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Uthealth Houston Cizik护理学院副教授Daphne Hernandez博士领导了一项研究,该研究发现在线焦点小组是低收入和少数群体中数据收集的有效工具。(图片由休斯顿uthealth摄)
Uthealth Houston Cizik护理学院副教授Daphne Hernandez博士领导了一项研究,该研究发现在线焦点小组是低收入和少数群体中数据收集的有效工具。(图片由休斯顿uthealth摄)


学习was published in the国际定性方法杂志


达芙妮·埃尔南德斯(Daphne Hernandez), PhD, associate professor at Cizik School of Nursing at UTHealth Houston, was in the middle of a study using in-person focus groups as a means to gauge the effectiveness of a food distribution program that provided community college students with fruit, vegetables, dry goods, and meat when COVID-19 stay-at-home orders began. Hernandez and the research team were faced with a dilemma: either halt the study or find a solution that would allow them to continue while keeping everyone safe.

埃尔南德斯(Hernandez),李(Lee)和约瑟夫·贾马尔(Joseph Jamail)杰出的护理学院(Hernandez)说:“当大流行时,我们正处于传统的焦点小组中,我们不想停止收集数据。”“我们的势头良好,不想让人们处于危险之中。”

While the idea of an online focus group is not new, the research team had concerns about decreased participation and lower quality of data collection. However, their findings debunked these claims while also revealing unexpected benefits for the researchers and the participants.




“There is an increased cost to in-person focus groups when compared to online,” Hernandez said. “In person, we will compensate participants for parking, and there are also costs to feed the participants or provide snacks in addition to compensating them for their time and participation. With online focus groups, the food and parking compensation are not needed.”


“当我们在分析食品分发食物ram data, we identified that some students frequently attended and others did not,” Hernandez said. “Low attendance to the food distribution program was related to not having transportation; they either had to rely on someone else or not attend the program. This transportation barrier then spilled over into attending the in-person focus groups.”


“During the online focus groups, our preference was for participants to have their video on because it allowed for nonverbal communication. But, the platform does allow people to turn their camera off if they don’t feel comfortable in a group setting,” Hernandez said.





其他研究人员包括Sajbeplay苹果手机能用吗eevika S. Daundasekara博士,Cizik护理学院的研究员;Quenette Walton博士和Chinyere Eigege与休斯顿大学的社会工作学院一起;来自德克萨斯理工大学健康科学中心的医学博士Mayra Gomez。


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