

Statement on Scholarship

The following statement outlining the principles of scholarship was developed from excerpts of Dr. Ernest L. Boyer's monograph Scholarship Reconsidered. It is intended to both reaffirm our commitment to scholarship and assist us in assessing how we define, evaluate, and reward scholarship.

I. Defining Scholarship

The University of Texas Houston Health Science Center's definition of scholarship should reflect its mission to become the model health sciences university for the 21st century and its goals in education, research, and service. Furthermore, the definition should be broad enough to acknowledge the full range of faculty talents required to accomplish the diverse functions of a health sciences university.

The Health Science Center's expanded view of scholarship also should recognize that knowledge may be acquired in a variety of ways: through research, synthesis, practice, and teaching. Therefore, scholars are needed not only to explore the frontiers of knowledge, but also to integrate ideas, connect theory and practice, and inspire students. These functions are inextricably linked and form an interdependent whole. However, considering them individually acknowledges the multi-dimensional nature of scholarship and enhances our ability to foster the mosaic of talents needed to meet the broad challenges in health care. These individual components of scholarship include the scholarship of teaching; the scholarship of discovery; the scholarship of integration; and the scholarship of application.


The scholarship of teaching involves both educating and enticing future scholars. It begins with what the teacher knows, and therefore requires individuals who are well-informed about the latest advances in their fields. At its best, teaching involves not only transmitting knowledge, but also transforming and extending knowledge through study and debate.



The scholarship of discovery, which encompasses research or scholarly investigation, is at the very heart of academic life and must be assiduously cultivated and defended. At its best, it contributes not only to the stock of human knowledge, but also to the intellectual climate of the university.


IV. The Scholarship of Integration

The scholarship of integration refers to the process of giving new meaning to isolated facts. It may entail making connections across disciplines, placing specialties into a larger context, illuminating data in a revealing way, educating non-specialists, or interpreting research (one's own or others') in a way that places it into larger intellectual patterns.




在健康科学大学中,这种学术服务的观点 - 既适用又适用于人类知识的观点。医疗保健方面存在着巨大的地方,州,国家和国际挑战,健康科学中心有责任利用其资源来解决这些非常重要的健康相关问题。

These four dimensions of scholarship – teaching, discovery, integration, and application – encompass the diverse talents needed to accomplish the mission of a health sciences university, and thus provide a framework not only for defining scholarship, but also for evaluating and rewarding it. Such a framework offers individual schools and departments the flexibility required to support their distinctive missions and goals, while helping to ensure that an appropriate balance of academic efforts is maintained.

VI. Evaluating and Rewarding Scholarship


评估系统中使用的具体标准会因其单独的任务和目标而在各个学校和部门之间有所不同,但是在所有评估系统中都应体现一些共同的特征。外围beplay首先,应量身定制标准,以满足个人才能和校园需求。其次,标准应允许考虑一生中改变个人和专业成长模式,并改变机构优先级。第三,标准应该认识到,奖学金的一些方面是普遍的 - 适用于所有教师的任务。这些任务包括以下内容:

  • 所有的教员都应该建立凭证s researchers by conducting original research on serious intellectual problems and communicating the results to colleagues, even if specialized investigative work is not chosen on an ongoing basis.
  • All faculty members should be knowledgeable of developments in their fields, remaining professionally active.
  • All faculty members should be held to the highest standards of integrity in every aspect of their work.
  • 所有教职员工的工作都应仔细评估,并以智力上的严格和卓越的范围来衡量所有四个奖学金维度。

Scholarship at its best should bring faculty together, creating a community of scholars working toward a shared vision of intellectual and social possibilities. This requires defining scholarship in a manner that reflects the mission and goals of The University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center, and it also requires appropriately evaluating and rewarding the full range of scholarly activities needed at the Health Science Center. Such an effort is essential, for it not only legitimizes the full range of academic functions required, but it also enhances the university's ability to respond adequately to academic obligations and social and economic problems.

Ernest L. Boyer, Scholarship Reconsidered, Priorities of the Professoriate. The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, Princeton University Press, Lawrenceville, New Jersey, 1990.

Updated 10/92
