





  • 了解员工是否曾经在虚拟环境中工作
  • 员工认为可能的挑战是什么?
  • Review the best ways to communicate during the day so that both of you feel connected
  • Are they comfortable utilizing the needed technology?
  • This is a time for the employee to learn new skills that will help improve their performance. Ask the employee to review the various courses in LinkedIn Learning and share with you in your next meeting skills they want to learn (consider creating a learning plan)

Daily Touch Base

Keep it short and sweet! A touch base can be as simple as a quick Skype message, text or email. It does not need to be formal. People will appreciate the quick touch base.




Team Huddles

These are quick high-level meetings to gather the team

  • Typically, short meetings scheduled throughout the week to make sure everyone is aligned
  • 安排时间的频率将取决于团队的需求。如果在发生稳定的变化时,可能需要每天。如果主要是保持连接的时间进行快速更新,则可能需要每周两到三次

Standard Team Meetings


  • General department updates. Do not forget that people often find out about meetings, general updates or new things happening in the department just by being in the office. Nothing is too small, people want to hear what is happening
  • 有团队go around and discuss something good/new happening professionally or personally to break the ice
  • 向团队询问他们关于可能持续改进项目的建议。这使您可以分配一群人以统一目标共同努力
  • Ask a team member to do research on a topic and share information that would be of interest to the team and ask them to share with the group

Engagement Touchbase

Schedule time to just have fun! When things are stressful, having something fun to do as a team will be a nice escape from stress

    • Virtual Tea Time: A quick conference call where employees will sit around (preferably with coffee or tea) in a relaxed environment to just chat about anything.
    • 每周的儿童或宠物共享链:非常简单的电子邮件发送给您的团队的人,并带有您和您的孩子/宠物的有趣照片,并邀请其他人分享。
    • DIY手工艺挑战赛:30分钟的惊喜活动,您可以与团队一起玩。让每个人都从其一般区域中的材料中构建任何东西,然后在视频聊天或通过电子邮件中分享。
    • 食谱综述:让您的团队与小组分享最喜欢的食谱。如果小组中的某个人可以分享图片,并留下好评并与团队分享。

For more great ideas check out the Engagement Section!



  • There are several tools to aid in communication opportunities such as email,phone, text messaging, instant messaging, video conferences, and document sharing.
  • Ensure that all remote employees have the same programs downloaded and are capable and trained of using them all effectively.有关其他信息,请参阅技术部分。


To prevent remote anxiety, clarify how and when information will be communicated. You might be asking yourself, “When do we use instant messaging? Why do we write emails? At what point do we pick up the phone?”



Call directly if the topic requires clarity and sensitivity, or benefits from an energetic exchange of ideas.


Use a check-in or reporting template to keep consistency across the team.

  • Example: 5-15 Report - Each week, everyone on a team spends 15minutes writing feedback in a templated report sent to the manager. The manager takes five minutes to read and respond to each report, and 15minutes to collate their own feedback for their manager.

Download the 5-15 Report



When you are communicating digitally, provide enough context to make sure your message is known. When only responding “Yes” to a question or giving little information, the lack of elaborating might make the person feel you do not care about the issue or lead them to not care about the issue you brought up.


So, I was thinking that maybe, we could try meeting at twelve noon instead of 5:00pm for our weekly meetings. I plan on working from home in the afternoon and I was thinking that might be easier. What do you think?


I'd like to begin working from home in the afternoon from now on. Are you okay with changing our weekly meeting time from 5pm to 12pm?






避免 Use Instead
Must Needs to
必需的 强烈推荐
I’m forced to I choose to
那永远不会起作用 Let’s look at our alternatives
我们将无法… We will be able to once…
That’s not my problem 我认为你应该和...
There’s nothing I can do about that 我有点卡住,您能帮我找到其他选择吗?
你应该有... 那是不起作用的 - 这是我下次推荐的...
I haven’t had time 我将能够通过...
我以为... 你能为我澄清吗?
卡在家里 在家安全