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Funding awarded to breast cancer chemoprevention and caregiving education research programs

Meagan Whisenant, PhD, RN, professor at Cizik School of Nursing. (Photo by UTHealth Houston)
Meagan Whisenant, PhD, RN, professor at Cizik School of Nursing. (Photo by UTHealth Houston)

Meagan Whisenant, PhD, RN, is applying her two decades of symptom science experience to two new grant-funded research projects. One aims to support patients experiencing brain tumors and their caregivers, and the other focuses on chemoprevention of breast cancer. Whisenant is an associate professor in the Department of Research at Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston.



这种互动导致Whisenant与MD Anderson Cancer Center的Kathrin Milbury博士和医学博士Shiao-Pei Weathers合作,并通过美国国立卫生研究院/国家癌症研究所的R21赠款申请R21赠款。beplay苹果手机能用吗研究项目的标题为“基于模拟的护理技能培训,针对高级神经胶质瘤患者的家庭成员。”

Cizik护理学院副教授Kristin Ownby,RN博士也正在就该项目进行咨询。该团队将使用275,000美元的赠款来进行试点测试方法,以帮助家庭成员更好地管理患有脑肿瘤的亲人的照顾。

“A cancer diagnosis impacts the entire family. Family caregivers shoulder tremendous responsibility for managing patient symptoms and treatment,” Whisenant said. “Caregivers of those with brain tumors face unique challenges, given the rapid decline and poor prognosis. Distress among these caregivers is particularly high, reducing the quality of care they can provide to their loved one.”


“行为interventio理所当然n addressing both tangible caregiving skills and emotional coping skills might be beneficial to this population,” Whisenant said.

The pilot study will deliver content in three ways: educational materials, including a workbook and brief instructional videos; two simulation-based caregiving skill sessions, led by registered nurses in the Smart Apartment at the Cizik School of Nursing; and two psychoeducation sessions that offer ways to cope emotionally and manage changing roles.





Another of Whisenant’s research proposals, “Adherence to chemoprevention among women at high risk for breast cancer,” was recently selected for a $2,000 Elizabeth W. Quinn Oncology Research Award.

“乳腺癌是女性最常见的癌症,其中八分之一被诊断出患有浸润性乳腺癌。有证据表明,有1000万被认为是高风险的妇女,包括化学预防在内的某些干预措施可能有助于减少开发它的可能性。” Wheenant说。


通过与休斯敦Uthealth Houston McGbeplay苹果手机能用吗overn医学院的助理教授和乳房医学肿瘤学家MD的合作研究,Whisenant确定了可能阻碍妇女遵守化学预防措施的特定障碍,包括缺乏对乳腺癌风险的了解,无效的患者提供的沟通和麻烦的症状。



To carry out the study, Whisenant and her team will enroll 20 women whose providers have recommended they receive chemoprevention, representing clinics with high concentrations of Black and Hispanic women predisposed to developing breast cancer.


“If we move the needle just a little bit on cancer prevention, we are moving in the right direction,” Whisenant said. “Learning about adherence to chemoprevention, in combination with educating women on how certain lifestyle behaviors can impact a diagnosis, holds promise for decreasing the prevalence of breast cancer among certain high-risk populations in the future.”


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