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Ten new members joined the ranks of the UTHealth Houston Development Board during the group’s meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 26. Under the leadership of Virginia L. (Ginni) Mithoff, Development Board chair, this group of more than 150 innovators and leaders from various fields comes together with a passion for the mission of UTHealth Houston. By drawing awareness to the university’s work and increasing philanthropic support, they champion the causes of health education, research, and patient care and help shape the future of the institution.

“我们的发展委员会成员为我们的机构提供了宝贵的智慧和指导,”休斯敦总裁Giuseppe N. Colasurdo医学博士,Alkek-Williams杰出主席。“随着我们共同努力改善整个休斯顿及其他地区的健康,他们对社区的独特专业知识和承诺是推动我们的使命和愿景的强大资源。”

Catherine P. Crainis a vice president and a co-portfolio manager at Fayez Sarofim & Co. She serves as a portfolio manager for a variety of institutional and private clients. A native Houstonian and graduate of The Kinkaid School, she earned a bachelor’s degree and an MBA from The University of Texas at Austin. She is a member of The Episcopal Health Foundation Investment Committee and is a life member of the McCombs School of Business Advisory Council at UT Austin.


杆剪是遗传合作伙伴有限责任公司的创始人兼主席。他还成立并担任DescendantsDNA Inc.和UNUS Health Inc.的主席。他创立了14家公司,其中3家公开了。Cutsinger在包括主教高中和圣约翰基金会(St. John The Divine Foundation)的非营利委员会中为董事会提供服务,曾担任Sue Nan和Rod Cutsinger基金会的主席21年。他获得了俄克拉荷马州立大学的学士学位。


Charles W. (Carlos) Duncan III邓肯资本的总裁,这是一个私人investme吗nt management firm. As an ardent conservationist, he is the seventh board chairman of the International Game Fish Association Board of Trustees. A trustee since 2009, he previously served as the organization’s treasurer. He is also active with various education and conservation nonprofits in the Houston area, including longtime service as president of Communities In Schools of Houston, and as a member of the boards of The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Houston Methodist Research Institute, and the Coastal Conservation Association Texas Foundation. In addition, he has spent many years on the Board of the College Foundation of the University of Virginia. Duncan further serves as vice president of The Duncan Fund. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in economics from the University of Virginia and an MBA from Harvard Business School.


Anthony L. Faillace是Drake Management LLC的所有者,Drake Management LLC是一家多策略投资公司,专注于液体市场交易以及风险投资,早期和微型股权投资。在创立Drake之前,他曾是Blackrock Inc.的董事总经理兼高级投资组合经理。Faillace目前还担任卡内基国际事务伦理委员会董事会副主席。他获得了德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的经济学学士学位和西北大学的MBA学士学位。

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约翰·盖洛德(John Gaylord)is a director of Seneca Foods and principal of Fishhawk Advisors LLC. Previously, he served as president of Jacintoport Terminal Company and director of Martin Midstream Partners LP. An active volunteer with The Rise School of Houston, he and his business partner co-chaired the school’s golf committee in 2011. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business administration from Texas Christian University and an MBA from Southern Methodist University.

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Duncan L. Lamme是休斯顿当地家庭办公室的高级主管。他的主要职责包括对包括金融资产,房地产和经营业务组成的各种投资组合的监督。他还参与了多代房地产规划事务,并担任家庭基金会的顾问,协助投资决策和赠送机会。Lamme拥有30多年的资本市场经验,目前在几家私营公司的董事会中担任。他拥有德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的经济学学士学位。

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斯科特·马丁is a Houston-based private investor. He spent 24 years with Martin Resource Management Corporation, where he co-founded Martin Midstream Partners LP, which went public in 2002, and founded and managed other business lines that experienced rapid growth. Martin sold his position and exited in late 2012 to pursue other investments. Through the years, he has served on the boards of directors for Martin Resource Management Corporation, Martin Midstream Partners LP, Inspiration Biopharmaceuticals, Cardinal Gas Storage Partners, East Texas Mack, and The American Waterways Operators. In addition, he has served on the boards of directors for River Oaks Baptist School and Boys and Girls Country, as well as on the advisory board for the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. Currently, he serves as board vice chair for the National Hemophilia Foundation. Martin is a member of Young Presidents Organization and graduated from the University of Arkansas.

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约翰·麦当劳1975年成为获得许可的认证公共会计师,并在休斯敦从事公共会计45年以上。他的职业生涯始于一家四大公司,后来曾在麦当劳,福克斯和伦德有限责任公司担任执行合伙人。2006年,该公司与Weaver和Tidwell LLP合并,麦当劳被任命为休斯顿执行合伙人,并在公司执行委员会任职。他是德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的毕业生,在参加房屋电话活动后,他与休斯顿的Uthealth合作。随后,他于2014年加入了布朗基金会分子医学研究所,以预防人类疾病,并于2016年至2021年担任主席。


嘉莉·张伯林·米勒(Carrie Chamberlin Miller),休斯顿人是一位独立管理顾问,专门从事沟通,组织发展,危机管理和执行教练。她为多个行业的客户提供建议,包括高等教育,医疗保健和能源。此前,米勒(Miller)在德克萨斯儿童医院,恩斯特(Ernst)和杨(Young)和赖斯大学(Rice University)工作,在那里她曾担任工商管理硕士课程和学生院长。米勒(Miller)对妇女问题特别感兴趣,公开谈论授权和友谊的主题,以及这些主题与妇女的生活及其成功之间的联系。她还在圣约翰学校的董事会任职。她毕业于范德比尔特大学(Vanderbilt University)的学士学位和莱斯大学的MBA学位。

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Patricia Woodsis a retired partner with Phelps Dunbar LLP and past board president for MECA. She was born in Houston as a sixth-generation Texan and raised in Louisiana. She returned to Houston after graduating from law school to establish a law practice and has spent the past 40 years representing developers, commercial landlords, builders, and contractors in all aspects of civil litigation. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Louisiana State University and a law degree from Tulane University Law School.

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