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Quick Tips for Leading the Way

Communication is Key

  • You cannot overcommunicate in critical times
  • Focus on continuing to build the relationships you have with your employees –stay connected
  • Build and implement a communication strategy (Sample Strategy) for consistency
  • Use all your tools, email, chat, virtual meetings and video
  • Start meetings with time for people to interact casually and encourage the team to share highs and lows of the week

Trust Your Team

  • Encourage team to set boundaries to avoid burnout
  • Support flexibility in terms of where, when and how employees work – Be Flexible
  • Know you hired good people and trust them to accomplish their goals
  • Acknowledge success

Create Success

  • Be clear. Set clear goals and expectations. Follow up to ensure the individual understood the expectations
  • Look for opportunities to have team members partner together on projects to leverage their strengths
  • Ask the team about opportunities or areas for the team to grow. The outcome may be great project assignments for team collaboration

Listen to Your Team

  • Listen for stresses and explore one-on-one with the person to see where they may need assistance
  • Provide opportunities for each employee to be heard. This means making sure that those who are less likely to speak up are able to express themselves

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