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Committee For the Protection of Human Subjects

UTHealth as Reviewing IRB

UTHealth IRB may be the reviewing IRB for a multi-site study. CPHS has been the IRB of record for several Clinical Trial Xpress trials. CPHS has also been the reviewing IRB when a research study involves other investigators in other institutions in collaborating roles e.g. samples are sent to another institution for analysis as part of a research study.

For multi-site studies, before agreeing to be the IRB of record, ensure that UTHealth IRB is wiling and able to be the Reviewing IRB.

Effective January 25, 2018, NIH-funded multi-site studies, where each site will conduct the same protocol involving non-exempt human subjects research, whether supported through grants, cooperative agreements, contracts, or the NIH Intramural Research Program must use a single Institutional Review Board (sIRB). This requirement applies to all competing NIH grant applications (new, renewal, revision or re-submission) with submission date on or after Jan 25, 2018. For more information on choosing an sIRB and budgeting requirements, please visit here. (go to sIRB page)

必须通过IRIS对Uthealth IRB进行审查IRB的请求。该请求可以在初次提交时或以后作为更改请求提出。要求Uthealth IRB为审查IRB的提交数据包应包括每个依赖网站:

  • Permission letter from the relying institution
  • 完全的Addition of PI formfor each relying institution
  • 带有本地PI信息的同意书(如果适用)
  • Local context information (if requested by UTHealth IRB)

IRB工作人员将检查Uthealth是否与依赖机构达成协议。如果没有,IRB工作人员将与依赖机构合作签订IRB依赖协议。Uthealth IRB将发出一封信,表明加入依赖机构已获得批准。通过此批准,Uthealth IRB将对依赖机构的研究进行IRB监督。beplay苹果手机能用吗提交和审查的要求也可能因Uthealth IRB与依赖机构之间的协议条款而有所不同。

For more detailed guidance on managing IRB communication the UTHealth PI is the lead PI and the UTHealth IRB is the reviewing IRB, pleaseclick here.
