


赠款102is open only to individuals with a faculty appointment (Instructor level or above). Postdoctoral fellows, residents, other research personnel, and administrative staff are not eligible.

The 2022 Grants 102 course will be held from February to July 2022. Dates and locations are listed in the课程大纲要求参与者提前计划参加所有课程。


  • 求职信- 求职信应包括:申请人授予的提案历史记录迄今为止指示资助和无资金的提案,申请人计划在研讨会中提交赠款的资助机构以及预期申请的水平(例如,职业发展奖,年轻的研究者/入门赠款,定期的研究建议,例如NIH RO1,R21或其他应用程序等)。beplay苹果手机能用吗求职信还应简要介绍申请人的职业目标以及当前的教育,研究,患者职业和其他行政/服务职责的努力分配。beplay苹果手机能用吗
  • Research Abstract——申请人应该提供一个单页的摘要the research project they anticipate will form the basis of the application they will prepare during the course. The abstract should clearly 状态:the hypothesis or major research problem/question; a general overview of specific aims; a brief description of research design and methodology; and the basic, translational, or clinical significance if the research is successfully completed.
  • 摘要- 申请人应提供摘要( one pagemax) written for an educated lay audience. The lay abstract should state the problem, identify key questions that the study will answer, the approach and impact of the study.
  • Current curriculum vita- 简历应采用申请人学校任命,晋升和终身委员会要求的UTHealth格式。简历模板
  • 申请人部门主席或部门主任的支持信– The letter of support should identify administrative support/departmental resources that are available to help applicants meet the goal of developing an extramurally funded independent research program. This course requires a重大承诺初级教师参与者的时间,将协助赠款准备的导师和教学教师。主席的信应承认申请人当前的努力分配,并保证申请人将有足够的时间参加该计划。


该计划开始(即2022年3月9日)的一个月内,将需要参与者确定高级教师导师,以指导他们的研究建议的准备。beplay苹果手机能用吗因此,鼓励申请人尽快与潜在的导师联系,以查看他们是否愿意担任咨询角色。想讨论此时选择潜在导师或有任何其他问题的申请人可能会通过电话(713.500-5890)或电子邮件联系计划主任Kevin Morano博士(Kevin.A.Morano@uth.tmc.edu) 寻求帮助。

*由于空间限制,该计划仅限于Uthealth Schools的初级教职员工。外围beplay来自其他TMC机构的有兴趣的教师应联系Morano博士 - 讨论空间的可用性。

