参议员劳埃德(Lloyd and B.A.)本恩森中风研究中心beplay苹果手机能用吗

Funded Investigators

Jaroslaw Aronowski,Ph.D., Professor

  • Clearance of toxic blood from brain matter after hemorrhagic stroke is essential to allow for improved neurological recovery. Dr. Aronowski’s Bentsen Stroke Center funded project focuses on pre-clinical studies, testing whether the body’s own scavenging cells (microglia/macrophages),that have been genetically or pharmacologically modified to act as more efficient scavengers, can be used to improve blood removal from brain after hemorrhagic stroke. This approach is expected to reduce brain damage inflicted by the toxic blood and improve post-stroke recovery.

小查尔斯·考克斯(Charles S. Cox), M.D., Professor

  • Dr. Cox's Bensten Stroke Center project uses amniotic fluid derived mesenchymal stromal cells to treat the neurological injury associated with single ventricle physiology of patients with severe congenital heart disease that requires cardiopulmonary bypass in the conduct of corrective/palliative surgery. As a part of this program, a working cell bank of AFMSCs has been created in conjunction with the Texas Fetal Center and the Griffin Stem Cell Research Laboratory which is a cGMP, FDA Registered Cell Production Facility located in the BBSB on the South Campus of UTHealth.

Pramod Dash, PhD., Professor
"Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells (MAPCs) and Inflammation"

  • beplay苹果手机能用吗DASH博士实验室的研究重点是开发治疗以改善受伤大脑的功能。为了实现这一目标,他的实验室检查了由脑损伤触发的细胞和分子机制,这些机制导致认知障碍。在这些变化的指导下,我们使用药理学剂,分子技术和成年干细胞制定了基于机制的治疗策略,以减少损伤引起的脑病理和认知功能障碍。作为Bentsen中风研究计划的一部分,我们将研究静脉内给药的成beplay苹果手机能用吗年干细胞可以帮助限制脑损伤的分子机制。

,M.D., Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Jiaqian Wu,博士,助理教授
"Identification of Therapeutic Targets to Increase Neuronal Differentiation Efficiency of hiPSC-derived NCSs in Treating Stroke"

  • Liu博士和Wu博士的Bentsen Stroke Center资助的项目的重点是研究基因表达和调节机制,这些机制区分了人类诱导的多能干细胞(HIPSC)衍生的神经干细胞(NSC)和hipsc衍生的神经元素限制者(NRP)。这些差异的鉴定对于理解HIPSC-NSC的神经元分化的分子机制至关重要,并找到新的治疗靶标,以提高HIPSC-NSC在治疗中风中的神经元分化效率。

斯科特·奥尔森(Scott D. Olson),博士,助理教授

  • Dr. Olson’s research interests are focused upon utilizing cellular therapies and regenerative medicine, particularly adult bone marrow-derived multipotent stromal cells (MSC), to treat neurological injuries. MSC have shown promise in treating a number of conditions, including spinal cord injury and traumatic brain injury. Mechanistically, it appears that MSC leverage the host immune system to decrease inflammatory injuries following trauma, an effect they believe will be useful in both preventing and treating neuropathic pain after spinal cord injury. In this project, he will use a short-term (28 day) and a very long term (7 months) animal model to model real world treatment scenarios.

肖恩·萨维兹(Sean Savitz),M.D., Professor

  • Savitz博士的再生计划正在测试急性中风患者的一些第一个细胞疗法。在他的Bentsen项目中,他的团队正在识别中风患者中干细胞疗法的潜在生物学靶标。他们正在进行神经影像学研究,以评估干细胞如何减少脑损伤是在中风后调节免疫系统的。此外,该团队还正在测试新型的干细胞疗法,这些疗法可能具有更长的治疗时间窗口,可用于慢性中风。

劳拉·史密斯·卡拉汉(Laura A. Smith Callahan), Ph.D., Assistant Professor

  • 史密斯·卡拉汉(Smith Callahan)博士的中风项目致力于制造一个人工细胞外矩阵,该基质中包含优化的生物活性信号,以帮助神经干细胞(NSC)迁移到中风引起的病变部位,并能够形成新的突触连接。细胞外基质是神经发育和成熟的组成部分。由于中风后显着受伤,人造细胞外基质可以帮助促进NSC的生存,粘附,增殖和分化。此外,已经显示出人工细胞外基质的植入可减少中风后的继发损伤。

Xiurong Zhao, M.D., Associate Professor
"Preconditioning and Efficacy of Cell Therapy"

  • Zhao博士的研究目标beplay苹果手机能用吗是调查和开发出血和缺血性中风的新型疗法。她最近的研究项目主要集beplay苹果手机能用吗中于由脑小胶质细胞/巨噬细胞介导的内源清理机制(MMΦ)在中风恢复期间。她的Bentsen研究项beplay苹果手机能用吗目将评估如何将治疗细胞(包括干细胞)的预先招聘到类似脑样的环境体外may enhance these cells’ capability to access stroke-affected brain and consequently promote brain tissue repair.

关于the Bentsen Stroke Center

参议员劳埃德(Lloyd and B.A.)本恩森中风研究中心beplay苹果手机能用吗参议员劳埃德(Lloyd and B.A.)Bentsen中风研究中心促进了研究与协作,导致预防beplay苹果手机能用吗中风,这是一种影响无数个人和家庭的医学问题。在美国,每年有四分之三的一百万个新的或经常性的中风,研究对于更好地理解,治疗和帮助人们避免中风至关重要。beplay苹果手机能用吗beplay苹果手机能用吗参与本恩森中心的研究人员 - 包括干细胞疗法,中风的遗传预测因子,诱发的低温/冬眠,血管系统的分子成像等领域,随着中心向前的前进,将对医疗领域产生巨大影响。


Serving as a four-term U.S. Senator from Texas and as Secretary of the Treasury, Lloyd Bentsen, Jr. was one of the most respected and influential politicians of the twentieth century. Senator Bentsen and his wife, B.A., visualized the creation of a significant research center to combat one of this nation's leading causes of death and disability. Their generosity, and that of many others, led to the establishment of this research program that is now a major component of The Brown Foundation Institute of Molecular Medicine for the Prevention of Human Diseases.

"We are dedicated to establishing



our children and grandchildren

will benefit from the transformational work

that will be done here."

- Mrs. B.A. Bentsen

January 22, 2009



UT Researchers and Bentsen Family Take First Step Toward Stroke Treatment and Prevention

April 10, 2012 Bentsen Family Visit and Luncheon at the Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine &Bentsen Stroke Center awards grants for regenerative medicine research

First study to identify common variant influencing susceptibility in U.S.:

Scientists Discover Genetic Variant Tied to Increased Stroke Risk

February 21, 2012 Dr. Mahendra Rao visits Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine:

Rao Named First Director of New Center For Regenerative Medicine at NIH