







Key Differences Between an HUD Approved Via HDE and a Device Approved Via Premarket Approval (PMA):HDE批准的HUD免于确定合理保证有效性的要求,这是PMA批准所必需的;在设施的患者的临床护理中使用HUD必须获得IRB或适当地方委员会的事先批准,这是PMA批准的设备不需要的;对于HUD,医疗设备报告(MDR)应提交记录的IRB或适当的地方委员会(除了将MDR提交给FDA,以及PMA批准的设备)。


Serious Injury是指威胁生命的伤害或疾病,导致身体功能永久损害或对身体结构的永久损害,或者需要医疗或手术干预以排除身体功能的永久性损害或对身体结构的永久损害。


提交HUD的临床使用: The physician will submit a CPHS application via iRIS, as well as:

  1. 赞助商的信包含以下信息:
    1. The generic and trade name of the device
    2. FDA HDE编号
    3. The date of HUD designation
    4. The indications for use of the device
    5. 设备的描述
    6. Contraindications, warnings, and precautions for use of the device
    7. Adverse effects of the device on health
    8. 替代实践和程序
    9. Marketing history
    10. 使用该设备的研究摘要
  2. The product labeling
  3. Apatient information packet that may accompany the HUD
  4. 如果IRB需要
  5. 医师建议如何使用该设备的摘要,包括对任何筛查程序的描述,HUD程序以及任何患者的后续访问,测试或程序


IRB将验证提供的文件是否与制造标签和HDE下的批准使用一致。IRB将遵循21 CFR 56.111和其他地方(适用)其他地方的审查标准。IRB将审查在HDE批准的产品标签中发现的患者的风险,确保将风险降至最低,并评估与UTHealth在UTHealth提议使用的设备使用有关的风险是否合理。当IRB正在审查UTHealth的HUD临床使用请求时,由于使用合法营销的HUD治疗或诊断患者,它不会带来重大风险(SR)/非显着风险(NSR)确定。跌至21 CFR 812的设备。

The IRB may use its discretion to determine how to approve use of an HUD, including consideration of professionals’ qualifications through training and expertise to use the device. The IRB may specify limitations on the use of the device based upon one or more measures of disease progression, prior use and failure of any alternative treatment modalities, reporting requirements, appropriate follow-up precautions and evaluations, or other criteria the committee determines to be appropriate.

批准期限:The IRB may approve use of an HUD for a period of one year or less. The IRB may grant a generalized approval for clinical use of an HUD at UTHealth, provided the use of the HUD is within the terms of the generalized approval. In certain circumstances the IRB may require review and approval of individual uses of an HUD. The IRB may approve use of the HUD, for instance, without any further restrictions, under a protocol, or on a case-by-case basis.

知情同意:The IRB will usually require prospective informed consent for clinical use of an HUD. If available, a patient information packet that incorporates information to assist a patient in making an informed decision about the use of the HUD in clinical care should include the following information, if applicable:

  • 尚未证明该设备是标记指示的HUD和有效性的陈述。
  • An explanation that the HUD is designed to diagnose or treat the disease or condition described in the HDE labeling and that no comparable device is available to treat the disease or condition.
  • Adescription of any ancillary procedures associated with the use of the HUD, a description of the use of the HUD, and all known risks or discomforts.
  • HUD与疾病或病情有关的假定作用机理的解释。

设备labeling must include the following statement: “Humanitarian Device. Authorized by Federal law for use in the [treatment or diagnosis] of [specify disease or condition]. The effectiveness of this device for this use has not been demonstrated.”

Continuing Review of Clinical Use of an HUD:对在临床上使用HUD的请求进行初步审查的IRB必须对HUD使用进行持续审查。IRB可能会使用加急程序继续进行审查,类似于加急审查政策中描述的程序。在继续审查时,IRB将考虑可用的风险和利益信息以及任何医疗设备报告(MDRS)。IRB可能会要求HDE持有人在必要的定期报告中授予提交给FDA的安全信息的副本,通过这种方式,在继续审查时,将考虑可能对人为安全的信息。

在批准的指示外使用HUD:如果医生想在其批准的指示外使用临床上的HUD,IRB将确定监督的程度。The IRB may require that the physician obtain informed consent from the patient and may require additional reasonable patient protection measures are followed, such as devising schedules to monitor the patient, taking into consideration the patient’s specific needs and the limited information available about the risks and probable benefits of the device.

报告临床使用HUD:Whenever the physician receives or otherwise becomes aware of information, from any source, that reasonably suggests that an HUD has or may have caused or contributed to the death or serious injury of a patient, the physician must report such findings to the FDA and IRB as soon as possible, but no later than 10 working days after the physician first learns of the effect or problem, as per the policy and procedure on reporting unanticipated problems. This reporting is in addition to, not a substitute for, FDA and/or manufacturer reporting requirements in accordance with 21 CFR 803.30. The physician or health care provider must promptly report any FDA action(s) regarding the HUD to the IRB. Modifications to the HUD or the clinical use of the HUD are to be promptly reported to the IRB in accordance with the policy and procedure on Change Requests and Protocol Amendments.

Emergency Clinical Use of an HUD:在紧急情况下,可以在临床上使用HUD来防止患者严重伤害或死亡;但是,在这种情况下,医师和HDE持有人必须遵循与政策和个人患者扩大访问权限 - 研究设备相同的紧急使用程序。简而言之,在这种紧急情况下,医生应与IRB办公室联系有关紧急使用的信息。IRB办公室在与IRB主席进行了磋商后,将为紧急临床使用HUD提供一份同意信。FDA建议医生向HDE持有人提交有关患者病情的后续报告。

Investigational Use of an HUD:临床研究中使用的HUD受到与所有FDA调节临床研究相同的要求,并且必须在IRB监督下进行,如政策研究设备中所述。此外,如果正在研究HUD以外的其他指示(即,标签),则可能需要IDE。如果FDA尚未做出SR/NSR确定,那么在初步审查中,IRB必须对研究中使用的HUD进行SR/NSR确定。如果确定了SR,则启动研究的实体或PI必须向FDA提交IDE申请,并且必须在调查开始之前由FDA批准IDE。


  1. 21 CFR 814 h部分:人道主义使用设备
  2. FDA指导 - 人道主义设备豁免(HDE)计划


  1. Unanticipated Problems Involving Risks to Subjects or Others
  2. 更改请求和修正
  3. 紧急使用研究药物或设备
  4. 研究设备


  1. 初始审查面板 - 人道主义使用设备


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1 Aug 2008



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