTHealth has signed an IRB reciprocity agreement. The UTHealth PI must seek permission from the UTHealth IRB to rely on an outside IRB via iRIS.

  • Start a new study application in iRIS
  • In the pane “Determining Review Type” select the option “Request for permission to rely on IRB approval from an IRB with whom UTHealth has a reliance Agreement.”
  • On the next panel if you do not find the IRB that you with to rely on for this particular research study, choose “Other” and enter the name of the Reviewing IRB.
  • On the next panel, upload protocol and consent form (if there is one).
  • 如果研究将在纪beplay苹果手机能用吗念赫尔曼站点进行,请填写纪念赫尔曼申请表。
  • 如果要由主要研究人员以外的任何人准备申请,请访问首席研究员和共同研究人员签名。
  • 审查IRB可能要求每个依赖网站提交一个网站。。许多机构使用智能IRBRelying Site Study Team Survey.

In some agreements, the reviewing IRB may request for “local context” issues such as institutional requirements for informed consent language (e.g., compensation for injury language), attesting to the adequacy of research team training,/cphs/irb-reciprocity/Reciprocity.htm研究团队的资格和资源可用于进行研究,并提供任beplay苹果手机能用吗何相关的利益冲突管理计划。UTHealth IRB工作人员将向IRB提供此信息。

The IRB staff will review the request to ensure that UTHealth has an agreement with the Reviewing IRB institution. IRB staff will also review adequacy of research team training, qualifications of the research team, resources available to conduct the study, check whether any related significant financial interests have been disclosed. If all the requirements for relying on the outside IRB are met, the IRB staff will issue a ‘permission to rely’ letter to the UTHealth PI via iRIS.

Consent Template when UTHealth is Relying on Outside IRB

Uthealth IRB已在Uthealth IRB网站上发布了模板同意文件。我们强烈鼓励研究人员和研究团队使用此模板beplay苹果手机能用吗同意,以确保同意文件中包括所有必要的同意元素。在同意书上增加本地信息可能取决于审查IRB。

Commercial IRBs- UTHealth合作的大多数商业IRB都会修改赞助商同意模板,以添加UTHEALTH强制性语言(伤害,本地联系,HIPAA授权语言。

Academic Center IRBs当Uthealth依靠学术中心的IRB依靠IRB时,同意书将被批准审查IRB,并且只能针对当地环境问题进行编辑。Uthealth研究团队必须确保将此语言添加到同意书中并提交给审查IRB。

Other Approvals

beplay苹果手机能用吗研究人员and Research staff are reminded that there are several other institutional approvals that may be required for a research study to be conducted at UTHealth. It is the responsibility of the UTHealth PI to ensure that all these approvals have been obtained before the research is initiated at UTHealth.

  • Memorial Hermann CIRI approval
  • 哈里斯卫生系统批准
  • 利益冲突管理计划
  • 执行合同/临床审判协议
  • 安全委员会批准

A checklist of Relying Institution PI responsibilities can be found在线的
